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Text 121, Chapter 121
The steps to make ice with saltpeter are actually quite simple. You only need to prepare a basin, water and saltpeter cubes.

Zhang Shuguang took a stone in each hand and sat cross-legged on the ground to observe carefully.

To be honest, there was nothing special about holding it in his hand. He tilted his head in confusion. By the way, how should saltpeter feel?

He also came across a video while watching a video titled Ancient Ice Making Methods. He watched it many times, and the more he watched it, the more magical it became.

As a graduate student with a liberal arts major, mathematics, physics and chemistry have been returned to school for many years. Although he still vaguely remembers some operating methods, in this place where he doesn't have what he wants, he can only experiment by himself.

Mangjiu quickly came back with a big stone bucket, which was filled with water, but the water was a little turbid and not clear.

"Is it okay?"

Zhang Shuguang looked at it, scratched his head, and said uncertainly: "It should be okay... right?"

A Si and Mang Jiu stared at him, and your tone of voice could not be more confident.

Zhang Shuguang's mouth twitched slightly, and he made a long sound from his nasal cavity, "You can always try, but it's best to get some water. Let's try both."

Mang Jiu and A Si asked what he was going to try. The method is fully supported. The two people divide the work, Mangjiu fetching water, and Asi digs the stone basin. It is still necessary to have a basin with very thin stone walls, and the technical content is quite high.

"Can I apply to dig a wooden basin?" A Si worked hard, digging out a piece of gray-white stone with the black and red stones in his hand. Although they were all stones, the difference in hardness was still very big.

Zhang Shuguang was not idle either. He took out the bag of white stones and placed them on the ground. He counted no more than ten stones, but the stones were quite big. He curled his lips, no wonder they were so heavy.

He took out a piece and smashed it. The banging sound made A Si raise his eyebrows.

"I just complained a little, but you don't have to be so angry."

Zhang Shuguang paused from smashing the stone, looked at the debris in front of him, thought about what A Si just said, and laughed out loud, " You misunderstood, I'm going to use it for experiments."

"Aren't you just using rocks? No matter how you use them after you smash them, they will all be broken into pieces." Asi looked at him in confusion, and removed the hard stone from his hand. He switched his right hand to his left hand, and then began to shake his right hand wildly, "It really hurts, why do you want such a thin stone basin!"

Zhang Shuguang was also helpless. If he were in the tribe now, he could use the scale deck to make a basin, but There is no scale deck here, how can he get it? We can't let Mang Jiu go back and get it.

"There are only two pots. You have worked so hard to dig them out. Maybe we will have ice cubes to use when we wake up tomorrow." Zhang Shuguang made a fist with his right hand and made a cheering gesture for him. "I'm optimistic about you!"

A Si I almost wanted to hit him with the stone in my hand. This thing only requires strength. It is also a technical job. If you use too much force, you will dig through the wall of the stone basin. If you don't use force, you can't dig it out. It's really frustrating. People are helpless.

The more we dug, the harder it became in the end. It would be no exaggeration to say that it took a lot of energy to dig the pot. A Si could see sweat on his forehead.

Zhang Shuguang got up and went outside the cave to drag the large bucket of muddy water that Mang Jiu had brought back into the cave. Unfortunately, it took a long time and it didn't move at all.

The three big words "Frustration" were slapped on my forehead.

When Mang Jiu came back with the big stone bucket, he saw Zhang Shuguang squatting next to the big stone bucket, smashing rocks with his head down, and he had already smashed a small pile of debris.

"What is this for?" He put his stone bucket aside, reached out and picked up a white stone and looked at it, then put his fingers in and squeezed it hard, and the fluttering powdery gravel spilled onto the ground along the cracks between his fingers.

Zhang Shuguang was stunned.

This, this, what kind of skill is this! ! !

He must have walked into the wrong set! ! !

Mang Jiu patted the gravel on his hand and asked indifferently: "Shall I squeeze more for you?"

"First tell me why you can squeeze rocks with your bare hands! This thing is very hard no matter how brittle it is. What's wrong with you? , you have an iron palm!" Zhang Shuguang reached out to grab his hand, turned it over, and then touched his palm with his fingers. Except for some traces of stone slag, he did not find any wounds.

He curled his lips and couldn't help but muttered: "Rough skin and thick flesh."

He just hit the stone a few times and his palms turned red. When someone tried to crush the stone with his bare hands, nothing happened. He felt very unhappy. balance!

Looking down at his palms, he sniffed and snorted, "I will definitely be able to develop thick skin like hands full of calluses in the future!"

Mang Jiu was stunned for a moment, and then realized what he was making a fuss about.

He reached out and took his hand and squeezed it, "This is best. If it's too tight, it will feel rough and uncomfortable to the touch."

Zhang Shuguang actually just said this out of anger, but Mang Jiu blushed and glared at him.

If something feels uncomfortable to the touch, touch it! Do you dare to speak clearly!

Mang Jiu chuckled lightly, raised his chin to show him the clear water in the stone bucket, and asked: "Is the water okay like this?"

Zhang Shuguang nodded, "Where did you get it from?"

"There is a small pool, the water is a bit sweet, you You should like it." Mangjiu scooped up some water from the bamboo tube on the side and handed it to him, "Have a try."

Zhang Shuguang drank from the bamboo tube and his eyes widened after just one sip.


Mountain spring water! a bit sweet!

"Ah Si! Come and drink water!" He gave Mang Jiu a bamboo tube and asked him to drink. He then turned to call to Ah Si who was digging the last stone basin in the cave. "Mang Jiu brought back sweet water, which is very good." Drink!"

Asi walked out waving his hands and wiping sweat. He drank two large bamboo tubes without thinking about what to say. Then he wiped his mouth and said, "I have drank this water."

Both of them looked at him, and Asi looked at him again. He waved his hands and understood what they meant, and explained: "It's not here, it was brought back by my father when I was young."

Mang Jiu and Zhang Shuguang nodded at the same time, and then looked at him.

Asi scooped up another bamboo tube of water, drank it, and then went into the cave.

He still has work to do, so he has to work hard!

Zhang Shuguang blinked his eyes, turned to look at Mang Jiu, and asked, "Is he finished talking now? I thought he had to tell us about how delicious the sweet water his father brought him when he was young."

He scratched his head, puzzled, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I miss his father." Mang Jiu looked at him, "It's like you don't want to say more about your father and mother."

Zhang Shuguang smiled softly. He said, "Well, what you said makes sense."

"Here, skip this topic," he waved his hand and pointed to the bucket of muddy yellow water with a smile, "Pick it into the cave and put it in the innermost part."

"Which cave do you want to live in?" Mang Jiu picked up the stone. Bucket, "Put the bucket on the other side."

Zhang Shuguang nodded, okay.

Mangjiu went to put the stone bucket, and Zhang Shuguang directly wrapped the pile of saltpeter slag in large leaves, and then followed him to the cave.

"If you put this in the water, it will become ice?" Mang Jiu saw him pouring all the debris into the water, and asked with some doubts: "Will this work?"

"You won't know until you try it whether it works," Zhang Shuguang clapped his hands and said He took two stones and stood them in the bucket, then went to Asi's side, brought over a stone basin that he had dug, washed it, scooped half of the basin of mountain spring water, and placed the stone basin on the stone to test the height. , and then covered the entire mouth of the bucket with a big stone, "Okay, let's go get that."

Zhang Shuguang looked at the bucket of mountain spring water and was reluctant to waste it, so he simply asked Mang Jiu to dig another stone basin, but It doesn't matter whether the stone basin has thin walls or not, as long as it can hold water without leaking.

Divide a basin of water and put two saltpeter blocks in it. After thinking about it, I put in two more blocks, making a total of four blocks.

Ah Si came out with a clean stone basin, walked up to him, looked at the four white stones in the basin, and asked, "Why do I feel like these stones are melting?"

"It's not melting." As for, there will definitely be some reaction," Zhang Shuguang took the basin and thanked him, then added mountain spring water to it. This time, because the big basin was not that deep, he could put the small basin directly into it without being submerged by the water, and then He covered the big basin with a stone slab and said, "Let's get up early tomorrow morning and see if it can work."

Zhang Shuguang stretched out his hand and put it against the outside of the big basin. After feeling the temperature, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Here, let's touch and see."

Mang Jiu and A Si They were all a little confused about what he meant and stretched out their hands together.

When their fingers touched the wall of the basin, the two of them were stunned at the same time.

What's going on? The temperature seems to be a little lower?

Zhang Shuguang saw the surprised expressions of the two people and said with a smile: "Isn't it amazing? Does it feel cold?"

"Why is it cold? And it seems to be getting colder and colder!" Asi looked at him excitedly.

Zhang Shuguang spread his hands, "I won't explain it to you. Anyway, this kind of stone should be able to make ice. You can try to see if the bucket over there is cold."

A Si reached out to touch the stone bucket on the other side and pressed it. After a while, he slowly shook his head and frowned slightly: "It seems to be a little cooler than before." He looked at Mang Jiu, "Try it."

Mang Jiu changed his hand, and put his whole palm against the wall of the barrel, and then quietly Waiting for a moment, he took back his hand and nodded, "Well, it's cold, but not as cold as over there."

Zhang Shuguang touched his chin, found a branch and scratched it on the ground. Put it in the bucket, and put four pieces in the basin, on both sides..."

He felt a shadow on his head. When he looked up, he found that Mang Jiu and A Si were staring at him writing and drawing on the ground.

The look in their eyes was as if they were looking at a magical creature, a very strange one.

Zhang Shuguang looked down at what he had drawn, quickly scratched it twice with his feet, and said, "Let's go and cook."

"You don't want to write anymore? What were you writing just now? Last time you were on those slates. The one who wrote and drew said he wanted to teach me, but you taught me!" Ah Si was dissatisfied that he destroyed the ghost drawing talisman on the ground and glared at him: "Teach me now!" "

...I'm hungry, can you help me? Teach while you eat." Zhang Shuguang looked at him pitifully, "Make a barbecue and catch a few long-eared beasts." "There

are more and more long-eared beasts in the mountains behind the tribe. I saw many cubs playing with them." A Si Turning around and walking out, he did not forget to tell me when he was talking: "You must teach me later if you know it."

Zhang Shuguang nodded, "I know it, I will never forget it."

A Si went to catch the long-eared beast, but Mang Jiu was still there. Curiously, he walked around the stone bucket and basin, touching this and sticking to that. Zhang Shuguang glanced at him and ignored him, "Just don't open the lid. It should be cold in this cave later, and that saltpeter It absorbs heat when soaked in water."

Mang Jiu nodded slightly, wanting to try what it would be like to throw this impressive stone into the sea.

If Zhang Shuguang knew what he was thinking, tut tut, he might be able to say to him, "Bear!"

Text 122, Chapter 122
Zhang Shuguang took out all the soap he had brought and placed it on the rocks in the cave.

The pieces of light yellow soap are chubby and look quite cute.

He took out the stone molds that Xiong Kui had made before and placed them on the other side, also arranged neatly.

He took a few steps back to take a look, and nodded slightly, "Yes, it's gray and yellow, and it looks pretty good."

Mang Jiu turned to look at him, his hand still pressed against the wall of the stone basin.

Zhang Shuguang raised his eyebrows, "What?"

Mang Jiu looked like a silly boy who had found a new toy, with undisguised interest in his eyes6.

Zhang Shuguang was used to his steady and silent attitude, and suddenly found that his personality was so revealing. No matter how you looked at it, he found it particularly cute.

Unable to hold back, he raised his hands and rushed over, hugged his arms and rubbed his face, asking him: "Do you like this cool feeling very much?"

Mang Jiu didn't say anything, just nodded, slightly faster than 2.

Zhang Shuguang chuckled, stood on tiptoes and kissed his chin, "I'll make you something delicious tomorrow morning. I'll make sure you want to eat it. If you don't eat it, you'll think about it every day, and you'll think about it even if you can't sleep."

Mang Jiu The corners of his mouth twitched vaguely, and his eyes were filled with helplessness1.

"Really!" Zhang Shuguang stood up straight and patted his chest, "I brought a jar of honey. I will definitely make something delicious for you at noon tomorrow. I remember that this place is not too far from the peach forest, right? Otherwise, we Come over to see if the peaches are ripe? I remember that many peaches can be eaten in early summer, which is when the rainy season here begins."

Mang Jiu nodded and glanced at the covered stone basins and buckets, "I Go hunting 7."

"You hunt? Then you won't come back to eat?" Zhang Shuguang was a little surprised. After all, Mang Jiu had just gone out before. How long ago, and he was hunting again. He had a feeling that he could never let Mang Jiu go out again. Eat the illusion of satisfaction.

There is a sense of crisis, and your skills may be defeated by the other party's appetite!

I don't know what he is thinking about, but his eyes are so darting.

He was so flexible that Mang Jiu thought his eyes were uncomfortable.

"I'll eat when I come back, just leave some for me. Are you feeling uncomfortable? Eyes." Mang Jiu raised his hand and pointed, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Shuguang groaned, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, confused, "It's nothing. Okay, you go quickly and come back early, the roasted long-eared beast will be 0 in no time."

After Mang Jiu made sure that he was really fine, he left, but before leaving, he pressed Zhang Shuguang there and kissed him for a long time, and his lips were It's swollen.

When Ah Si came back with four dead long-eared beasts that had been bled, he saw Zhang Shuguang sitting cross-legged on the ground, touching his lips with his fingers and laughing so loudly that it made people imagine.

It's also because of his good eyesight. After staring for a moment, he saw the other person's red and swollen lips.

Asi grinned and hissed, and couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

Zhang Shuguang looked up at him when he heard the voice, and was slapped with a disgusted expression on his face.

"What are you doing?" What happened to me and you dislike me?

"You and Mang Jiu sleep over there tonight. I won't share the same cave with either of you." A Si put the long-eared beast on the ground, holding a fish bone knife in his hand, "Would you like to peel it off?"

"Peel it off, leave the skin on." I want to use it, and we will rub it with plant ash later, and the skin will be collected." Zhang Shuguang stood up and walked to his side, brushed the long-eared beast's soft fur, and praised: "It's so soft, and the fur is still soft. Okay."

"What are you doing with this thing? The skin is so small that it's not enough to make pants." Asi looked at him speechlessly, and he was skinning the long-eared beast with very fast movements.

Zhang Shuguang grinned when he saw his skillful peeling action, but he didn't dislike the opponent's bloody operation. Instead, he felt that this guy's hands were quite dark and he basically completed the operation in three strokes.

First a knife, then a tug, and finally a pick.

A whole piece of skin came off.

Zhang Shuguang originally wanted to light a fire in this hole, but as soon as he took out the wooden board, he remembered that ice was being made in this hole and was not suitable for heating.

"Let's go and light a fire over there to barbecue."

A Si shook his head and moved into the cave, "I won't go there. The temperature in this cave is obviously lower, and the cave over there must be very hot."

"It's hot as long as it's hot . Well, it's not the first day you're hot." Zhang Shuguang glared and stretched out his hand to pull him, "Hurry up, don't delay me from making ice. I'll be angry if I can't make ice tomorrow!"

"What's the use of making ice ? , except to be cooler." Asi was pulled up by him, with a look of reluctance on his face, but he didn't struggle, but when he was pulled out of the hole, his face was full of despair, he was hot, so hot!

Zhang Shuguang smiled and raised his eyebrows at him, and said mysteriously: "You will know when the ice cubes are made tomorrow. Now you must listen to me. There can't be any heat in that cave. If you can, you'd better Get a big stone and block the entrance of the cave."

Asi looked confused, "Why?"

Zhang Shuguang took the skinned long-eared beast and washed it in a basin, then took out the internal organs and threw them aside. Said: "Of course, there won't be too much hot air in. Just do as I say. You will be surprised tomorrow morning."

A Si walked out doubtfully and asked, "Are you sure you want to let the air get in?" Shall I block the entrance?"

"Yes, it's best not to have any gaps. You find a big stone to block it. Go quickly and pull me some lemongrass over there. I see amaranth over there. You can pick some too. Let's make some soup."

Zhang Shuguang raised his finger and pointed to the place not far away where the Sacred Blood Tree used to be. There were long grass growing all around. It was very lush, and there were a lot of wild amaranths, and the leaves below were already there. They are quite big, and you can tell that they have been growing for a long time, but new shoots are still sprouting on them, so it is no problem to pick some and eat them.

Ah Si said oh and went out obediently.

Zhang Shuguang used thick sticks to string up the long-eared beasts. Two were skewered on one stick, and then he put them on the fire and started roasting them.

When he came out, he brought a lot of ingredients and put them all on the stove. He was going to live here for a while, and he still had to tidy up the cave.

Looking around, he found that the three cubs had run out to play at some point. Zhang Shuguang stood at the entrance of the cave and looked around. He tried to keep his eyes open, and finally found a little boy jumping around in the grass in the distance. Zaizi, milk beans and edamame.

Where are the jelly beans?

Sugar Bean squatted in the ice-making cave, gliding back and forth on the stones covering the stone basin with his little paws.

I walked around to the left, walked around to the right.

Then it made a cheerful cry of chirp.

Obviously, the cool touch on the stone made her very satisfied.

Zhang Shuguang vaguely heard her cry, turned his head and looked at the cave next to him, walked over and took a look, and saw his daughter happily strolling back and forth.

He laughed and shouted: "Dangdou, darling? What's going on?"

When Tangdou heard his voice, he chirped, then flew over and threw himself into his arms, raised his little head, and chirped. stop.

Zhang Shuguang didn't understand it after listening for a long time, but he knew one thing. He was probably talking to him about the cold stone and it was very comfortable to step on.

When you come here, you can easily feel that the temperature has dropped a lot, and the few intact pieces of saltpeter have played a lot of role.

After thinking for a while, he put the jelly beans on his shoulders and entered the cave.

There was a gap in the lid on the stone basin. He squinted and felt that there seemed to be a little less water.

However, he didn't stir around and add water. Instead, he caught the jelly beans that flew over in his hand and nodded her little head. "You can't stay here. Your little paws will be frostbitten. Be good. Dad will prepare them for you tomorrow." Food."

He turned around and took the jelly beans out of the cave, just as A Si came back holding a big stone. The scene was quite shocking.

Really, you don't know until you look at it. Only by looking at it do you realize how different the orcs are from ordinary people.

I've seen Superman lift a train in the movie, and it's no different from watching Ash lift a big rock now.

"Is this okay?" Asi asked, holding up the stone.

Zhang Shuguang nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, of course, you can do it. You can't do it anymore. Stop it quickly. Tangdou couldn't bear to come out just now."

A Si came up with the stone, stood at the entrance of the cave, felt the temperature, and curled his lips, " I don't want to come out. It's really cooler. Has the water turned into ice?"

Zhang Shuguang shook his head, "No, it's so fast. Hurry up and block the entrance of the cave and come over to barbecue."

After he said this, I remembered that when I came out to look for jelly beans, there was already a long-eared beast on the fire, so I ran back quickly. Fortunately, the fire was not strong, and the long-eared beast was only slightly oily on one side, but not black.

Asi put the stone down, clapped his hands and entered the cave. He was hit by the heat and couldn't help but retreated. He stood at the door and asked, "Why don't you bake outside?"

Zhang Shuguang rolled his eyes at him speechlessly and mouthed. Ask him to look outside, "Look at those two black clouds in the sky. They are still roasting outside the cave. Don't let the rain rain down before the meat is cooked."

That is to say, after he finished speaking, there was a click outside, and a huge bolt from the blue. Lightning seemed to tear the sky apart, followed by rumbles of thunder from far to near.

Ah Si gave him a thumbs up and said, "As expected of the Son of God, he is really awesome. It rains when he says it will rain. It was clearly sunny just now."

Zhang Shuguang looked at him with drooped eyelids. He said to me, "Believe it or not, I won't let you eat barbecue!"

He snorted, grabbed a handful of ground pepper powder and sprinkled it directly on the long-eared beast's meat. Asi twitched the corner of his mouth and quickly apologized, "I made a mistake, I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Zhang Shuguang He snorted again, pointed to the basin on the side, and said: "Go and marinate the meat, don't hold it with me."

Asi smiled and went over to marinate the meat. The whole marinating was very simple, just pour the ingredients in and massage them. . He followed Zhang Shuguang several times, and now he is quite proficient in the technique of curing meat.

After marinating the meat, he picked a lot of amaranth, washed it, picked the leaves and put them aside, waiting for Zhang Shuguang to make the soup.

When all the long-eared beasts were almost cooked, Mang Jiu came back. Not only did he come back, but he also brought two male giant dolphin beasts with him.

Zhang Shuguang's eyes lit up, he wanted to stew meat!

With onions, ginger, garlic, pepper and cinnamon, as well as various spices that he had replaced before, it was impossible for him to make a stew!

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