Space Walk

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The next day...

Star Fox was in their private main room discussing their next move about what Wolf Lord would do.
"I find it hard to believe he is alive, we watched him die" said Fox.
"We all seen it happen three years ago" added Peppy who was felling alot better.
"What was the next planet after Taran-Tula"? asked Falco.
"Gimme one minute" replied Slippy again, he searched his device silently, then the planet showed up "planet Secon would be next and it would have taken us one week to get there in the Awings".
Fox nodded his head.
"That's where they are and Wolf knew an Awing cant travel at full speed for a week, the Awings are built for short to mid term combat and recon, their max is five days" said Fox.
"Leave it to Lylagov" spoke Peppy "they know more about Wolf and the history of the ship and we know nothing".
Fox eyed Peppy sighingly.
"If you hadn't delayed us Peppy we might have secured possession of the ship" said Fox.
"The way you spoke about the ship it was almost like you were afraid of it" added Flaco
"Plus I did a run down of the names of the those in the slepods, I couldn't find any records of them ever being alive" said Slippy.
Peppy never spoke he just sat there.

"Well, I guess I will see you guys tomorrow, I need to visit some people that might actually help us" said Fox.
Fox got up and quickly made his way to the hanger.
"Peppy you want to go to the pistol range with me.....I need to keep my aim up" said Falco.
"I think im going to spend some time visiting relatives, but thanks for the offer" finished Peppy then he quickly left the room.
Slippy quicky ran to the door and watched Peppy head toward the hanger.
"Warn Fox that Peppy's after him Falco".
"Fox, Falco here, Peppy is on his way to the hanger I think he knows what your up to" spoke Falco.
"Thanks Falco, with any luck he wil lead us straight to Wolf" answered Fox.

Fox had hidden himself away behind some crates and boxes and waited for Peppy. Peppy arrived on queue, looked around the hanger expecting to see Fox but the hanger was empty, Peppy got in his Awing and shot off and up into the sky, into the upper atmosphere then into space.
Fox had placed a tracker in his cockpit.

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