Chapter Thirteen

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Isidore ended up taking Garrett home instead, driving up as far as he could in an unauthorized vehicle before having to drop Garrett off. He hopped down from the bike, kissed Isidore on the mouth and said, "Give me your contact info. Wyl Leyton—he's the mechanic who takes care of the military vehicles—he's been bitching about needing more help for a while now. I'll tell him to look you up."

Isidore looked surprised, but dutifully recited his number before saying, "I've only worked on civilian models, though."

"I'm sure you can learn the other types. One engine is the pretty much same as the next, right?"

"I... can't even dignify that with an appropriate response."

"Ah, now the truth comes out. Find a niche and suddenly everyone becomes a nose-in-the-air critic." Garrett grinned. "You'll fit right in." He kissed Isidore one last time, then pulled back and let his arms drop to his sides. "Goodbye, Isidore Cain. Have a beautiful morning."

"It can only go downhill from here," Isidore said, but he managed a little smile. "Thank you for...all of it. And I hope you like Pandora better than you think you will."

"It can only go up in my estimation," Garrett assured him. Isidore nodded, then revved his bike and roared away. Garrett watched him disappear down the private road before checking in with the guard and walking back to his ship.

Garrett forwarded Isidore's information to Wyl, then took a long shower. He changed into a lightweight, elegant suit and fielded a brief phone call from Jezria before going into the mansion. Miles was in a meeting with his security advisors but Claudia was in the kitchen, and Garrett was greeted by a bright smile as he joined her.

"Gare! Do you have time for breakfast?"

"Actually, Jezria already called to let me know that she's leaving in half an hour," Garrett said apologetically. "She wants me to follow and got my clearance ahead of time, so I'm actually here to say goodbye."

"So fast?" Claudia exclaimed, disappointment plain in her voice. "Garrett, really?"

"Sorry, honey." He enfolded her in a gentle hug and kissed her temple. "But I'll be back before you know it."

"It can't be soon enough," she said against his shoulder, holding him much tighter than he was holding her. "We'll really miss you, Gare. I'll really miss you."

"Soon you'll be too busy to miss me," he promised her. "Seriously, enjoy the calm while it lasts. And take care of Dad. He's prone to getting swept away."

"I'll make sure he's okay," Claudia said. "Are you going to go say goodbye to him?"

"Briefly. Dad and I don't really do goodbyes." He let go of her and stepped back with a smile. "I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay, Gare." Claudia wiped quickly beneath both of her eyes and managed to smile back at him. "Travel safely."

"I'll do my best."

The meeting with his father was much less emotional. Garrett knocked on his office door, stuck his head in and said, "Dad? Got a second?"

"Sure." Miles stood up out of a cluster of his advisors and let himself out of the room. "You're taking off?"


"Okay." They shared a brief, one-armed man hug and then let go of each other. "Come and see us as soon as you can get away."

"Oh, I will. I want to start corrupting my sibling at an early age."

"Don't even think about it, kiddo."

Garrett laughed a little. "Bye, Dad."

"Goodbye, Gare." And that was that.

The last people Garrett needed to say goodbye to were Robbie and Wyl. It was their mutual day off, so naturally he and Wyl were sleeping in. Or rather, Wyl was sleeping in. Robbie was up and reading one of the paperback books that Wyl had retrieved for him from Garrett's discard pile. He let Garrett into their officer-sized apartment in the barracks, which was still smaller than Garrett's living quarters aboard his personal ship, and offered him a cup of tea.

"Not coffee?"

"Sometimes I prefer tea," Robbie said, sipping at his own cup of something far too pale to be an effective stimulant, in Garrett's mind. "Sorry we lost track of you last night."

"It was nice of you to come along," Garrett replied.

"Still, it was your birthday. We should have been more focused."

"If you had been any more focused you would have burst into flame," Garrett teased his ex. "It's nice to see that you'll dance with someone. You've still never managed it with me."

"I don't dance, Gare."

"You do dance with Wyl, Robbie," Garrett pointed out. Robbie shifted a little uncomfortably, and Garrett had pity on him. "I think it's great. Just don't ever screw things up with him, okay? He's what you need."

"I know."

"Can you go get him so I only have to do this once?"

"You want me to wake him up?" Robbie asked incredulously. "Pull him out of bed on our day off? I have to live with his wrath, you know, you get to escape it."

"Such a baby." Garrett rolled his eyes and walked back into the bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed and prodded the blanket-covered lump in the center of it. "Hey. Wake up."


"Nope, no coffee, just me. I'm leaving, so say goodbye."

"Ugh." Wyl poked his head out from under the blanket and blinked red eyes. "Goodbye. Now go 'way."

"Charming as ever," Garrett said dryly. "Don't forget to check your messages at some point today. I sent you the contact information for a mechanic you'd probably get along with."

"Who is he?"

"Isidore Cain. He could have been my next ex."

Wyl snorted. "Way to think positive, Garrett. This is who you ran off with last night?"

"Technically I think we ran off this morning. He's a sweet kid; I'd appreciate you giving him a look."

"Sure," Wyl sighed. "Consider it your going-away present." He leaned up, hugged Garrett fast, and then flopped back down onto the bed. "Now can I go back to sleep?"

"Do that." Garrett left the room and mouthed "He needs coffee" to Robbie, who nodded. They embraced, and Garrett inhaled the scent of Robbie in the morning, tea and toothpaste and his particular brand of soap, and it sent a nostalgic pang through him.

Fuck, he needed to get out of here.

"Gotta go," he said, pulling back.

"See you later, Gare. Take care of yourself."

"I will. Be safe, Robbie," he added, feeling like he was channeling Claudia butunable to stop. "This is going to be a dangerous place for a while."

Robbie chuckled. "Everywhere is dangerous, Garrett."

"Deep, truly deep. Bye, Robbie." Garrett left their apartment, walked back tohis ship and sealed himself in with a sense of relief. He moved to the bridge,sat down and started turning things on. He confirmed his clearance to departwith the military guard and the control tower, got coordinates for hisrendezvous with Jezria's ship and left the shuttle bay with as little fanfareas he could possibly manage. In seconds pale blue sky gave way to blackness,and stars, and Garrett inhaled deeply. A weight that he didn't realize he'dbeen feeling seemed to evaporate, and he was smiling broadly as he contactedJezria.

Her face appeared on his comm screen. "Garrett! Right on time. Are you ready togo, then?"

"Ready and waiting."

"I'm sending the flight plans to you now. Your autopilot should have noproblems following them."

"I'll be on your tail," he promised her.

"Excellent. First to Olympus, and then on to Pandora." Jezria logged off, andGarrett made sure his autopilot was receiving before leaning back in his chairand propping his feet up on the dash.

So long, Paradise.

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