Chapter Nineteen

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Garrett loved sex, but he never chased orgasms. He might have a reputation as a selfish hedonistic bastard, but in reality he was just as interested in pleasing his partners as he was in pleasing himself. More, even. He didn't keep track or insist on tit for tat, he just gave what he could and took what was given while making it as good as possible for them both. Most people appreciated that. The few who didn't he never bothered with a second time.

Jonah finally caught his breath and then looked down at the man laid out between his legs. "Holy shit."

Garrett smirked and nodded immodestly. "So I'm told."

"That was...real good."

"Thanks." It was kind of underwhelming praise, but Garrett didn't need words to know how he'd made the other man feel. "Do you need some more time, or are you ready to make me beg yet?" Not to rush things, but Garrett was hard and aching after tasting Jonah.

"I can be ready," Jonah smiled. "Come up here." Garrett crawled up his body, slow and sinuous, and settled down on top of Jonah's chest. They pressed their lips together, Jonah's tongue coming out to taste the remnants of his spend while his hands got to work peeling back Garrett's jacket. The soft blue material fell away, followed by his shirt and pants, until they were both naked and moving against each other. Jonah rolled them over so he was on top, and then his own hand was on Garrett's cock, pulling lightly. He had the calluses of a pilot, hard-edged along his fingers but with fingertips so smooth the contrast was shocking.

Jonah's hand dipped lower, fondling and rolling Garrett's balls, then stroking over his perineum. When his fingertips brushed Garrett's entrance, he spread his legs wider and reached up into one of the pop-out drawers for a container of lubricant. His body and mind were buzzing, pulsing, ready. He could do this. It would be good. He handed the lube to Jonah, who thanked him and then set it aside.

"Don't you want to..."

"Told you I'd take it slow." Jonah smiled and ran his tongue over Garrett's left nipple, worrying at it and biting lightly. His hand kept moving, and Garrett decided to just relax and let the man do things how he wanted to. Garrett didn't need to direct or control right now. He just needed to let a sex-starved drifter have his way with him, which was really no hardship.

Jonah nuzzled into the hollow of Garrett's hip, and bit a light circle around his bellybutton. His hands went lower, massaging smooth, hairless skin and long muscles. Garrett preened under the attention, delighting in being worshipped. That was what it felt like. Every touch of Jonah's tongue on his skin was appreciative, every panting breath and kiss and caress was reverent in the manner of someone who truly longed for what he was being given. It had been a long time since Garrett had been worshipped, not with eager fumbling and more energy than refinement, but with the slow and steady movements of a man who knew exactly what he was touching and how to handle it.

When Jonah started sucking Garrett's toes it sent actual chills up his back. He pressed up and arched towards him, trying to get more skin-on-skin contact, but Jonah just bit the ball of his foot and smiled mischievously. "Anxious?"

"Ready," Garrett corrected breathlessly.

"Nice to know," Jonah said. "But I'm not done with you." He lay Garrett's foot down on the bed. "Roll over."

Garrett obeyed, and the sudden heavy weight of Jonah's body on his own was delicious. He stretched his arms up over his head and smiled when the other man's hands circled his wrists, holding him in place. Jonah slotted his body against Garrett's, the thick curve of his cock fitting perfectly along Garrett's ass, and he moved, slowly rutting. Garrett groaned.

"Fucking tease."

"You gotta want it," Jonah murmured in his ear. "Gotta want it bad."

"I do."

"Yeah?" He let go with one hand and fumbled for the lubricant. Garrett shut his eyes and took a deep breath, consciously relaxing. When he felt a finger against him he frowned.


"Barely have one yet, darlin'," Jonah teased as he slipped his finger inside. "God, you're bossy." A second finger joined the first and they twisted, stretching and curling inside of him. Garrett firmly shut his mouth and didn't say anything when the third finger entered him, working not to tense or moan.

"I want to hear you," Jonah said, his voice husky and low. "Let me hear you."

"Jonah, god, just fuck me."

A moment later the thick, blunt head of Jonah's cock replaced his fingers, and Garrett did moan now. "Yes, that's it, I want it," he whispered hoarsely. "Please, please..." It had been so long since he'd taken someone inside, and in that moment Garrett couldn't imagine wanting anything more. Jonah braced his free arm above Garrett's head and slid forward, and he was so much thicker than three fingers, so much thicker than he'd had in so long... Jonah pressed in until he couldn't go any further, and they both shuddered.

"Garrett..." Jonah rocked against him, and pressed kisses into his long blond hair. "You feel so good."

"Move," he begged. "I'm fine, you can move, please."

Jonah did move, slowly at first, just edging his way in and out before he felt comfortable to push it further. After a few minutes he drew back and pulled Garrett up onto his knees, and the change in angle was sharp and perfect and made Garrett groan again. Jonah thrust in harder and faster, and Garrett braced himself on his elbows and appreciatively rode the waves of pleasure edged with the stinging, familiar pain of accepting another man into his body. It had been so long, and it felt so wonderful. He was making noises, saying nothing but being understood, because Jonah reached around his hip and found his cock, grabbing it with slippery fingers and thumbing over the head until Garrett cried out and came, hard, clenching around Jonah's cock as stars flickered across his vision. He felt the sudden wet heat flood his body, felt Jonah tremble and lean suddenly against him and then they collapsed back down against the bed.

Jonah kept moving inside of him, just short, fluttering thrusts, kissing his shoulders and neck and clutching him tight. He rolled them so they were on their sides rather than him laying on top and crushing Garrett with his weight, but he stayed inside as they both calmed down, his thrusts slowing and his cock softening until finally he slipped free with a sigh of disappointment. "God, you're incredible," he said.

"I think I can share the acclaim," Garrett smiled. "You felt perfect."

"Slow enough for ya?"

"Much more waiting and I would have gotten violent, which isn't a good look for me," Garrett confessed.

"Not really a good look for anyone," Jonah said philosophically. He pulled back, just slightly, but it was enough to let cool air in between their bodies, and Garrett shivered.

"No," he said. "Stay. Get some sleep. It's a jungle out there; wait for the herd to thin a little."

"Mixin' your metaphors a little, darlin'."

"I have coffee for the morning," Garrett coaxed. No matter whom he fucked, Garrett wasn't in the habit of letting them slink away in the night. It was just rude not to stare down the person you'd invited into your body, or vice versa, by the light of day.

"Real coffee?"

"One hundred percent real, and not freeze dried or reconstituted."

"Hmm. I suppose that's worth waiting around for." Jonah turned Garrett's head just far enough to kiss his lips, then scooted them both over until they were off of the wet spot. Garrett settled back into his lover's arms, relaxed and content for the first time in weeks, and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

When Garrett woke up the next morning, Jonah was gone. There was no note, no empty cup of coffee and no goodbye, awkward or otherwise. Garrett was just alone in a small room smelling heavily of sex, flooded with delicious recent memories but only able to feel disappointment.

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