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Let's continue....

Both of them left the restaurant and went to their respective place.

There is a group of businessmen meeting going on in the same restaurant. Suddenly the air around them became colder. They shudder from the coldness.

This coldness is emitting from Jungkook. His expression darken by seeing Jimin smiling with another man. The jealousy he is feeling right now he couldn't express in words.

Other side Yoongi came home after the interview. His advertisement become hit. He became the face of Jeon new line of products change. Taehyung everyday sending him one white rose.

He is lying if he say he is not liking the gesture and the attention he is receiving but somewhere in his he is afraid of being used. He suddenly thought something and called jimin.

"Hi... yoonie" -jimin

"Hi ....mini are you free today" -yoongi

"Ummmm.....yes...why" -jimin

"Then please be my partner in the charity event. I got a modelling contract from one of the famous designer...he listed my name in a one day dating thing and also said I could bring someone I want it would be good to raise money for the charity" -yoongi

"One day dating thing...what's that" Jimin asked confused what's yoongi saying.

"Well it's like some men or women volunteer. Here bidding happen on each other. Whatever money each of the volunteer raises through bidding will goes to charity. The man who bidded will get the chance to take the person on a date and no touching is allowed until person herself or himself allows. please say yes ...well even if you say no I already listed your name" yoongi said slowly afraid of jimin reaction.

"YOONGI HOW DARE YOU" Jimin  shouted.

"I'm sorry....I love you.....please be ready by 6....bye " jimin ends the call with that.

Argh.....he is such a pain the ass Jimin grumbled.

Charity event day......

Hello everyone I'm please to see so many volunteers to participate and raise money for the orphans and cancer patients. The money that will be raised would divide equally and send to orphanage and hospital for cancer patients respectively.

Jimin is wear tight lether jeans and black top with deep neck which visible his white milky neck with mile some jewelries, with that with juicey lips without effort make them best with smokey eyes.

Actually  Jimin refuse to wear this outfit but yoongi insisted by saying "don't you want to make jungkook jealous". At first he doesn't want to but somewhere he wants to show that it's Jungkook lost not his..he wants to make him jealous so he agrees.

Yoongi on the other hand wearing a purple outfit matching like Jimin. he goes without lipstick and smokey eyes. Which make him hot and sexy....

"Let's go babe let's rock the floor" yoongi said grinning.

All the volunteers were standing on the stage. There were 25 of them actually most of them volunteer to gain some connection. The host one by one introduce the volunteer and according to the number bidding starts. After 10 volunteer yoongi name calls.

Let me introduce you Min yoongi the face of change. His looks created a sensation among the public. Let's start the bidding. -announcer

"1 million"

"5 million"

"20 million". Well 20 million going one....20 million going 2 ...20 mill--" suddenly the host interrupted.

"50 million" yoongi got shock that someone will bid this much on his but his face pales when he saw who bidded it's was taehyung.

and 50 million ..3...sold!.

Taehyung giving death glare to everyman who is fantasying about his man....he will be his only lover...his only date ...his first and last.After yoongi 5 more were done with their bidding.

Now it's the time of Jimin's turn. Jimin enter the stage his body freezes by seeing everyone attention on him. Jungkook straighten his back. He got surprised seeing Jimin participating in the charity event and what more surprised him it's Jimin outfit.

He looks seductresses with his bold look. Now he is cursing those men giving him lustful look he want to gauge their eyes. The air become dark around him.

Well host introduce jimin "Now we have the Park heire PARK JIMIN" Host became awestruck with the beauty standing near him....he clear his throat "Now I have question Mr Jimin ....are you single"

Jimin can feel the intense glare he is getting but he wants to thought him a lesson so ignore him and answer the answer. He politely smile and said "Yes...right now I'm single".

Most of the men sitting there releases the breath they were holding. Now they want to get the chance to conquer this beauty.

On the corner taehyung choke on the drink he was having. He chuckle "Hahaha..... told you brother.... You need to be careful now with women around you...or else you will be dump"

Jungkook give him the death glare it's like he want to swallow his brother from speaking nonsense. Taehyung gulp and say"Well brother I'm going to claim my man... best of luck with your man" and with that he ran away from his brother glare.

Jungkook broke the glass he was holding after hearing jimin declaration. How dare you jimin to call yourself single.

The bidding starts....

"15 million"

"30 million"

"50 million" it was Marcus. Jimin got surprised by seeing Marcus.

"75 million" it was Jungkook. Like hell I will allow any men to have his Jungkook thought.

Now the competition goes on between Jungkook and Marcus.

"90 million" Marcus bid

"1. billion" Jungkook bid.

"1.25" Marcus bid.

Jungkook is getting annoyed by this Marcus guy. Both of them glaring at each other. On the other hand host is sweating really badly damn it's a first time the bidding is exceeding 1 billion.

Most of the audience enjoy the drama that is happening between two CEO. Whereas some women or men are getting jealous of Jimin.

2 billion " Jungkook bid. Marcus stop himself he knows he can't bid more now his glare intensify. Jungkook smirk at him and with that Jungkook won the bidding.

Jimin feel like running away. He can't look at the intense look Jungkook giving him. It feels a chase between a lion and lamb.

Author:- wow what a show 😵😵

𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 : 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 (𝐣𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤)✅Where stories live. Discover now