Chapter 11

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Hi peeps! Srry for delay, was stuck in a grippy sock vocation and wasn't able to update 😭 I also got a tooth pulled out so that was some fun times as well :') This chapter might be a short one as I warm back into writing, I sorry :c


Levi's POV

I won't lie, seeing Shailyn slip so soon was a shock. Just moments ago she was fighting me on wearing a pull up. Now she's in diapers without a care in the world. I'm glad she slipped but I couldn't help but wonder just how much of her childhood was ripped away. Given the cause of her slip, emotional needs were obviously neglected at a young age. I could ask the king about her story but I'd rather have my little minx tell me when she's ready.

"Alright little one, we are gonna have to make do with a bottle for now until we go shopping."

The little fairy just babbles in response as we head into the kitchen. As the bottle heats up, I get a call from Quinn.


"Hey man, wanted to call and give you a heads up. The council will be visiting in a couple days and they are requesting to meet Shailyn."

I groaned at this news as the microwave beeped. "Figured they would, not sure if the little minx will be out of her headspace by then though."

"She slipped already?" Quinn asks in surprise. "I figured she would fight it a little longer."

"Well she did put up a fight this morning but some aftercare caused her to slip."

"Congrats man, need any help or do you got it all under control?"

I thought about this while giving Shailyn her bottle. "Honestly I could use help in the shopping department. I planned on going after breakfast and I'mma need help when it comes to her school supplies."

"Great, I'll text Ethan and ask for a general list. He might know what she will need for her fairy tutor as well. Be there in ten."

"Sounds good. Thanks man, I appreciate you."

I hung up and gave Shailyn the rest of her bottle before gently placing her in the playpen. She whined at being set down but then a pink sheep plushy caught her eye. I watched for a moment as she crawled to pick it up. A gasp escaped her lips as the sheep made noise. There must of been a rattle somewhere in there and it seemed to keep her occupied for the time being.

While the little fairy played, I looked around for something to use as a diaper bag for her. I wasn't fully prepared to have a little under my care so certain things are going to have to be improvised right now. I spotted an old backpack of mine tucked away in my storage closet and sighed in relief as I pulled it out.  The bag got filled with a couple more diapers, a bottle filled with water, some wipes, powder, and the two pacis my Dad sent over. He sent only a small starter supply, claiming that shopping was part of the whole "bonding" experience.

Once finished with the packing, I picked Shailyn up along with her new favorite sheep just as Quinn came strolling in. He looked between the little one and eye with his eyebrow rose. "Damn, she really did slip."

I rolled my eyes while slipping my shoes on. "Did you think I would lie to you about that?"

"Well, no. Just still shocked she slipped so soon." He answered with a shrug.

"Yeah well, she's probably not going to be in the bestest of moods once she's out of headspace. I highly doubt the little minx planned on slipping so soon."

My best friend nodded in agreement as we headed out my front door and through the castle. When we got outside a limo was already there waiting. I do own a pickup truck as well but with no car seat for shailyn, I'd rather hold her and have someone else drive.

"So when are you learning how to drive?" I ask Quinn in a teasing tone as we get in.

"As soon as stupid people stop causing accidents, " he replies back with a huff. "I've seen the dashcam videos circling YouTube. I don't have the patience for idiots."

I chuckle at this as the vehicle pulls out of the driveway. Quinn really did have a shorter temper out of the two of us. He wasn't an angry man but he didn't put up with any bull shit either. "Well if you do ever want to learn at some point, I wouldn't mind teaching you. I'm sure Dad would gladly help as well."

"Maybe, I'll think about it some more. I'd probably ask your Dad though. Your little is going to need you more right now."

I looked down to see that Shailyn had fallen asleep curled up in my lap. Her head was nuzzled into my chest as her first clenched the front of my shirt. "Even with Dad having Ember, I never would have expected to end up as a guardian as well."

"Well, you've been handling it like a pro so far," Quinn comments. "I would have been so lost right now if I had a little sprung on me out of the blue. Being a caregiver seems to come naturally to you."

"Guess all those days of babysitting the neko has paid off some. Did Ethan send you the supply list?"

"He did. His classes require the basics like notebooks, crayons, folders and such. The fairy magic classes will need plastic balls, a small mirror, candles, and a few other things. I screenshoted the message so we would have it."

I nodded my thanks as the Limo pulls up to the Little Cares store. "I appreciate that man. I should have had him text me the list when I called yesterday. Was kind of multi tasking at the time."

"It's no problem. You've got a lot on your plate, I don't mind helping when I can."

The limo parked up front and I carefully got out without waking the sleeping fairy in my arms. Quinn went ahead of us to grab a cart. I followed into the store and was relieved to see the carts had baby seats attached to the front. Shailyn was carefully set in before we headed off to get the little supplies first.


Srry again for the shorter and less eventful chapter. I'll find a way to spice it up later when I edit the boom but for now I just needed to warm back into writing after having no phone for so long :(

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