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I get in, at around six AM, to find sofi sitting watching cartoons, she smiles when she sees me but has a fixated attention to 'Tom and Jerry'. I head into the kitchen, to find Cameron perched on Dylan's arm. They appear to be making pancakes. Cameron laughs and claps as Dylan flips them. I smile at my 2 year old and lift him out of Dylan's grasp. Swinging him round my waist.
Dylan lays the pancakes on separate plates, "Do you need me to look after Sofi today?"
"You know? Whilst you and the little guy visit Austin?"
I cover Cameron's ears before speaking, "SHIT. I forgot that was today... Yeah could you watch her?"
"No problem, Tyler's coming round, we'll just watch one of Sofi's movies."
I kiss Dylan on the cheek,"You're a life saver."
He takes Cameron back off of me and tells me to go get some sleep. I lie in bed and stare at the ceiling Dylan o'brien and I have been friends since I ran away from home at 17, he - being three years older than me- had a small apartment. He offered me a place to stay, for a few nights. A few nights transitioned into 5 years- he doesn't approve of my occupational career, we've had a few fights over the matter. But he's been pretty pre-occupied, lately, every since he started dating Tyler. I drift off to sleep with these thoughts in my head.

I wake a few hours later to Tyler telling me he was driving me to the prison.
I get out of the car, holding Camerons hand, we walk into the building.

Cameron runs to Austin, a smile from ear to ear. Austin picks him up and sits him on his lap. I sit on the adjacent chair. "Little man, you're getting so big. Are you being good for mommy?"
"Yes daddy."
Austin looks at me, "My lawyer thinks I could get early release."
I nod, "That's good I guess."
"Good? Camila it's great, we could finally be a normal family."
"Austin... We're never going to be a "normal" family. I want you to be involved with Cameron, but you and I?
No. You lost that opportunity... When you went and got yourself arrested for possession."
"Why would you say something like that in front of our son?" He gives me a piercing glare, before continuing, "Your poisoning Cameron. When I get out he's living with me."
"What?... You think the court will let him live with some... Junkie?"
He slaps me with the back of his hand, hard enough that it feels like a punch rather the a slap. The guards descend on Austin, but not before he can say,"We'll let them decide. A FORMER drug user... Or a hooker... I HAD AN ADDICTION, YOUR JUST A WHORE."

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