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IT WAS A REGULAR DAY AT THE MANSION. Well, as regular as Dara's life could get, really. She had eventually got over the Doctors visit. Forgot about it, even. She strutted out of her room, ragging her brush through her tangled hair, groaning and rubbing her eyes.

She saw Charles downing another bottle of wine in his chair in the study, and rolling her eyes, didn't give it a second thought. Suddenly, she heard the mansions door shudder open, and Dara grabbed an old cricket bat from the study. Just as someone was about to bound up the staircase, she whacked him in the head with it, rendering him unconscious. She gasped when she saw it was him. The Raggedy Doctor. He had come back.

"Charles!" Dara shouted nervously. "Bit 'o help!" She added on the end. Charles stumbled out of the study, tossing the flask he was currently taking a gulp out of to the side. "Who've you knocked out now?" He asked with a frown, kicking the Doctors side until Charles could see his full features. "Oh my god, is that--?" He didn't need to finish. "Yeah. It's him. He came back." She whispered, smiling.


"Ugh.." He groaned, sitting up from the slumped position he was stuck in previously to see a woman in her early thirties-late twenties in a police outfit speaking into a walkie-talkie. "--White male, mid-twenties. Send me some backup, I've got him restrained." She spoke into the radio, before shoving the big block back into her belt. "Oi! You! Don't move!" She shout-spoke to him harshly.

"Cricket bat.. I'm getting cricket bat." He groaned, attempting to stand up, but being pulled down by the handcuffs that were attached to the radiator on the wall. "You were breaking and entering." The officer said meaningfully, staring at him. The man attempted to stand up again, before slumping once more.

"Well, that's much better. Brand-new me, whack on the head. Just what it needed." The Raggedy Doctor said brightly. Well, as bright as you can be with a mild concussion and handcuffed to a radiator in the sixties.

"Do you want to shut up now? I've got back-up on the way!" The officer said angrily, still staring at him pointedly. "Wait-- no, hang on. You're a policewoman." He said, eyes narrowing in panic. "And you're breaking and entering. Seeing how this works?" She snaps, not seeming very pleased with the Doctor and his antics. "But.. what are you doing here? Where's Dara Calypso? Where's Charles Xavier? Raven Darkholme?" The woman raised her eyebrows, before narrowing her eyes with a surprised expression.

"Little British kids?" She asked. He noticed a very hungover-looking man staring from the doorway. He chose to ignore this. "Yeah. Where are they? I promised them five minutes but the engines were phasing. I suppose I must have gone a bit far. Has something happened to them?" He asks, concerned for the three little American, Irish and British kids he had grown rather fond of.

"The Xaviers haven't lived here for a long time." The man from the doorway spoke up, earning him a glare from the officer. "How long?" He asked desperately, attempting to slip his wrists free from the handcuffs. "Uh, six months." The officer spoke now, her gaze faltering.

The Doctor's eyes widened, and he struggled again more and more. "Six months?! No, no, no, that's not right, I said five minutes! I promised!"


A/N : I'm so sorry for leaving it so long! I've had a lot going on with school and family, so I'm very sorry if this is a bit short, too! The next part will be out after I'm back from my holiday, and I promise it'll be longer than this one.

Also, you may have seen my 'STARWOOD' book. That will only be completed when this fic and the s6 fic are. Also, tell me if you want a 'What If?' series after this one and 'STARWOOD', like, 'What If Raven and Dara had landed in Bannerman Road rather than Cardiff?' or, because I have been getting into The Flash series lately, I could make it a three-way crossover? It is all up to you guys!

Finally, stay safe, Whovians, Marvelites(?) and MAPians! Tschuss!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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