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Let's continue....

Yoongi reached office at 10 sharp. The receptionist gave him details where he will be working. He went to 13th floor to greet his boss. He never knew he is going to meet his greatest nightmare and the nightmare will never leave him.

He was thinking his boss is going to be Jeon Jungkook but as he enter he freeze

"Not going to greet your boss" taehyung said smirked.

"F.U.C.K MY LIFE" - yoongi thought.....

Other side inside the meeting room.....

Today the team is working along with advertis.e.m.e.nt team. There is brainstorm session is going on. Jungkook is sitting in middle observing them.

The employees are sweating really badly because of they couldn't able to come with any idea and moreover haven't come with slogan for their new range of products.

And minute by minute Jungkook losing his patience which is totally evident through his eyes which giving them death glare.

"Why not we do this with our products they wouldn't not only make them look beautiful but confident as well" one of the employee said.

Jimin is getting pissed by hearing words like "they will attract guys", " make them beautiful", "beauty is everything", "you can achieve everything if you are beautiful", "world is not meant for ugly people"

Jimin couldn't control his anger and he burst out "Stop objectifying women..... stop it let me tell you there is no limit to beauty standard ... from ancient times to modern age it's being changing but it's getting worse.... due guys even get it, ...irrespective of gender... how those people feel who think they are not fitted according to society's expectations of beauty standards..... people looking at you judging you because how you look....feeling like you don't worth it..... a product must satisfy a customers and advertis.e.m.e.nt plays a huge role in it .....why not show this even so what there is imperfections but that's what make you different .....because at the end it you...and most importantly....... you're worth it"

Jimin is trembling from inside he knows she shouldn't have burst out like this but he can't help it he's also in past life a women who everyone judge.... he knows how's it feel when people judges you "I'm sorry for being rude and interrupting like this... please just excuse me" saying that he went out of the meeting room.

Everyone couldn't able to fathom what just happened. But they couldn't help but agree with jimin. They started to get a different picture.

After some minutes.....

"This meeting is over" saying that Jungkook went out of the meeting room.

Jimin went to his cabin which is outside Jungkook office. His heart is trembling really badly ....he is getting the vivid images of his past when he used to get judge by people. His school mates used to tease him because of his size, he wasn't obese but a big girl (past) and the fact that he feels comfortable on those baggy clothes..... he was young he doesn't know that your looks, the way you sit, talk, eat everything is observe by people....

they just want a reason to slander ....nobody understand how these judgements make oneself hate of who they are.

Jungkook is standing outside the cabin, he is observing jimin he doesn't know the reason for his outburst but understand that something must have happened in his past.

He walk towards him and embraced him in his arms and said.... "Shhhh....you can tell me if something is bothering you.... I'm here for you..."

you know Jungkook I wasn't use to look like the way I am now....I know how judgements psychologically damage you.....it makes you feel worthless....not good enough" jimin said embracing Jungkook.

"They are just bunch of weak people who doesn't have a life... for me it's you who matters " -jungkook

"your looks are just bonus" Jungkook said smirked.

Jimin giggle hearing his teasing.

He remembers the reason why he falls for him in the past.


It was jeon enterprise completing 100 years annual party. Many renown celebrities, business men, politician were invited. Park namjoon  being Jeon Hoseok best friend they were given special invitation.

Being the Park she (Jimin) always been in limelight. They always compared the two two sisters (Jimin and rose when jimin was girl). The young one being beautiful and intelligent whereas the elder being fat, ugly and waste. She due to depression had started to eat a lot due to which she gained a lot of weight.

It was the same party where everyone is looking at her with disgusting gaze except him and it was his gentle smile that make her heart flutter. But the castle she was making in the air soon crumble down. Because his eyes caught jaemin.


Jimin pov

"Jimin.....jimin" suddenly I heard Jungkook voice. I look towards Jungkook "yes"

"What are you thinking so deeply I'm calling you for 2 minutes. " Jungkook said glancing at me worriedly.

You" without thinking I  said.... suddenly I realized then I blushed looking at Jungkook who smirk at me

"it's good to know I'm occupying your mind" Jungkook grin.

"well jimin I want to tell you tomorrow is company completing 100years so for its celebration we have thrown a party... I want to make us official" -jungkook

"But Jungkook we haven't dated properly you want to declare us official isn't it too soon to tell the whole world" Jimin panicked.

"I can understand you Jimin ...but I'm not longer a teenager.... I'm already thirty years old....I want to show the world how beautiful my partner is" -jungkook

"You" Jimin blushed "you surely very good with your words"

Jungkook chuckle "only for you minne you for you"

Jimin suddenly remembered tomorrow is the day when Jungkook saw Jaemin. This what
confused jimin he met Jungkook way before the party maybe because of the several choices his fate as well changed but there is a fear inside his heart. Jimin's heart trembled he doesn't know what future holds.

𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 : 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 (𝐣𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤)✅Where stories live. Discover now