Chapter Seven

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Sex was another test of his mood, another experiment to analyze. Garrett dressed in skin-tight, dramatically cut clothes of different shades of sapphire and took himself out onto the town. There were a few decent nightclubs in Rapture and Garrett breezed into one of his old haunts like he'd never left, dazzling the bouncer and attendants with smiles as he went inside.

He wasn't hunting yet; Garrett just wanted to move and be moved against, to be adored and admired like he was accustomed to. The club was filled with people, men and women and others, and the rapid-paced music was simple and primal and easy to dance to. No intimidating waltzes here to put off his plebian friends. Garrett simply melted into the crowd and let go.

More than a few people knew who he was, and more than that saw him and wanted to know him. For the next few hours Garrett drank his fill of the heated press of flesh on flesh, subconsciously assessing each new dance partner before turning to the next. There were those people who came onto him hard, who promised without words control, domination and mindless ecstasy. Garrett had had that before, and it wasn't what he was looking for now. There were people who begged for domination as well, needy, sultry, sensuous as they ground against him and swayed lower and lower, offering him a tantalizing preview of what they'd look like on their knees. They were fun to play with, but not what he wanted either. Garrett wasn't sure what he was looking for, but he knew he'd recognize it when he found it.

After a couple hours Garrett went over to the bar, and surprisingly there he found the elusive "it," because the bartender was possibly the cutest thing he'd seen in months. The young man had very few of the decorations that most of the crowd did, and no visible external enhancements, another thing a lot of people were sporting these days. Personally Garrett considered advertising ones' preferences like that a little too light on the subtle, but it did make certain hookups easier. This boy didn't have any buttons or wings or protrusions to stroke, just simple silver makeup on a cute, average face and typical darkly-minded dress sense, all imitation leather and netting. His skin was dusky and his eyes were black, with small silver insets to make them glow in the dim light. Right now those eyes were wide with desire and more than a little astonishment as Garrett singled him out.

He didn't even have to speak. He just lifted one pale, winged eyebrow in appraisal and smiled, and the young man melted like sugar in a storm. "You...haven't been in for a long time," the boy said, a little haltingly.

"Busy times," Garrett lied easily. "I don't remember you being back there before."

"I just got the job a few days ago."

"Oh, that's too bad," Garrett mimed a pout. "Then you haven't worked enough to build up leave. And here I was going to ask you to leave with me."

The young man's expression turned a little desperate, and openly longing. "I get off shift in less than an hour...or I could ask Philemon to cover me, he'd say yes—"

"No, no," Garrett said airily, watching the bartender's face fall and immediately feeling guilty, another thing that so wasn't him. He liked playing people's emotions...didn't he? "I'm happy to wait. One hour?"

"Yes." Desperation gave way to amazement. "Really? You'll wait?"

"I said so. What's your name?"

"Isidore Cain."

"Isidore. Lovely. I'm Garrett."

"Oh, I know," the young man breathed.

Ah, the joys of a reputation. "I'll be back in one hour, Isidore. I'm going to dance."

" haven't ordered a drink yet."

Garrett smiled charmingly. "I didn't come over here to order a drink, I came over to talk to you. I'll be back in an hour." He swanned back onto the dance floor, pleased with his choice of take-out even though shy Isidore wasn't normally the sort of guy he went for. Garrett didn't do shy, he did bold, he did someone who could match him move for move. Isidore, comparatively, seemed too easy.

When Garrett did a one night stand, though, he did it right. As soon as Isidore's shift ended he was there, and instead of inviting the young man to his ship or inquiring about what was no doubt a less-than-spacious situation on the boy's end, Garrett got them a room at the best hotel in Rapture, the Carousel. He held Isidore's hand all the way up the lift, amused at the battle within his date between uncertainty and need. Usually if Garrett hadn't made a move, at this point his date would be all over him. Isidore clearly wanted it, but just as clearly he didn't want to do something Garrett might conceive of as wrong. He was so...innocent, and it was completely enchanting.

Garrett thought about that for a moment, considered his game plan and then as soon as their room's door was shut, he took the young man into his arms and began to kiss him. These were slow, languorous kisses, kisses that fueled the need and the desire without forcing it into explosion. For some reason, that was enough for Garrett tonight. It seemed to surprise Isidore but he got into it, the tension in his shoulders relaxing as he melted into the touch.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked finally, breathlessly, after they'd been standing there kissing for several minutes.

"I want you to enjoy," Garrett said, flicking his tongue across the hollow of Isidore's throat, feeling his moan reverberate there. "Tell me what you like."

"I like everything about you," Isidore replied with complete honesty. "You're so..."

Garrett stopped Isidore's mouth with a kiss. He knew what he was: so...beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, brilliant, selfish, conceited, shallow, shameless. He didn't want to hear any of that tonight. Garrett was sick of himself. He was sick of people like himself. He wanted to focus on someone nice, someone who he could drive so out of his mind that he'd have to respond honestly to what they did together, rather than putting on a show. He pulled back and pulled his new man with him, over to the large, softly-cushioned bed. He turned the density setting up a little so it wouldn't fold like feathers beneath them, then moved back to Isidore.

"Tell me what you like," Garrett husked in the young man's ear, nipping briefly at his earlobe. "Do you want me to touch you here..." He let his fingers drift over the tight seat of Isidore's smooth black pants. "Do you want my mouth here..." He brushed Isidore's cock this time, which was pressed so hard against the confining material of his pants that Garrett almost worried. "Or under here..." He slipped his hand between Isidore's legs, and captured his lover's groan with a sudden kiss. "Here, then."

Garrett took his time undressing his new man, ignoring the blush that flooded his cheeks when some imperfection was exposed. A little bit of a tummy. A scar on his abdomen. Pants that literally needed to be peeled off, which had them both laughing. Garrett pulled himself off of his newly-naked date and went to remove his own clothes, but Isidore stopped him. "Can I?"

"If you want to." Garrett didn't want this to be about himself, but after a few moments he realized that getting to undress Garrett was a thrill for his companion. Every golden inch he revealed had the young man captivated, and for the first time in a while Garrett remembered to be grateful he was so beautiful, because it was making someone else happy.

Eventually they were naked and lying down facing each other on the bed, and Garrett took some more time to bring his lover down from the edge, stroking and kissing him without aggression before working him back up. By the time Isidore was trembling with need, Garrett's own libido was making heat rise in his chest. They hadn't been at it long, but Isidore didn't have any implants to shut off an impending orgasm and Garrett didn't have any toys with him, so he just decided that they'd have a few more rounds that evening and slid his sweat-slick fingertips down Isidore's cock, past his balls and onto the smooth, tender skin that was his perineum.

"Oh, f—" Isidore's hands clenched on Garrett's shoulders, and he threw his top leg over Garrett's hip, to give his hand more space. "That's really---god---I like that..."

"Good," Garrett murmured around a kiss. "Just wait..." He pushed his middle finger gently against Isidore's hole, reassured when it accepted him easily. He pressed one finger, then two inside the velvety, clinging channel, not to thrust but with just enough reach to massage Isidore's prostate, and then rubbed his thumb firmly across his lover's perineum, as though he were trying to join his fingertips together.

"Fuck!" Isidore came apart at the seams, bucking forward and bearing down all at once, his limbs clinging desperately to Garrett as he came all over them both. Garrett pulsed his fingertips against the tiny gland, milking it for every ounce of sensation. Just before Isidore's moans turned painful Garrett eased off, removing his hand once his lover's grip on him relaxed. Garrett rolled the young man onto his back and kept kissing him, easing Isidore back into the world with a sigh and a smile.

"Oh my god..."

"I'm listening," Garrett teased.

"You haven' can do anything you want," Isidore offered earnestly. "I swear I won't freak out."

"I did do what I wanted to do," Garrett replied. "I plan to continue doing what I want to do. As long as you keep wanting it."

"I can't imagine not wanting anything you do."

Either Isidore was very naive or he had an extremely high tolerance for the bizarre. "Don't say that before you get to know me," Garrett advised before settling in between the young man's legs. "Speaking of which..." He rubbed the snub, slick head of his cock against Isidore's entrance, asking for permission to fuck him.

"God, yes..."

Isidore came two more times before the night was over. Garrett only came once, but it was a long, sweet orgasm, sucked out of his body into Isidore's tightness and heat to the accompaniment of his name, cried over and over in pleasure before diminishing to breathy whispers.

They had room service sent up breakfast in bed, and when Garrett decided to use Isidore as his plate and suck him off once he was done eating, the young man just laughed and agreed. They showered, dressed and walked back down into the world. Garrett looked fairly normal if flashy in his clinging blue suit, but Isidore's clubbing clothes seemed a little garish in the light of day. "Next time pack a change of clothes," Garrett advised with a smile.

"Will there be a next time?" Isidore asked hopefully.

"I'm not going to be here much longer," Garrett replied honestly, knowing as soon as he said it that it was true. Last night had been wonderful and Isidore was a sweetheart, but he still felt that soul-deep ache that left him unsettled. "I'm taking a contract in the Fringe. But I may come by again before I leave." Jezria was due back in five more days. Things would get resolved then one way or another,

"Oh." Garrett watched disappointment and a little hurt flitter over Isidore's face before it settled into expected resignation. "Well, if you come in I'd love to...see you."

"If I come in you definitely will "see" me," Garrett replied, grinning and leaning in for a quick kiss. He made his way back to the governor's mansion in a good mood and a much more decided frame of mind, heading into his ship to change and relax for a while. Despite his inquietude, Garrett felt good, physically and mentally. Now that he'd made the decision to go, he seemed to have more energy. Of course, that could have been a byproduct of fucking around with Isidore all night, but man could not live on fucking alone. It had been good, really good, just what he needed from that part of his life, but not in and of itself enough. It was time for a total change.

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