Chapter 5

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Standing next to Levi was a neko. She looked to be only a foot taller than me and she had a long gray tail swishing nervously behind her. The matching gray ears were folded down, as if she was nervous.

"You must be Princess Ember," I commented, slipping out of my chair to walk over.

"I-I am. Apologies for the s-stutter, I've never met a f-fairy before."

I raised my eyebrow at this. "Smart move, we aren't known for being trustworthy. I don't bite though, unless you happen to take all my blankets, then I might."

The neko giggled at this and her ears slowly unfolded. "You are funny, I quite like you."

"Thanks, I happen to like me too."

She smiled at this before getting serious. "I was summoned to help heal you, perhaps the bed or couch would be a great place to do this however if you feel more comfortable sitting in a chair, we can work with that."

"Huh, you know you're the first person to actually give me decent options to choose. The men here should learn a thing or two from ya." I tell her while side eyeing Levi. "I can take the couch, let's get this over with."

"I'mma have my hands full with this one." My guardian said with a shake of his head. He followed Ember and I to the living room where I very carefully laid on my stomach.

"Alright I won't lie, it will sting at first... A lot," she warns nervously. "That stinging pain will only last a couple seconds and then it will go away. Would you like to hold your Da- erm, Guardian's hand?" she

Shaking my head I lifted the back of my shirt up before forcing my body to relax. "Nah, I'll be fine. As long as it really is only a couple seconds. If you are lying to me though, we will soo not be best friends."

"P-promise I'm not lying."

"Then let's do this. Thank you for this by the way."

She nods and gets to work. The pain came quickly and suddenly. I winced and almost screamed out but then, it was gone. Almost left as quick as it came. All that remained was a soft warm feeling on my back, as if I had a heating pad there on the lowest setting.

"Wow that really does go away fast. Neat trick." I told her before giving a big yawn.

"You should be able to heal people too. Are you not able to?" the neko asks curiously.

"Nah, Magic was highschool stuff. I do know how to summon my wings but, that's about it." I shrugged.

"You will be finishing your education while you're with me. I know a private tutor who I think you would enjoy." Levi butts in, even though he totally wasn't invited into the conversation.

"I am perfectly fine not learning any magic. Unless it's sleight of hand tricks, I'm good with those."

"I'm good at tanning backsides so do you really wanna go there?" he asks while folding his arms.

I'mma kill him. I don't know how, and I don't know when but one day it will happen. Will probably wait till I can make my own doctor appointments without my last two brain cells taking a vacation. Those types of people fear nothing.

"What if I don't like him" I ask curiously.

"Then we will find one you do like, but you will not be excused from your learning."

"...What if he doesn't like me?"

He laughs at this. "I promise you, he's going to adore you. Since the moment your hood was pulled down you began making allies. Quinn even tried to help hide your swearing in the limousine. Sure, the man needs to learn how to whisper better but, normally he doesn't even say a word to littles. He's always worried they would be scared of him and especially in griffin form. The king himself has even taken a liking to you little minx."

"Fine, but on one condition. Every friday I get to have one cookie so I have something to motivate me through the week." I negotiate.

He thinks about it for a moment. "That's actually a pretty good condition. That's a deal, no bamboozaling attached." he answers, holding his hand out to shake.

I sat up after I got the go ahead from Ember and shook his hand. Guess I'm going back to school folks.

Ember smiles at our interaction. "Shailyn should probably get some rest now. The healing will leave her drowsy for a little bit and today has been an eventful one."

Levi nods. "Ember's right, you need some rest now. My father ordered some furniture for you but for tonight, I'm gonna have you sleep in my bed. I'll take the couch so you don't get anxious."

I eyed him cautiously but nodded. I was exhausted and could use some much needed rest. I turned to Princess Ember and gave a short bow. "Thank you again for helping me. It was nice to meet you, maybe we could hang out some time?"

Her ears perked as she let out a gasp. "Really you wanna hang out with me? I would love that."

"I look forward to it. Have a good night."

"You as well. I'll see myself out Levi so you can help her get settled in." she said with a grin before leaving.

"That was nice of you." Levi commented while looking at me. "She's the only other person here who has a Guardian. She hasn't met anyone else until you arrived."

I shrugged. "Yeah well, I like her. She didn't try to hug me, respected boundaries, and she was very nice."

"I'm glad you like her." he responded before picking me up again as I tried to walk on my own. "No you don't. You need to save your energy remember?"

I sighed but allowed myself to be picked up. If I have an opportunity to be lazy it would be a waste not to take it.

It didn't take long before I fell asleep after being tucked in a warm bed. My Guardian bid me a good night and shut off the lights before heading to the living room couch like promised. After his footsteps faded, I was out like a light.

A Fairy's Guardian (rough Draft)Where stories live. Discover now