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"Here we go" Adeline zips up my last suitcase and claps her hands together. "Ready?" "no" i grumble. "hey" she grabs my jaw and makes me look at her. "You might hate me for this, but your parents are fucking assholes who don't deserve you and I don't want to see you living in your parents' house for the rest of your life, okay?" I look down in shame. "I'm sorry" she brings me into a tight hug. "it's okay babe."

we hug for a few seconds until she lets me go and plants a kiss on my forehead. "Alright let's go pack up my car and head over" i nod and wipe a tear away. I'm so lucky she is my friend.


"Alright here we are" she smiles at me. "Ready?" I take a deep breath in and out. "yeah" she gets out of the car and grabs my stuff. "Now the light purple one is all your little space stuff, your purple one is all your clothes, your dark purple one is all your stuffies, and your black one is everything else. I also bought you a few things so in the white one is all of that." 

"Adeline, you didn't have-" she shuts the trunk and gets one of those fancy cart things that you put your stuff on. "Shh, now let's go" she places all the suitcases on it, and we walk off. 

"I have a question" she looks over at me. "Yeah?" "Why are they the only room on the top floor" she smiles. "Because Zach is the CEO of some tech company and Alex and Xavier play in the NHL and NBL, so they make a ton of money, and they are super respected" that's kind of hot.

"alrighty" we walk out the elevator and knock on their door, but a different man opens it. "Hi Luna, I'm Alex" he smiles, revealing dimples. "hi" I give him a smile back. "Hey Adeline, missed you" they hug, and she asks him how the season has been going. "It has its ups and downs but that's how every season is."

she nods. "Would you like to come in? we ordered pizza because Zach had a business meeting" I cover my mouth from a giggle escaping. "Yeah of course" I start to take down the suitcases but Alex and I'm guessing Xavier comes out and helps carry them in. "we could do it guys" Adeline rolls her eyes.

"That wouldn't be very gentlemen like of us" Xavier winks at me. I blush and quickly smell the pizza. my tummy lets out a rumble and they all laugh. "Come on, let's get you something to eat" Adeline takes my hand and we walk into the apartment. "My Favorite!" I smile.

pepperoni with Hamburg. yum.

she gets a paper plate and gives me a slice. "I can't hang around for long, I just want to let you know" I nod and start eating the pizza as they guys finish putting my stuff in my new room. "alrighty" Alex sits next to me at the island. "This place is so much nicer than the last time I came" Xavier rolls his eyes. "Zach took liberty, as you know me and Alex just stayed here because all of our main games were being moved to NYC, but Zach moved in because he wanted to get more closer to us again and felt a bit lonely."

I frown a little, now realizing why they did movie night. "So, when Zach came, he immediately started cleaning. he is like the mom out of all of us, before we barley cooked and when we did it was mac and cheese but when Zach came over, he started cooking for us."

"Oh nice" Adeline smiles. i finish my pizza slice and wipe my mouth with the napkin provided to me. "I have to go now, i just wanted to make sure you ate all of your food" I nod. "Will you be okay" I nod and grab another slice, hopping that I will make her stay if I start eating this one. 

"Alrighty, I love you and talk to you tomorrow" she kisses my cheek and leaves. I sigh a little, realizing my trick didn't work and now I have to finish another piece of pizza. "You, okay?" Alex asks. I nod quickly and take a small bite of the pizza. 

"Zach is heading home now, he said that the meeting didn't last as long as he expected. "Xavier says. "alright" Alex finishes his pizza and throws the paper plate away. I spot two more rooms Zach never told me about.

"Did Zach not tell you about those two rooms?" it was like he was reading my mind. "no" I say quietly and take another bite of my pizza. "One is our home gym, and the other is Zachs office" I nod.

"What do you like to do in your free time" Regress "uhhh I like puzzles and coloring" yeah, puzzles made for 7-year-olds and hello kitty coloring books (side note: I actually love hello kitty coloring books. I don't regress as much as I used to but I still color in them. there easy, simple, and cute. highly recommend)

 "cool" Alex smiles. "What do you like to do, besides basketball" he thinks to himself for a bit. "Work out mainly" "same" Xavier says and throws out his plate.

"Oh, I want to say some rules to, no drilling or putting holes in our walls, if you want to paint your room that is okay, just talk to us about it before and please don't trash your room. Zach cares deeply about this place being spotless and if he knew there was a messy spot he would freak" I nod and finish my pizza crust.

"okay" all the sudden the door opens, and Zach comes in, with a expensive looking suit and a briefcase. "Sorry about the confusion, people are jerks" he says and takes off his suit jacket. why is that kind of- "oh hey Luna" he says and gives a warm smile. "hi" I smile back. "Did they give you a hard time" I giggle. "no" "good" he grabs a plate and places a slice on it but takes off all the good stuff and puts yucky veggies on it. 

"You really have to ruin everything do you" Xavier says. "Shut up" Zach says with a mouth full of food. "He is a health freak" Alex whispers in my ear. I shake my head.

I can tell I'm going to enjoy it here.


he guysssss

i just got one of those cirkul water bottles so i drink more water and i highly recommend, the flavors are super good.

hope you are enjoying!! 

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