𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿:- 14

572 51 3

Let's continue....

Jimin felt like crying, suddenly a burst of emotions is flowing inside his that he couldn't able to describe.... he lay his head against Jungkook c.h.e.s.t and hugged him his tears couldn't able to control .....

"Oh god Jungkook I never know you being through so much ...... don't deserve you Jungkook I don't...I try to harm your family in my previous life....god I had become so ugly in previous life....I don't don't deserve you Jungkook" Jimin with that thought his tears couldn't able to stop.

"Shhh .....Jimin don't cry....I don't like to see you cry....please jimin" Jungkook said wiping his tears away.

Jimin after crying for half an hour wipe his tears and look at Jungkook....he move his hand towards Jungkook face and hold it from one side .....

"Jungkook I won't leave you.....you are not waste...she was the bitch ....you deserve so much love" jimin said kissing his forehead.... he then lay down his head on Jungkook's c.h.e.s.t

even if one day you leave me for Jaemin I will never hate you I will leave you to be happy with her..... Your happiness matters to me a lot jimin thought.

"from today's onwards you are mine jimin .... I will never leave you ...and I will never allow you to leave me" Jungkook declare hold him

*only future could tell what going to happen.*

And with that they fallen sleep in each other's arms.

Next day.....

Jimin open his eyes ...at first he panicked waking up at unfamiliar place. Suddenly all his previous memories come back together. He look over Jungkook , there is a gentle smile on his face.

He doesn't know what future holds but he doesn't want to.... it's present that matters him and right now they are together what matters.

Jimin try to get out of the bed but couldn't because of the hold on him waist.

"Gosh! even in sleep he knows to mark his territory."Jimin thought and he somehow manage to get out of his grip and went to washroom to fresh up After that he went to kitchen to cook some breakfast.

After preparing the breakfast he went upstairs to wake Jungkook. Hee pressed his hand to check jungkook's head to check temperature.... "it's cool down".... he thought...

Jungkook woke up feeling sudden touch.

Jimin smile "hey good morning"

good morning Jimin" Jungkook smile..... "you know this is the best sleep I ever had" Jungkook said because of Jungkook words jimin blush.

"Enough of your sweet talk let's go have breakfast" -jimin

In the living room.....

"Well I have to tell you one thing I only knew how to cook vegetarian dishes.... I'm vegetarian that's why"  Jimin said (I'm also full vegetarian 🙃 so I Make Jimin also vegetarian)

"That I have observed when I had dinner at your home.....you never once touched meat....can I know the reason why" -jungkook

"I don't know it just they are also living beings... and I don't understand the logic it's okay to eat chicken, pork but if it's dog so many people have problem with eating dog meat.....I'm mean at the end of day it's meat whoever animal it is... just don't get me wrong being a vegetarian is my choice...I don't have problem with people eating non veg .....just the choice" Jimin said give sweetly smile at Jungkook
(This my thoughts also )

The Problem with Jimin is once he starts talking he couldn't stop if he gets comfortable with that person.

"You're indeed an interesting person jimin.... there are lots of things which are left unrevealed" Jungkook said while having breakfast.

On the other side .......

Yoongi is getting frustrated he is struggling so much. He needs one break to show his talent ...that he is capable ....that he doesn't need to be anyone's side chick to become famous.... Those pigs look at person as an s.e.x object.... they think all men or women could do anything for money *Assholes* yoongi  cursed.

Suddenly his phone rings it's an unknown caller.

"Hello it's yoongi speaking.... who's this"

Hello Mr yoongi I'm calling from Jeon enterprise I want to let you know that you are selected as our model please report tomorrow at 10 sharp"

Yoongi couldn't believe he get through the interview... after so many days a genuine smile appears on his face. He said thank you and cut the call

Jimin went home after breakfast. His mom open the door before Jimin  could enter his home he question "how's is my son in law doing" she grin

.....Jimin roll his eyes "Mom...I'm going to room bye" .....before his mom could protest he runs towards his room.

𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧: the second life (𝐣𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤)✅Where stories live. Discover now