The decision

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Eknoor: Where are you going?

Dilreet: You were right.

About what?

Aman will recognize me.

Really? (Eknoor made Dilreet face her. Dilreet was crying that day when she got separated from Aman.)

Did something happen yesterday?

Yes, I should have done what you said.

What happened?


Did he start to realize that you are someone special?

Yes, he is slowly getting to know me slowly by his emotions. If I stay here longer, he will be able to recognize that I am Dilreet who wasn't allowed to be with him. Aman?


Aman is here. (Starts looking around.)


Sister, he was here. I think he heard our conversation.

Then he will go to Grandpa.

Okay. Let's go.

Why are you going?

I want to know if he knows the truth.

Okay. Let's go.

(In the main area of the garden, where Grandpa was sitting in the garden with a phone and was scrolling the news while holding a cup of tea. He saw Aman coming and Eknoor and Dilreet were coming behind him.)

Grandpa: Come. Looks like you have a guest too.

Aman: Sorry if I did anything to disappoint you.

No Aman, you never disappointed me.

Then I must say I have been a good boy my whole life.

Yes, you are.

Then Grandpa, why did you do this to me?

What are you talking about? What did I do?

Oh sorry. You must've forgotten, it happened long ago.

I don't remember Aman if it was a long time ago.

Yes, that's why you erase everything in the way so that you don't need to remember again.

Why are you talking like this?

Why did you make my life colorless when it was full of color?

I hadn't done anything colorless to your life, Aman.

Oh really. I think sister Eknoor was right, you can do anything to convince anyone. That's why you didn't let Dilreet come into my life and decided my life's most important decision by yourself. (Grandpa stood up and looked back to the garden.)

So, you got to know.

And you were blocking that truth from coming in front of me.

I was protecting you.

But I didn't ask you.


I didn't ask anything to you in my whole life, I only asked Dilreet to be my fiance and you made this so disgusting that I can't even look at her eyes and say sorry for not recognizing her at first sight.

Your life is in threat if you get close to that girl. How could I let that happen?

What is the guarantee that nothing will happen to me after separating from her? Can you give the surety that nothing will happen to me? I don't think so. Then how did you let this happen? I have suffered enough being a good boy, now I want to do something which I wish. I am sorry but I am leaving this empire and choosing my colorful life. I will enjoy that life where I will get even a few moments to be with Dil. Thank you for raising me. But I think everyone should be selfish at least once in their life.

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