+ Drunk Takeover +

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"A party?" Katsuki rose his brow at what his sister had came up with. Not to long ago, they're school had informed of two days being closed. Now Kayla couldn't help herself but jump at the opportunity to get some drinks in and dance up.

"Yes a party! Mina what you say?" She asked the girl sitting and ignoring the whole thing going on. Her head lifted when called. "Huh? Oh yeah, a party sounds good."

"Pinky sounds uninterested." Katsuki called in making Kayla roll her eyes. "Listen, we shouldn't waste the hours. If y'all want, we can do a party...home! Father has the other house down at the shores." Kayla informed.

"Kayla we need permission. It's far." Cyrus's lazily replied to his sister's rant about the whole party and lime thing she wants to host. Kayla looks to her brother as if he was the most boring thing in the world. "Your ruining the fun."

"It's part of my job." He shrugs. Kayla rolled her eyes and looks to her other brother who was sat on Izuku's lap and scrolling through said boyfriend's phone. "Suki, please let's gooo. Shit will be fun. You won't have to do much, promise."

Katsuki looks at his sister slowly, thinking and looking to Izuku. "Want to?"

"If your going, I'll go with you.." Izuku mumbled into Katsuki's hair. Katsuki hummed, his finger rubbing at Izuku's cheek before he looks back to his sister.

"Don't fuck it up or we're out."

"It isn't a lot of people. Just us. Literally." Kayla shrugs her shoulders. "Alright then we can go." Bianca stepped up and clapped her hands.

"I'll go if she is." TJ rose from his seat, smirking as if he did something cool. Bianca scowled. "Boy move your desperate ass away from me. I don't want it." She waved off. "Aw come on. We don't need a label. No joke-Ack!"

"Enough." Hoshi grabbed him by the collar and put his ass onto the chair. "Man fuck off me, I wanted to do something there!"

"This fuck tard." Bianca mumbled, disgust written bold on her face. "I'm not sober for this bull, yo Kat, show me the drink stash. I brought sour gums and everything."

Katsuki was on board with that shit and lifted off Izuku's lap with his help. "I have other sours aswell, wait up!"

And so their day went on.



With permission gotten from their parents to do this party, they got packed up and headed to the house the very morning.

The drive was indeed long, at the edges of Japan where they can see the sea from the house. It's hilly and a lot of turning was involved before they arrived at the house.

They began the day with Katsuki complaining about being tired and having Izuku be his willing slave till Kayla was ready for the party.

Quinn joined him on the couch to watch some movie while the rest mingled about or found the patio out back with the jacuzzi tub under the gazebo.

Now that they were settled, music began blasting within the house, loud enough to shake their walls. Kayla and the rest all started their party, Mina, Bianca, Quinn and Kayla having to unlatch Katsuki from the couch before he got to comfortable and made him dance.

There was a lot of complaints, groaning and cussing from the ash blonde, but in the end, Katsuki was pressed enough and started dancing to his dislike.

The men consisting of, Izuku, Hoshi, TJ, Cyrus and surprisingly Shinso, all stood by and watched those idiots break it down on the dance floor. Izuku was very much enjoying this. His boyfriend definitely knew how to sway and shake what his mother birthed him with.

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