Space Taste

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That night on the outpost Star Fox were discussing possibilities.

"The last count was 150 active slepods" said Falco.
"Stealing a ship thats empty and stealing a ship with slepods in it isnt new" said Fox.
"I got it I got it" said Slippy "the Lylagov took it".
"Possible" said Fox.
"Look, if the Lylagov took it then where was their own no warning was given saying we were ever in restricted space" spoke Falco.
"Well maybe there was a team there before us" said Slippy.
"A ship that size wont be easy to dock in secret unless it lands on a planet outside the Lylat system" spoke Fox
"So which planet is the first outside our system?" asked Slippy
Slippy clicked a few buttons on his handheld device...deet de deet deet.
"The first planet outside Lylat moment......just a sec....its almost there......99%....." spoke slippy.
Falco looked at Fox and closed his eyes in disbelief.
"There it comes, its Taran-Tula" said Slippy proudly.
"Nice going Slippy, go let Peppy know we got our first lead" said Fox.
"Yes sir" said Slippy, then he got up and left the room.

"Uh, just a sec....its almost there...uh its 99% uh....he does that for badness you know" complained Falco to Fox.
"What are you talking about...why would he do it for badness"? laughed Fox.
"To get on my rag that's why" replied Falco.
"He really ruffled your feathers eh Falco" said Fox who got up and made himself another cup of Kawfay "want one poured"? asked Fox
"Yeah I could use one" answered Falco
"Full ingren or half ingren" asked Fox.
"Half thanks" said Falco.
"Do you really believe that story about the ship Peppy told us"? asked Fox.
"Missing for five years...I don't know, why show up now...and another team got to the ship before us....we have the fastest ships in Lylat" replied Falco.
"That's true plus your the best pilot in Lylat, no one has ever beaten your lap times Falco" said Fox.
Fox sat down beside Falco and handed him his Kawfay.
Falco sipped his hot drink..."ugh, Fox you made full-ingren, I said half" Falco's face was all screwed up.
"Sorry I thought you said full" replied Fox.
"I bet when we get to Taran-Tula we find those Slepods" said Fox.
"I hope so but they will never let us make planetdown, Taran-Tula is just too well secured for a fleabag planet" informed Falco.
"I know a guy that can help us make P-down" said Fox.
"Who"? asked Falco
Fox tapped his nose and smiled.

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