
What a struggle it is to fall in love when you are supposed to be getting the best, yet regrettably, this is your fate.

She detested the fact that it was snowing today, not because she hates snow, but rather because this week's practical driving lessons were canceled. She really doesn't like those classes. She falls in love with the young man who teaches them there. She loves his face, his blue eyes, the hair that falls over his face, and the way he talks. Caius was attractive not only to her but to every girl. Maybe he also likes her but he is generally in a relationship. However, that did not prevent him from going out with her on a date and kissing her. But he felt guilty. So he suddenly left her when she thought the date was perfect.

Hoping to see him or her, she walked by his house. Hoping to find him there, she went into the bar where he used to be but unfortunately, none of it worked out. She was searching for him in every face she came across until she unexpectedly found herself walking into a pub only the insane could enter. However, this was preferable to going home and getting killed by the thought of him and his lover, in her perspective. Then one of the idiots who she found in front of the door stood up to her asking for her phone number. She answered his questions and gave him her secondary phone number, and thus she dismissed him from her face.

You can be harming someone with the move you make.

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