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Gwen's POV: As I drove up to the office I noticed the windows and doors were covered with what looked like black garbage bags, I thought it was odd but I didn't think anything of it; stranger things have happened. But as I walked to the door I noticed there was no lights on in there at all, maybe I came during a time when the building was closed and someone forgot to tell me? After trying the doorknob and realising it was open, I realized if the building was closed for whatever reason Ian and Anthony would NEVER leave it unlocked, especially with all that expensive camera equipment and top of the line editing software installed on thousand-dollar computers. 

After walking inside and trying to find the light switch my hand met a substance that felt like paper dangling from the ceiling, I shrugged it off because I know Smosh has done a few videos in the past of trying to (and succeeding at) scaring the main cast and sometimes the crew members. After turning on the blindingly bright lights I was met with everyone who works there in front of me, not just my friends but EVERYONE I work with, from Shane to Kimmy from Spencer to Josh and Selina Angela and Courtney to Amanda B. and both the Alexs'; you name it EVERYONE was there. 

"SURPRISE!!" They all called out when the lights were on, and when I realised what the hanging banner said, and that the paper like substance I touched while looking for the light switch was actually a dark green streamer that matched my hair, coupled with blue ones that matched my eyes I knew what was happening; everyone came to celebrated the launch of my album. 

My hand flew up to cover my mouth as tears began forming in my already mascara smudged eyes, I crouched down to the floor and let the emotions overwhelm me as the tears mentioned earlier began to fall freely down my face, you'd swear I just got proposed to by the way I was acting. After a second of everyone smiling and clapping at me, Ian and Angela rushed over to me and engulfed me into a big hug that said it all.   

The party was filled with laughter, dancing, screaming the words to every song off my album which I was impressed by since it only came out that day, and tons of pictures and videos that will encapsulate the night perfectly and we'll all have to remember this day forever, and when it was over I thanked everyone for making it possible especially Ian and Angela as we shared a huge group hug. After the party was over, those of us who didn't go home already, retired to the games stage to play a few hands of uno until the night was over, no work just pure fun and laughter for everyone, and I couldn't have asked for a better day to accidently show up 10 minutes late for work. 

A/N Sorry that I didn't go too in depth describing the party, I'm running out of ideas at the moment. I know how I want the story to begin and I know how I want it to end, but I'm having a hard time connecting the two, so if at any point some chapters seem like fillers, just know that was never my intention and I'm trying as hard as I can to make a story you genuinely want to come back everyday to read. Any helpful ideas or constructive criticisms are gladly welcomed. Thank you all for reading this. <3 

Final word count: 610

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