𝟸𝟷. 𝙰𝚗 𝙴𝚡𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝

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I feel so exhausted after such a long night, I can hardly see through my blurry eyes. I'm not really sure why I've agreed to sharing this much detail with my long-distance boyfriend about all my classmates, but it wasn't really worth it. Sure, I got to find out more about them than I ever knew before, but it also felt a bit invasive. Whatever, I'm sure one day I'll look back on it and smile upon my last day at UA.

I sigh as I hop down from the balcony outside of Y/N's window and make my way back to the empty kitchen where I can finish writing the rest of my letter. He'll be entertained, to say the least, after reading these. But I better get them sent out now before someone catches me or worse.

I fold the papers up neatly and place them inside the envelope, addressing it as I go. I then walk to the front door and step outside into the cool air. There, much to my surprise, I see one more scene that I should not be a part of. This time, it's Mr. Aizawa and Ms. Joke.

My jaw drops as I watch my teacher's tongue down the throat of another pro hero. Well, this is certainly a strange turn of events. But it's also the perfect opportunity for me.

I smirk to myself as I tiptoe past the pair, hoping they won't see me.

"Asui?" he calls out suddenly. So much for a sneaky getaway.

"Uh, hi," I greet him awkwardly. "I was just about to mail a letter, sorry for interrupting."

"No need," he shakes his head, dusting off his pants. "You weren't interrupting anything, Asui."

"Right," I nod.

"I think I'm gonna head back inside now," Joke says as she begins heading back toward the building. "I don't hear any more noises coming from the kids' dorms so I suppose that means my class has fallen asleep somewhere, too."

Aizawa watches as she walks away. In the meantime, I quickly slip my letter into the mailbox and let out a sigh of relief. That's another one taken care of.

"Goodnight, Ms. Joke," Aizawa calls out after her.

"See ya," she smiles. "Have a good night, Asui."

"Night," I smile, though the awkwardness is still lingering in the air.

Once Joke is back inside, I turn and head toward the dorms, leaving Mr. Aizawa. I'll have to save that for my next letter.

Back in my room, I turn on my phone and open the app I typically use to talk to my boyfriend.

Tsu: I just sent the letter, you should get it soon. 🐸

Cyril: Thank you, my darling. I do love receiving your beautiful notes.

Tsu: Yeah, about that... I was wondering why I couldn't just text it to you or, you know, call.

Cyril: Because, dear, I enjoy the mystery behind waiting for the mail. Don't you?

Tsu: Well, it just seems kind of silly when we live in such a fast paced world.

Cyril: We'll have to agree to disagree. But enough of that, tell me about your day.

Tsu: Why don't you start? You never tell me about yours.


Cyril rolls his eyes as he receives his message from Tsu. She couldn't really be that lovestruck, could she? It was obvious, he thought, that she'd realize his ability. He grins to himself as he answers back. She'll figure it out soon enough.

As he puts his phone down, his eyes glow white. His quirk, lexicon larceny, allows him to play with the strings of written language like a puppeteer. With a mere flick of his fingers, he will be able to change the stories- change the lives- of all the heroes so close to graduation.

But by this time tomorrow, they'll all be leading completely different lives without ever even realizing it.

{DEAR DEPARTURE} My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now