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(character aesthetics are the same as Ellie's roommates)


"Adeline, you know how i feel about this!" i sit on my bed with my arms crossed over my chest. "Luna you will be fine, i will be here with you for every second" i groan. "As your best friend, you can't live here forever, your parents are assholes and i hate seeing them every time i want to see you" I roll my eyes. "Then suck it up."

Adeline stands up and opens my closet. "What are you doing?" I stand up. "Finding you an outfit. we are going roommate hunting" i run over and yank her from my closet. "no we are not" she sighs and grabs my arm. "Luna its time you leave, this place isn't healthy for you and I'm sick and tired of saying my friend lives in her parents' basement, do you know how pathetic that is?"

i look down in shame. "Now, we are going to find you an outfit and get your ass outta here."


"here" she parks in front of a large apartment complex. "Adeline, I don't have enough money for this, this looks to nice" she scoffs. "don't even, I'm paying for it" she opens her door and closes it before I can say anything.

I huff and walk out to keep arguing. "Adeline-" "Shh" she places her finger over my lips. "Fuck you" I mumble. she laughs a bit and walks up to the front desk. "This isn't even how this stuff works" I say. 

"i know, my family knows another family and their sons' friends are looking for a roommate" I feel my eye twitch. "Oh stop, your being dramatic" she takes my hand, and we walk towards the elevator.

"Do you even know these guys?" she thinks for a bit. "I have met them once. their names are Alex, Zach, and Xavier" I give her a look. "Three people! I hate meeting people Adeline and i have to deal with 3 dudes" the elevator dings and the doors open. 

"Oh shush" she grabs my hand again and we walk to room 100 with a star next to it. she knocks on the door and squeezes my hand. the door opens to reveal a very sexy man. "Hey Adeline" they hug and make a bit of small talk.

"So, who is Luna?" Adeline looks down at me, giving me a look. "Hi, I'm Luna Grayson" I shake his hand. "Would you like a tour?" i nod. he leaves the door frame and leads me into the apartment. "So, I'm Zach and my brothers went out to go get food for you two, but in the meantime i can show you around."

"This is the living room, we mainly eat and watch Tv in here, we try to do a movie night once every week, so we don't drift apart."

the living room is all white, with a giant square couch and a massive Tv in the middle, along with a wall of windows, showing NYC greatly and giving a ton of natural light.

"This is the kitchen. I'm good at cooking so i will mainly cook dinner because my brothers can't but you will get your own portion of the fridge, just don't steal another person's food."

the kitchen has a big counter space the wraps around the kitchen with expensive appliances. 

"Then that room is the bathroom, those three rooms are ours, and that room is yours" he points to all of the rooms. "Now you will be sharing with my two other brothers Alex and Zach as for I have my own bathroom since I'm the oldest and do most of the chores around here.


"But that is basically it, rent is due every month and you are expected to feed yourself and buy your own things" I nod. "Any questions?" I look at Adeline and she shakes her head, saying no. "well then, are you two interested?" I open my mouth to say no, but Adeline is too quick. "Yes, we are, we would love to move in as soon as possible" he smiles. "Good, the quickest you two can move-" "oh I'm not moving in, just Luna."

fucking hoe

"Oh, well then the quickest Luna can move in is Thursday" Adeline nods. "Very well then, we will be here then, and again thank you so much, this truly means a lot" he nods. "I'm happy to help" they say their goodbyes and we leave.

"I hate you" I grumble. "I love you to babe."


hey guys im back!! im going to try and upload at least every few days but mainly try to get one upload a week as school is kicking my ass and try and save time for myself.

hope you enjoyed!

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