The first day

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Todays our first day of High School, I'm kinda nervous about it but I'm gonna have my best friend Dogday by my side in my classes, it makes me feel a bit better knowing that.. I got dressed in the outfit they gave us, the only decent thing with it is that they let us accessorize it and they're making a mall just for us to get accessories there! Although.. I'm surprised they just threw this at us, they only just announced this last week.. oh what am I doing, I need to get ready Dogday is gonna be here any minute to walk with me. I then got dressed in my uniform, I added a dark blue star jacket with me, a star ring and then a little moon chain onto my pants. I felt alright with how I looked, I then looked into the mirror and seeing that I looked good was such a confidence boost, I then heard a loud voice outside my house. I walked over to the window and peaked behind the curtain, it was Dogday with Kickin approaching my house. I closed the curtain and picked my bag up out of the corner, it was a moon bag, I liked it very much as it's very fitting to me. I made my way to my front door and opened it to see Dogday just about to knock, I giggled a bit because of that. "Hey Catnap! Are you ready?" Dogday spoke excitedly, his tail wagging as fast as it does when he has a good bone. I just smiled at him as a yes as I stepped outside and closed the door behind me, Kickin then said "You think the teachers are gonna be boring and lame?" I softly rolled my eyes at him, of course he'd think that and I bet he'd get in trouble with at least 3 by the end of the day. "Depends on your behavior and attitude for them" I said teasingly to him to give him the hint he' be trouble, I heard Dogday giggle at it and then Kickin joined in on laughing. "Alright alright, I'm making good impressions today! No goofing off until....tomorrow!!" Kickin said loudly as we began walking to our new school, I was mostly behind the two because of the size of the path. Dogday was wearing a jacket that was green and white that had a big bone on the back of it and it said fetch on the sleeve, it was really nice on him and suiting. I suddenly felt my face get slightly warm but I figured it must've been the Sun.

(Time skip to when they got to school)

We walked through the doors of our brand new school, and boy I'm so excited! My tail has been wagging crazy since this morning and I just can't stop it. We all asked for the room numbers for our classes and we headed to our first period, I looked behind at Catnap to check on him and he was just staring at the floor while walking then suddenly Kickin started running because Hoppy was in the door way waving to him to come over. "You alright buddy?" I said softly to Catnap to not startle him, he then looked up at me and smiled softly to reassure me. "Just first day jitters" he said in his sleepy tone, I guess it was also because he had to sit through the whole day without napping too. "Hey, it's gonna be okay catnap! I'm gonna be with you throughout the whole day, alright? Right by your side!" I placed my hand on his shoulder as we were walking he then said "that's the only thing I'm looking forward to." He picked his head up from the floor and looked forward as we had made it to the classroom. I sat down in a middle row seat and he sat in the chair next to mine as he placed his bag at his feet, I put mine onto my chair. I watched him fidget with his hands for a bit before I reached over to him and put my hand onto his as reassurance, "hey, it's alright. If it gets too overwhelming just ask to go to the bathroom, I'll be here for you" I whispered to him.

As I felt his hand get placed onto mine, the warm feeling was back. I didn't know why but I'm assuming I might be getting sick, could be a good excuse not to go to school. I looked over at Dogday after he had whispered that to me and placed my other hand on top of his and smiled at him, "thank you" I whispered back. Although he stared at me a bit weirdly, why was he staring at me weird? Did I look bad or something? Did something get in my fur? He then giggled as I was in my thoughts wondering what about my appearance made him look at me like that. He pointed at his cheeks while giggling still before saying "wow naps, first day jitters got your face pink" he giggled some more after saying that. I just stared at him blankly, why was my face pink? I'm sure it was the warm feeling, it must've been the sun, yeah it was the Sun it was quite a long walk and the heat must've just gotten to me. I took my hand that was on top of his and did an 'o shush you' jester as I laughed at his giggles. "It's just the sun that's gotten to me, that's all" I said to him smiling, "if you say so naps" he said as he slowly drew his attention up to the front of the room. Class was about to begin

(Time skip to when class is over and before they enter the next one)

ughh, I was struggling to stay awake the entire time in first period, they had us to these ice breaker games even though we all already know each other. I guess it was just to give us that high school experience like they wanted, anyways i was just really tired in there and when I did suddenly fall asleep Dogday had to nudge me back into reality before the teacher saw, lucky for me she was at her desk with her head in the computer before she did . I owe Dogday for that one, I didn't want the chance to be scolded on the first day of school! Although, I also don't think it would've been a big deal.

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Please let me know how I can improve my writing, and let me know what things you guys would want to see in the story! I'm also open for recommendations on what to write about <3
The next part should be posted later today!
Have a good day/night everyone! ~Yaki

Catnap x Dogday (School AU)Where stories live. Discover now