+ ParentHood Begins +

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This chapter maybe boring. It's an episode mostly dedicated to their life with a newborn baby. I'm just saying in case. But enjoy this Dekubaku parent fluff with their new son.


ParentHood started in the hospital that very first night they welcomed their son into the world. And then the hours after. They were to be discharged after his check up, taking his first bath there and everything.

Till then, their discharge was the following morning. Then they were full time parents for good then.

Now the night where they have to spend the night was...how to say, the beginning. Izuku had gotten up to the crocks and grunting of his son. He's woken up early on maybe occasion due to Katsuki so it was not much to hassel out of him.

Izuku grabbed his phone and switched it on. 2:12..Izuku sighed and rose with a stretch. "I'm coming bud, I'm coming..." He whispered, the noises growing with little cries coming out as he squirmed.

Izuku stood over the bassinet container, brushing his hair and smiling down at him. "Your hungry or is it a diaper change?" He asked as if he can answer him. But his response was a more desperate cry. Izuku stopped standing around and finally scooped him up, looking around for the bottle and formula they both brought and given in case.

He searched for he stored in kettle, the machine hidden in a small cabinet within this private room. When he got it out, he went into the bathroom, got it filled and puts it on to boil.

So with all one hand Izuku got the smaller shaped bottle ready for him, while he held his son in his arms with the other arm. It was a task of multi-tasking and also trying not to wake Katsuki.

But that wasn't want his son wanted. Actually, he found the wait and the moving so annoying and the fact his food wasn't here, he began to grow fussy and cry. Izuku panicked.

"Hey hey, no none of that. It's ok buddy, daddy's right here." Izuku told him, whispering it and rocking him in his arms. There was more half stop half continued cries before Izuku ends it with a pacifier to his lips.

It was working, his temporary eye color of a darkest grey color, fluttering back up, face scrunched and fist balled and opened with every suck.

As he settled, the kettle made a click and almost woke up Katsuki. He stared at the bed Katsuki was in, shuffling and turning his sleep before he himself settled into a spot.

Izuku moved to get the bottle ready, making sure the ounces were correct since his stomach is small, and making sure it doesn't burn him when does drink it.

Now those were settled. Temperature checked, ounces the right amount, making sure he picked the right kind of bottle since they bough the bundles of different sizes.

Katsuki had been very serious about that actually.

And what he wanted to say about it, well... let's just say his boyfriend and the mother to his child wasn't very happy about his never asked output information.

The fussy whine from his son caught his attention and Izuku sat down with him on his bed/couch. He prepared himself, popped the cap of the bottle and puts it to his mouth.

It was instantly taken, sucking quickly on the rubber nipple and blissful with his feed.

When he was done, he was our cold, sucking at the air when Izuku pulled it from his lil mouth. His lips pursed and round like his mother. He was so adorable, small and squishy.

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