The Beginning

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Sebastian was a young knight in his early 20s who joined the army to protect himself and others from a hostile takeover by the Necromancer. He was marching into the battle of his life in his shiny new armor.

Little did he know that his life would forever change, for in the distance stood the man with the cloak watching Sebastian.

The general shouted "halt, we will rest here for now."

Sebastian sat down. He looked at his sword and shield 'How' He thought 'how is this going to stop the most powerful magic user out there'

Sebastian looked up and saw another knight come and sit with him. "Don't worry Kid, We will put an end to this War."

"How do you know that" Sebastian asked

The knight looked into Sebastian's piercing green eyes and said "I've got a wife at home with a kid on the way. I want to be there for them"

Just then a large fireball came down on the Army of Knights causing an explosion of small rocks and other objects. The knight that Sebastian was just talking with fell to the ground after being impaled in the neck by a small rock from the explosion. Six thousand knights marched that day to defeat the Necromancer but only three survived the explosion.

"SHIELD!" The general shouted again.

Sebastian grabbed his shield and held it up protecting himself from other attacks

"Weak, you Humans are a stain" Boom a new voice.

Sebastian was visibly shaken, he knew that voice was the Necromancer.

The Necromancer wore a long black cloak with a skull with fangs on the upper part of the jaw on the back.

The general stood up and glared at the Necromancer "How" the General asked

The Necromancer laughed "Did you think that I wouldn't know that your weak failure of a king would send an army to try and stop me. There is only one person who can stop me. That is not you or anyone here."

Just then the dead started to rise up. Sebastian quickly approaches the general to try and save him but realizes he is too late as he watches one of his fellow soldiers slice off the general's head. Sebastian tries to run but is frozen in fear from the sight in front of him.

"No, I can't move " Sebastian thought. Sebastian then turned to see that the soldier was heading towards him. The soldier then lifted his sword as if to kill him and stabbed Sebastian in the gut. Sebastian fell to the ground.

Sebastian's body is then picked up by a mysterious figure and carried into a nearby portal.

Sebastian opened his eyes. To his surprise he was alive.

"You're awake, good" said a voice. "Good I thought that you passed onto the next world."

Sebastian rolled to see a cloaked man sit on a log. Sebastian sat up and looked around. He was in an underground fortress-like place. Moss was glowing on and around the walls.

"Easy, you are not fully healed" The cloaked figure exclaimed "you were out for about five days. I am here to save you"

Sebastian asked "Why?"

The Cloaked man pulled down his hood and stared at Him. "I need your help"

Sebastian looks at the man. He had jet black hair that was slicked back. His eyes were a cool steel blue. He was average height.

"Don't make me laugh" Sebastian told the man. "I am not strong enough to help you as I was not able to stop Him."

"You mean Brock" the man said "the Necromancer you tried to fight."

Sebastian asked "That monster has a human name?"

The Man looked into the fire and spoke, "The War is happening, this is just a small battle in a never ending war between Light and Darkness. My name is Legionnaire Pride."

Sebastian looks at the Man. "Pride is a Demon. You want to destroy this world."

Pride laughed but this laugh was not of malice but of joy. "Who told that BS? One of the holy Priests? No, the Legion and Light work hand in hand to stop this Shadow war."

Sebastian was stunned that Pride was here to help. "What can I do to help you? You are Pride, if half of what I heard is true then you stop all this right now."

Pride had a sad look on his face. Sebastian saw that and fell quite

"You have tried right?" Sebastian asked if he was shaken.

Pride nodded. That was all Sebastian needed to know. Pride had tried and failed.

"What do you need from me?" Sebastian asked.

Pride opened a portal and pulled out a two handed War hammer. The head of the hammer looked like a brick if anything. He also pulled out a shard.

"Here is the deal. I will give you a power that is unknown to everyone but the Light and the Legion. You will be on the same playing field as Brock. But I will not be able to train you to use this power, you must train yourself. " Pride explained

Sebastian asked "and you get what? No way you are giving me this for Free."

"Prove" Pride smiled, "Prove to me that my plan will work. Will you Become the First Titan?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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