Chapter 2: The Great Escape. A Change of fate

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(Planeptune/Near the Sapphire Bridge)

I stared at the Sapphire Bridge as I started to process the situation that was ahead of my escape

(Y/N) mind: Sapphire Bridge the fastest way out of Planeptune. That is if I can get past those baton wielding guards of Lady Purple Heart

(Y/N) Mind: But I'm still getting out of here, one way or another

(Y/N): *Sigh* Here we go...

I then proceeded to the bridge as I heard a warning over the loud speakers

Then as I entered the crowd, I looked to the guards that were guarding the bridge gate

It was then I hesitated again as more thoughts entered my mind

(Karma Moment)

(Y/N) Mind: Gonna have to get past those guards if I want outta here. If I fry a couple of the guards from inside the crowd, bet I can trigger a riot. That might help keep the heat off me... Then again that'll also mean that a lot of innocent people will get the heck kicked out of them...

I then thought for a bit and then ran out of the crowd while igniting my Gigawatt Blades as I struck the first guard with a melee slice

(Good Action)

I then kept fighting them off until they all collapsed from exhaustion and pain I then charged up the gate's power box until the gate eventually rose

I then looked at the crowd who also wanted to escape as well and grinned

(Y/N): Alright lets go!

We then all charged across the bridge, taking out anyone that got in our way, they kept blaring warning but none of us took notice as we charged forward

Then we finally reached the final gate

(Y/N) Mind: Beyond this gate should be open road all way way to the flatlands. My ticket out of here is so close, I can almost just taste it!

I then charged up the final gate, but to my shock a wall was situated in the path, blocking our way off the bridge

A weird looking wall at that as I notice slotted holes among it

(Y/N): That can't be! There shouldn't be a wall here...

But then as the riot went towards it, I saw a flag flying above the wall with a logo that made me gasp

A broken heart in red and yellow

The infamous ASIC Logo


But it was too late as bullets rained from the wall


I now realized that the Gate had opened up to a wall of Razor Wire and Machine guns setup by ASIC

I didn't know what to do as the crowd got shredded apart...

But then I saw a man make a break for it

Only to then get shot in the head as he smashed in the gate to the Decontamination Unit and have his corpse fall head long into Planeptune harbor

With no other option... I moved... Faster than I knew I could as I landed inside the Decontamination Unit

Only to then have the door slam shut on me, leaving me in pitch black darkness

But not for long...

As the lights came on, I was greeted by name by two women named Cave and MAGES.

As the lights came on, I was greeted by name by two women named Cave and MAGES

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