Chapter 2

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I'm sure you have all heard the rumors of supernatural beings finding soul mates. Those rumors are true but, it isn't the only type of mate you could have. If we had a rough childhood growing up and it affects us as adults, the Gods and Godesses may decide to "grant" us with a second mate called a Guardian.

A Guardian's second mate is usually given a classification. They can be subs, pets, littles, masters, pet owners, caregivers or general Doms. The Guardian however is always a Dom and both their soulmate and second mate will always submit to them.

I tried my best to quickly hide my shock and the pain burning into my wrist. If I showed no sign of acknowledgement, he might not notice that I've just been marked as his. I've never been more grateful to be wearing long sleeves as I am now.

"What is your name theif? I am sure you understand the grave danger you are in now." Quinn said coldly.

"My name is none of your concern, thank you very much. If you don't mind, I'll be leaving now. Thank you!" I say before trying to bolt.

I didn't get very far before Quinn tackled me to the ground. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" he yelled while keeping me pinned to the cobblestone.

"Easy Quinn, the little one is mine. Why don't you stand our dear Shailyn up so she can show me her wrist." Mystery man spoke while making his way towards us.

Quinn pauses and looks at his friend. "Wait for real?" he asks while standing me up. "You heard him, show us your wrist. If Levi is right, we'll need to know your classification."

I shook my head. "He's not right." I tell him stubbornly. I didn't need a guardian and definitely didn't need to know my classification. Most of the second mates for a Guardian end up in the submissive category. I refuse to let anyone own me, and there is no way in hell I'm wearing cat ears or a diaper. Not happening.

"Oh little minx. I will admit, you are good at hiding things but uh, that only works if Guardians didn't get marks too." 

To my dismay, the man I now know to be Levi rolls up a sleeve and shows his right wrist. The mark makes my stomach drop. It's the caregiver-little symbol, consisting of three blocks with one stacked on top of the bottom two. The top block consists of a last name, the bottom left block shows the Guardians role as a caregiver. The bottom right block is the Little role along with the age range. If he truly was my guardian, my mark would look exactly like his and I would be taking his last name.

The mark (I don't have the skills of making it look like a tattoo, srry peeps):

The mark (I don't have the skills of making it look like a tattoo, srry peeps):

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"No, that's not happening. I'd rather take my chances being charged as a thief." I tell the blond haired griffin.

He crosses his arms and smirks. "I'll make a deal with you. Show us your mark and I'll let you speak with the king about your pick pocketing habits. We will let him decide what happens to you. You would have been meeting him anyways since your an adult who tried to pickpocket a royal guard."

I roll my eyes. "Everyone knows that you can just accept your duties and force me to be yours. How do I know you won't do that the moment I show my mark?"

"Ah, so you did get a mark. If I planned to force it upon you, I would have done so already. But fine, choose to keep it to yourself. The King will demand to see it anyways. Let's bring her to meet him Quinn."

And that is how my stubbornness got me killed.... the end. Just kidding, here's what really happened next:

The ride to the King's castle was longer than I would have liked it to be. I sat in a limousine as far away from the two men as possible. I don't know who was driving since there was a tinted window in the way. What I do know however is, this fancy car still had child locks. Yeah I tried making an escape when we stopped at a red light. Not only did the door not open for me, I got my hands smacked by Levi.

When we did make it to the palace after who knows how long of driving, I couldn't help but be amazed at the view. I've never seen a castle in person before and this place was huge. As the limousine approaches, the large metal gates slowly open. The gates close again behind us as we are driven down a long, winding driveway lined with bright green grass, perfectly trimmed hedges, and colorful flowers. In front of the palace, a large fountain danced in the sunlight.

"Holy shit, I must be dreaming," I whisper in awe as two butlers make their way to the vehicles.

"Language, Levi isn't keen on curse words," Quinn warns as the butlers opened the door for us.

"Well I'm not keen on dying today but, here we are thanks to my brilliant observations this morning." I mutter.

"Relax, the King won't kill you. You know, you could always just accept your role instead."

"I liked you better when you were tackling me to the ground."

"Behave Shailyn." Levi warns as he grabs my arm gently, leading me inside and to where I'm assuming is the throne room.

"Yeah about that, how do you even know my name?" I asked annoyed. He knew my name before I knew his, that's so unfair.

He looked at me weirdly. "The moment my mark appeared I knew, along with age. Guardians receive that information when we are chosen. No one knows how but the information just, comes to us. Did you not learn about that in school?"

I shrugged at this. "I didn't make it to highschool, missed out on the more in depth explanations on all this. Only learned the very basic. Guess your creepy powers forgot that part"

Levi shakes his head. "They don't tell us everything about you. The only one who can get that information without you telling them would be the king, which you are about to meet in 3...2...1"

It was then that I realized we had walked to a heavy wooden door labeled as an office. Quinn knocked and a deep smooth voice answered with a come in.

We entered and I wasn't surprised to see a Vampire sitting behind a large desk, I knew what King Viktor was. What I didn't expect though was the words that came out of Levi's mouth next.

"Hey Dad, got someone here who wanted to see you."

I look at King Viktor and then back at my supposed Griffin guardian. "Wait, hold up..."

A Fairy's Guardian (rough Draft)Where stories live. Discover now