𝟽. 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚊𝚛𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘

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"She won't let go of the bottle," Y/N tells Jirou as she leads her over to the counter where Mina is holding a bottle of tequila like a baby.

Jirou approaches her friend and puts her hands on her shoulders, giving them a reassuring squeeze. "Mina, please, let me have the bottle. You'll feel better in the morning if you sleep off the alcohol."

"No! I won't go to bed 'til I talk to Kirishima," Mina pouts.

"I don't think you should talk to him like this," Hagakure adds.

Mina scoffs at her comment. "Who asked you?"

"Mina, we're all just looking out for you," Jirou says.

"Why won't you guys believe me when I say that I'll be fine?"

"Because you're not acting like yourself right now," Y/N explains. "You're drunk. You need to lis-"

"No, you need to listen to me!" Mina retorts. "I need to see Kirishima and tell him that I like him."

"And you will, in the morning," Hagakure sighs.

"Fine, what about this... I'll bring you to your room and you can sleep for a while. Then, we'll come wake you up and you can talk to Kirishima. How does that sound?" Jirou suggests, hoping that will be a good enough compromise.

"Okay," Mina sighs, taking Jirou's hand.

"Come on, then, let's go," Jirou smiles as the two walk away. But just then, Kaminari and Sero show up. Jirou and Y/N exchange a quick glance before Y/N nearly pushes Jirou against Sero's chest.

"Sero, could you please bring Mina to bed? She really needs a break," Y/N grins at him with a smile that makes his heart beat out of his chest. If only Bakugou wouldn't kill him for asking you out.

"S-Sure," he stutters, immediately nervous as you talk to him.

Jirou groans as Y/N sticks her to be alone with Kaminari who approaches her with a cheesy grin. "Good thing you got here in time," he remarks, noticing the bottle of tequila in her hand. She scoffs and takes a small sip from the bottle before placing it back on the counter.

"So, hey," Kaminari tries to begin smoothly as he sits on one of the stools beside the counter.

"Hi," Jirou smiles nervously. She knows where this is going and she's been trying to avoid it all night.

"I was wondering if we could talk," he says, trying not to sound too nervous.

"Talk? About what?"

"You know, it's funny. I thought about this a lot, and I still can't figure out what to say," Kaminari laughs nervously.

"Kaminari, you don't have to-"

"Listen, Jirou, I really like you. Like, like you like you," he says, stumbling over his words.

"I know," Jirou sighs. She doesn't know why she feels so guilty about this, but she can't deny her feelings anymore. She thinks Kaminari is a great friend, sure, but she's just not into him that way.

"Yeah, and, well, I know that I've probably been a bit obvious," he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "I mean, the other day, I was trying to make a joke, and-"

"Kaminari, stop," Jirou interrupts.

"Oh," he says, his shoulders sagging. He knows exactly what's about to happen. "Okay."

"I'm so sorry," Jirou apologizes. "I just, well, I- I just don't think of you that way. I think you're awesome and really cool but... I just don't like you the same way you like me."

"Oh," he says, looking down. "Yeah, I figured."

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's fine," Kaminari chuckles.

Jirou watches helplessly as Kaminari grabs the tequila bottle and walks off. Jirou calls out to him and grabs his arm, but he easily shakes her off and walks away.

"Fuck," she curses under her breath as she runs her hand through her hair. She feels horrible, but it was the right thing to do. She can't date him. She's not even into guys.

"Jirou, are you okay?" Y/N asks as she walks over and replaces Kaminari in the chair he was previously sitting. "Hey, I'm sorry about before. I just really don't want to talk to Sero."

"I'm fine," she shrugs. "I got it over with. Why don't you want to talk to Sero?"

"It's a long story," Y/N sighs, resting her elbows on the counter and leaning her chin in her hands.

"Then, how about this... since everyone's confessing tonight, why don't you tell me something?"

Y/N rolls her eyes. "Okay, but you can't tell anyone."

"I promise."

"I'm pretty sure Sero likes me... Except you already know how I feel about Todoroki... But none of it matters because whatever I do..."

"Bakugou will probably have something to say, right?" Jirou finishes for you.

"Right," Y/N sighs.

"Then, why not go for Sero? I'm sure he'd treat you right."

"That's what I've been telling myself," Y/N agrees. "I just, ugh, I don't know. You know, my dad told me that Endeavor would be more likely to help my career if I'm going with Todoroki. And shit, if he isn't the most handsome and sweetest guy ever."

"Wow," Jirou smirks. "I guess you've been thinking about this for a while, huh?"

"Since that prick dumped me," Y/N smiles.

"Look, I know you and Bakugou aren't dating, but maybe you should try getting some closure. Maybe then you'll move on," Jirou suggests.

"I can't. He doesn't want to hear it, and besides, if I talk to him, he'll probably go on some rant about how he lost all his feelings for me and can't get fully hard without thinking about-"

"He said that in the heat of the moment, Y/N," Jirou interrupts before you break down in tears again.

"It doesn't matter. He doesn't want me. I've accepted that. Now I just have to figure out what comes next."

"And what if you don't have to?" she shrugs. "I mean, what if you just give him a chance? Maybe he's not as heartless as you think."

"Trust me, Jirou, Bakugou's an ass. It's a miracle you still don't see that."

"But it's just a suggestion," Jirou chuckles. "Anyway, I think I'm going to get some sleep now. I've had enough of tonight. Thanks for helping me out."

"I should really be the one to say that to you. See you in the morning," Y/N smiles as she stands up and gives Jirou a quick hug.

As soon as Jirou leaves, Y/N feels someone staring at her from behind. But she ignores it as she steals the drink from the person next to her and quickly downs it before they notice.

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