Space Race

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A red light in the Star Fox main room started flashing.
It was an Emergency.
Everyone jumped to their feet and ran for the door, from the door down the hallway, through the hallway into a bigger area, left towards the sleeping quarters, past the sleeping quarters to slide down poles to the floor below, left past the canteens, onto the speedlators, the speedlators took them to the far hanger where their Awings were being kept and maintained. The last fifty yards was, among the Star Fox, the determining distance to see who was the fastest, and Peppy Hare always won, Peppys race was always chased by the Cheatarions back on their homeworld.

In the Awing Peppy took out his keys and insterted it into the ignition,turned it and the Awing gave of such a bang of life, a high piercing whistle followed by deep growling from the SuperColex Engine, readouts appeared on the screens in the cockpit, the blastshield  was lifted off and Peppy could see the red runway lights come on one by one.
"Cockpit secured" came a voice from within the ship. Peppys ship used a Garv-Anti EX which made it hover on the spot.
Peppy pushed the handle forward and the force threw Peppy deep into his seat, he took off so fast the three hundred red lights vanished in the blink of an eye. The darkness of space was illuminated by the blue lights of the cockpit.
Behind him arrived Falco, Slippy and Fox in formation.

"What we got"? asked Fox at Star Command.
"Unidentified Cruiser at 077.5919358.9 by 9.8539195.770.
"Lets Go Boys" ordered Fox.

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