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My face turns white as i just stare at him. "What's going on?" i whip my head back to Hannah who is holding the pacifier and Emily who is holding Boba. "Xavier!" Hannah says and jumps to her feet. "We were just trying to help her because she fell, and we were picking up her stuff to help her" Hannah smiles. Emily nods.

"Uh alright let's go Luna" he motions with his hand. "But-" i look back to Hannah. "what's wrong?" i look at Emily but they both have evil in their eyes. "What?" Hannah says innocently. "Can i have my... Stuff back?" she shakes her head. "But i already gave it back to you remember?" i give her a pure look and she holds her hands up. "See?" i look all around but see Boba nowhere. 

"What did you do with it!" i push past her, not caring anymore. "Luna what's wrong?" i shake my head and look all around her. "She took something of mine!" i go to Emily and look in her hands and she is holding them up with nothing. Xavier looks around and walks in the bathroom. 

"What did they take?" Emily smirks at me when he says that. "personal stuff" i say and see dropped my pacifier in her bag. i reach in to take it but Emily slaps me in the face. "We just helped you! what are you doing?" Xavier walks over and demands me to tell him what's wrong. 

"she put my thing in her bag" i say through choked up tears. "i don't know what her problem is but i didn't! i gave it back to her" i shake my head. Xavier grabs my hand. "Luna, what's going on" he says more sternly. "They took my things! they wont give them back" i groan and try to take Emily's bag but all the sudden the door swings open and Adeline walks in. 

"Adeline? what are you doing here" i quickly wipe my tears, knowing she would rip off Emily's and Hannah's heads for hurting me. "i went over to the apartment to see how you were doing and stuff but Zach said you were here and when i was walking around i asked if anyone saw you and one of the Hockey players said you went to the bathroom and Xavier went to check on you so here i am"

Adeline looks at me in a weird way and walks my direction. "what's wrong?" her thumb grazes my cheek. "Nothing?" she squints her eyes. "What's. Wrong." i look down. "They took my stuff and they wont give it back" her head snaps in Emily's direction.

"Did you steal from my friend?" Emily shakes her head. "We helped her! she fell and we helped her pick up her stuff and we handed it to her!" Adeline ignores her and rips her bag out of her hands, spotting my pacifier. i see her grab it and stuff it in my purse.

"Hey!" Adeline punches her in the face. "who the fuck do you think you are to steal from my friend?" Emily shakes her head. "I'm sorry" Xavier steps in and pushes Adeline away. "what the fuck is going on, i want to hear Adeline's point of view and hers only" 

"i don't want to talk about it right now" i see Hannah inch closer to the door and before she can leave with Boba Adeline takes it from her in a very... calm way. "Lets go' Adeline grips my hand and drags me out. 

Xavier follows us. "What the hell happened Luna?" i hold Boba, making sure it's on the dry side. "take me home" i say to Adeline. "Luna wha-" Adeline stops walking and takes a deep breath. "stop asking her, she obviously doesn't want to talk about it" 

"i should know! that was my ex" Adeline scoffs. "you have shit taste then, because your ex and her friend stole from Luna and seemed to harass her" i squeeze Adeline's hand. "What!?" Adeline scoffs. "Do i need to repeat myself?" Xavier shakes his head. "no but-" "then good" Adeline continues walking and i hear Xavier try and stop us. 

"Do you want me to take you to my place?" i shake my head. all my comfort items are at the apartment. "No but can you stay with me for the night?" she nods, and we walk out with a lot of weird stares. "I'm so sorry hun" i wipe my nose. "They dropped Boba in the toilet" my voice cracks and Adeline shakes her head. "We will wash her, okay?" i nod. 

"your okay Babe" she opens the passenger door for me as Xavier runs out yelling at us to stop. "What did they steal? I'm so confu-" Adeline starts the car as Xavier seems actually upset. "wait" i say and roll down the window. "Luna" i see Hannah and Emily come with Crocodile tears.

"She stole my Phone!" Hannah yells. i grip my hair in stress as i just want to fall into the floor. Adeline rolls her eyes and goes to roll up the window. "No she didn't, i know because i saw what was in your bags" Xavier looks at us and yells. "We will call the cops!" Hannah nods and crosses her arms over her chest. 

"Adeline what did you take?!" Xavier yells. "I took things that are personal to her!" i lean my head back and bite my lip, just wanting it to stop now. i hear Hannah and Emily hold in a laugh. "What is so fucking funny? huh?" Hannah shakes her head and goes back to her act. 

"I'm not letting the car go until everybody calms down and i get the solid story!" i bring my legs up and place my head into them. "She is such a baby" Emily mumbles. "Excuse me?" Xavier looks at them. "She had a fucking pacifier in her purse Xavier! like an adult pacifier!" i hug my legs tighter, starting to get sick. i feel Xavier look burn into my skull. 

"is that true?" Adeline scoffs. she doesn't give an answer which makes Hannah burst out laughing, giving away the act. "and you want that as your roommate?" i feel Adeline grab my hand as the car shifts into first gear. 

"Xavier if you tell anybody, and i mean anybody i will ruin your career" Adeline is going to school as a lawyer. "Same thing for you two" She pulls out and speeds away to the highway.


look, i know what im doing

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