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97 years ago the world became soaked in radiation... So we fled into space.... All the space crafts that survived came together and became what is known as the Ark... Everyone on the ark is happy with how they live....
                                  Except, for those who break the rules that where placed by our first chancellor, All who commit a crime and are above the age of 18, are seen as capital crimes and sentenced to death.
The term that we associate with that is, floating, where you are tossed into space and your body freezes and burns to death, its supposed to be humane and painless but you can never trust the council.
The crimes that are caused by minors are put in what we call the sky box, till we hit the age of 18, then we are re-trialled and in most cases, deemed guilty and taken to our final destination, the drop box or floating room.

I've been in the sky box since I was born...For reasons... You might find out later...

But know something changed, something that could change the lives of the 100 forever..

.....We are going to the ground

Earths rebel:( The 100 )Where stories live. Discover now