Chapter Eighteen

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Garrett opened the hatch all the way and stepped inside, gesturing for Jonah to follow him. Dim lights lit in the narrow hallway as he made his way to his kitchen. Garrett grabbed a couple of glasses from a cabinet and turned around to face Jonah. In the low light his face was shadowed, mysterious. The way he moved was languidly graceful, more relaxed than Robbie, more comfortable than Isidore. He seemed completely at home in Garrett's space, which Garrett supposed came from a lifetime aboard ships. Jonah had never developed self-consciousness.

"What would you like?"

"What've you got?"

"There's a bottle of pretty decent whiskey." It was excellent whiskey, honestly, but Garrett didn't expect his guest to know the difference.

Jonah nodded slightly. "Sounds fine."

Garrett poured the amber liquid into the tumblers, a classic whiskey, using Old Earth grain varieties. He handed a glass over to Jonah and they toasted each other silently, then drank. The liquid burned on the way down, and was immediately followed by such a relaxing smoothness that Garrett sighed appreciatively.

Jonah sipped once to taste, then knocked the rest of his back. A second later he belied his languorous posture by slipping quickly in front of Garrett, his hands coming to rest lightly on the other man's hips. Garrett followed suit and swallowed his whiskey down, then set the glass aside.

The warmth welling inside of him was partially from the alcohol but mostly from being surrounded by a hot, willing partner. Someone who wanted him. He hadn't felt wanted lately, but if the slight trembles in Jonah's hands were anything to go by, he sure as hell was wanted now. Garrett twined his arms around Jonah's shoulders and pulled him down into a kiss.

That was where Garrett's direction ended. Jonah took control of the kiss, his mouth slanting hot and hard against Garrett's lips, and the taste of whiskey backed by the insistent thrust of his tongue was more intoxicating than any alcohol. His hands moved restlessly against Garrett's form, mapping the curves and planes of his body beneath his suit, and suddenly there were way too many clothes separating them.

"Bed," Garrett gasped as he pulled back for a second. "Across the hall—" His voice cut off abruptly as Jonah bent quickly and threw Garrett over his shoulder, squeezing the breath out of him. He didn't protest, just let himself be carried into his small bedroom and tossed down onto the bed. He bounced, and was filled with the sudden inexplicable urge to giggle, which would have been embarrassing. Fortunately Jonah followed him down fast and stopped his impending outburst with another kiss. Garrett heard the faint groan in the back of Jonah's throat and realized that it however long it had been for him, it had been a lot longer for his hook-up. Jonah didn't just want Garrett, he needed him.

"You've got me," Garrett whispered, slowing the kiss down a little, smoothing his hands over Jonah's back and shoulders. "You've got me, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

Jonah shuddered for a moment, then pulled back. His hair was loose around his face, making him look young. He gave Garrett a half-smile. "Sorry. I didn't mean to just jump you."

"I like jumping, jumping is good," Garrett assured him.

Jonah somehow managed a nonchalant shrug from a prone position. "Still, not exactly polite of me. I sorta skipped ahead a few steps." He smiled more genuinely. "I mean, you haven't even shown me how good you are at orally fucking people."

"Oh, I'm incredible at it," Garrett promised him. "I'm a fantastic oral fucker. Is that what you'd like?"

"For starters," Jonah replied. "Then I'd like to fuck you into the mattress."

Ah. Well. It had been quite a while since Garrett had bottomed for anyone. had been since Robbie. Years, now. Every person he'd fucked since then he'd, well, fucked them.

Jonah was watching his face closely. "You don't care for that?"

"I do, actually. It's just been some time since I have."

"We'll take it slow if you want it."

Garrett grinned. "Slow doesn't seem to be your forté."

"Oh ye of little faith," Jonah said. "I can make it so slow you beg me for it, darlin'."

Why did Garrett shiver when he heard that silly pet name applied to himself? Maybe it was the concept of begging for it. Yes, that was it. "Maybe after some oral fucking. I do have something to prove, after all."

"True that." Jonah kissed him again, then sat back on his heels and pulled off his shirt. His chest was lean and broad, and dusted with dark curls of hair. He unfastened his pants and stood up just long enough to shuck them and his underwear to the floor and step out of his boots, then sprawled back down on the bed, not on top of Garrett but beside him. He took one of Garrett's hands in his own and brought it down to his thick, hot erection. The tip was already wet.

Garrett didn't bother to undress, he just slid over until their bodies were flush, silk cloth against silky skin. He kissed Jonah's mouth again, then his chin, then made his way down his throat and over his chest as he slid down the bed. Garrett pumped his hand along Jonah's cock, once, twice, and then his mouth was even with it and he couldn't resist leaning in to taste. He flicked his tongue across the tip, catching the precome and savoring the tang of it on his tongue, before leaning in and closing his lips over the head. Jonah groaned loudly and spread his legs, and Garrett shifted to settle between them.

Jonah was large, a little longer than average and thick enough that Garrett had to work to relax his throat around him. He could do it; he'd spent many nights of his misbegotten youth practicing deep-throating anyone who was interested, but it had been a long time since he'd had someone who really made him stretch. He took Jonah's cock deep into his mouth, until his lips brushed wiry curls, and then went back again, rising up to the head and swirling his tongue around it. Garrett pulled off and ran his wet, clinging lips down the velvety skin, breathing hot breaths against it as he wrapped his fingers around Jonah's balls and pulled, ever so lightly. When he had Jonah squirming in his grip, seeking pressure and trying to thrust but not finding purchase, he swallowed him down again.

"Gonna come if you keep this up," Jonah warned him with a gravelly voice.

Garrett removed his mouth with a slick, obscene pop. "I'm sure I can make you come more than once tonight."

"Promises, promises," Jonah muttered, spreading his legs wider. "But yeah, I reckon you can."

"Let's find out," Garrett said. He got his knees underneath him and positioned himself more comfortably, and then he went to town. He licked and sucked, he hummed and tugged and stroked as he worked the heavy cock stretching his lips. Precome gushed into his mouth, just a little and then a lot, and after a few minutes Jonah's abdomen was as hard as a board, his breaths were shallow and then his hands buried themselves in the softness of Garrett's hair as he came in Garrett's mouth, so hard and so much that he almost choked on it.

He pulled back when the flow stopped, enjoyingthe quivers racing through Jonah's body as he slowly came down from hisorgasmic high. Garrett gently stroked Jonah's thighs and stomach, content justto watch him for a while.

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