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I get to the party early... After today's fiasco with Austin. I dropped Cameron off with Dylan, Tyler and sophie then headed straight here 'Scarlett's cabaret' a place I am all to familiar with. Nat gives me my instructions and I strip down and jump on stage. I used to find this demeaning- striping for the pleasure of someone else, but there are worse jobs a girl could do. Trust me I've done them. After a few hours I jump of stage, i scramble to find my clothes but all I find are my jeans. I'm in the midst of searching as I collide with another girl.
She stumbles back, "I'm so sorry. I was sending a tweet. I didn't see you. Shit you look fucking freezing." She takes off her -blazer type- jacket and puts it on me.
My feet become to most interesting thing in the room, I stare at them intently, "That's ok. Thanks The jacket." I go to leave and she pulls me back.
"Wait... Camilla?"
I swivel.
"It is you." She smiles "We went to Junior high together. Miss Brooke. Fifth period music. We sat together. Lauren."
As soon as she says her name I immediately remember. Lauren Jauregui. She was always getting herself into trouble. "Why are you here?"
She is also struck with an inexplainable fascination with her feet. "To be honest with you... I'm looking for young talent. I'm an agent."
It always hurts a little to find out what other people did with their lives.
"You wanna get out of here?" She asks hesitantly. I nod we step out the back alley and talk, "So..." She starts, "striping? I never thought I'd see you doing that with your life."
I don't know why but this statement annoys me, which evidently comes through in my voice, " What would you do if you had a kid at home. Crying because he's hungry. And the only way you could feed him is to sleep with a guy for a little bit of money. And his dad's gone he's in and out of prison... For drug abuse. You don't know what it's like to wake up every day hoping to die. What do you know about pain, Lauren? Me and my sister ran away, so our dad couldn't rape us anymore. I've done things from all that shit you can't even relate to. So yeah to you this may be a good time- trying to find 'talent' ... But for me... This is life." The tears stream down my face, she hugs me, "I'm sorry Camilla." Her hug comforts me, "Come on I'll drive you home."

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