The Brother and The Sister

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You woke up, seeing San sleeping on your couch first thing in the morning; someone knocked on your door, then entering, it was Jongho

"So he spent the night?"
"Yeah, I got drunk, so he had to help me on my way back, and then it was too late to leave, so he just slept here"
"That's all that happened right?"
"Yeah why?"
"Nothing, come out for breakfast, both of you"
"Yeah, okay, we're coming"
Jongho nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him, you sighed, you just acted like you didn't remember much from last night, but you remember your kiss; you came back from your thoughts when San called your name

"Oh you're awake"
"You can freshen up and go outside for breakfast, I'll come after you"
You said, wanting the room all to yourself

"Hey, why don't I just go in Jongho's room, I think that'll be better"
"Yeah yeah, that's better"
You nodded and he stood up and left, you ran to your bathroom, to take out the joint you made yesterday, you will have to make one more today, cause you smoke at least two joints a day, you thought that you'll make it later, so you just lit up the already made joint in your hand, while smoking, you looked in the mirror and noticed a hickey, you gasped, this is from San, oh my god oh my god, Jongho didn't see it right? You questioned yourself, decided to put foundation over it to hide it and finished your joint, to go outside, no one ever noticed your red eyes, cause you know how to hide it pretty well

"Y/n's here"
San said, as you walked towards the dining table, Jongho, San and your parents were already eating, you joined them, sitting opposite to San, you were avoiding him, since you felt Jongho's gaze on you, this was a pretty awkward breakfast, you were silent the whole time

- Time skip

You spent the whole day, editing the photos from yesterday, you were pretty tired and exhausted, so you just lied down on your bed, then you remembered that you didn't make the joints for tomorrow, so you went in your bathroom and started crushing the weed; soon after you were finished, you hid the joints and went to sleep

- Time skip

"Can you tell me when all of you are free next? I want to do a professional photo shoot, that we can post on social media and get our account started"
You were talking to Jongho on the phone, it's been a while since the last shoot, and you have literally nothing else to do, Seulgi has been pretty busy with her training and it's not like you can be the photographer for her group, her company already has their own photographer, who has way more experience than you

"How about tomorrow? We'll be back from New York today afternoon"
"Are you sure? You won't be jet lagged?"
"Y/n, we travel a lot, I don't think we get jet lag anymore"
"Okay then yeah, let's do it, but only because you said you're fine with it"
"Yeah yeah, okay"
You hung up the call and went to take a shower; you met Jongho when you were going to the kitchen to get some fruits to eat

"Hey Jongho"
"Wow, you've dropped all honorifics since you came back from London"
"Bruh I never used honorifics with you, cause you never felt like an older brother"
"Oh the disrespect"
He puts his hand on his chest and gasps dramatically, you chuckled

"Aren't you going back to your dorm?"
"Nah I thought of coming here because the guys were all sleeping and I already slept a ton on the plane so I was bored"
You made an O with your mouth, and started to look for fruits for both of you; little did you know, Jongho was lying, he missed you a lot and wanted to spend more time with you, everyone noticed his drastic change when you left and now everyone could see how he was back to his old self when you came back, he never showed it, but he really loved you and noticed everything about you

"You have a thing for San hyung, don't you?"
You choked on your apple

"That confirms it"
"Hey I don't mind, it's just that if he hurts you, I'm gonna kill him"
You laughed at his comment

"You're way ahead of me, I'm not interested in a relationship right now, and that too with a guy who's 8 years older than me"
"Come on, you can't be talking about age now, you've never felt it with me as you said, he's more dumber than me"
You chuckled at his comment, and to be honest, you were attracted to San, like he's so gorgeous, who wouldn't be, but you're not in the mental state to be in a relationship

"Wow, you've changed"
"Hey what do you mean by that?"
"I mean no offence but before London, if I told you that you could date my friend, you would've totally went for it; what happened in London? Did you get your heart broken in London?"
You wished that was true, it would've been better than what you went through in London

"Pfft what? No, I didn't date anyone while I was there, I've just gotten more professional"
Jongho chuckled at your statement

"Alright, I believe you"
You gave him a playful glare and finished your apple

Jongho's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now