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Luna POV

i smile as i see Xavier come out of the tunnel thing. "i wave at him and he waves back as he and his teammates start practicing before the game starts. The crowd is a lot louder than i thought it would be which makes me a little overwhelmed. "You alright" Alex asks me. "Just a bit louder than i originally thought" i force a smile and look back at the rink. "Just say something if you need to leave for a bit, okay?" i nod. 

i place my hands in my lap and play with the rings on my fingers as the other team comes out. the crowd starts to cheer again and i bite my lip. i place my purse on my lap and put my hands in it, feeling my comfort stuffed animal, Boba.

(I'm sorry)

in the end, Xaviers team won. i feel myself get relieved as i stand up and stretch my body. "Jeez I'm tired" Alex yawns and rubs his eyes. "Yeah, I'm going to head home to, you staying Luna?" i nod, seeing Xavier done shaking hands with the other team. he comes over to the glass with a big smile. "I did it!" i nod quickly, "I'm going to meet you guys out there in just 15 minutes, wait for me?" i nod again because i hate yelling. 

"let's go guys" i say and start to walk out with all the other people. Zach stays close behind me and grabs my hand. "Just don't want you getting lost in the crowd sweetheart" he says close to my ear so i can hear him over all the people. 

we make it up the stairs which feels like forever and see Xavier at a table with a bunch of his other teammates. i see Xavier looking for us but i wave my hand in the air as i rush over to Xavier. "Good Job!!" i exclaim. Xavier has the biggest smile on his face as the guys come over to us. "We are so proud of you" Zach hugs him and so does Alex. "I remember when you were this big and you just started Hockey" Zach wipes a tear from his eye.

i laugh and hear Alex sniffle. "Are you guys going to stay?" Zach shakes his head. "Luna is but we are heading out" Xavier nods and we say goodbye, but that takes 10 minutes because Zach can't let go of Alex. Oh, and he took his jacket back leaving me cold again.

"Want to help me sign hockey pucks?" i laugh and nod. "People are going to start to come in 5 minutes" in front of each table are ropes so the lines don't get jumbled up. "Oh Luna, this is Dave" a shorter man looks my way. 

"You got a girl?" he says as he organizes his posters and sets them on his table. i blush and widen my eyes. "No idiot, she is my roommate. Luna this is one of my teammates" i wave to him, feeling myself calm down. "she's single?" i smile and nod. "Dam" her grabs a hockey puck and rights something in a white marker on it. "Call me sometime" he winks and talks to another dude.

i grab the hockey puck from him seeing his phone number and signature. Xavier seems to tense up and his face turns a bit red. "you alright? you look like you're holding in a massive shit" he nods. "Yeah sorry" his body relaxes again. the crowd of people start rushing in and his line quickly fills. "We might be here for a while" he says.

a group of teenage girls is the first, but they are catching their breath. i laugh and they straighten themselves up. "sorry" she says and slides a detailed photo of him on the table. "it's okay don't worry" he smiles and signs the photo and does the same with 3 other girls. they start squealing as they walk away. 

i start shivering, still feeling the chill from the rink. "here" he gives me his jersey. "oh, thank you" i slide it over my head, feeling super comfy. "hi" a teen boy says and hands Xavier a puck. "You did really good out there" Xavier thanks him and starts small talk. "Mommy look how pretty she is!" a little girl standing next to the boy says. 

"Annie! I'm so sorry" I'm guessing the mom, apologizes. "No, it's okay" i smile. "here" she slides me her princess crown. "Sign it please!" i laugh and grab the sharpie from Xavier. "Your just as pretty as a princess!" she is wearing a cute pink princess dress and holds a wand with a star on it. "oh, not as pretty as you" i find a good place and write my name with a few hearts after it. 

"Thank you!" she says as i hand her back the crown. "Mommy look how pretty her name is" she says with a big smile. "Thank you" the mom says as the family leaves. "That was so cute" i hand him back the sharpie. "It was."

it seems like the line is never going to end, but i am getting massive amounts of compliments. "It almost seems like people are just coming for you at this point" Xavier jokes. "Hey i need to go to the bathroom, do you know where they are?" i ask. he points to a hallway.

"When you walk down the hallway take a right on the second hallway and then you will see them. "Thank you" i say and jog off to the bathroom. i go into the first stall and do my business but when i get out there is two girls. "Who do you think you are?" i slowly stop walking to the sink. "Excuse me?" the girl scoffs. "Walking into his life like that. you do know he has a girlfriend" i get confused. "Were not dating."

she crosses her arms. "And I'm supposed to believe the whore?" i laugh a bit. "You got someone mixed up" i walk over to the sink and pump soap on my hands. "you're the one wearing his jersey, i don't know who you think you are but you need to back the fuck off" i run my hands under the water and wash my hands.

"Or how about you mind your own business and not jump to conclusions" i grab a few paper towels but she grabs my hair and pulls it. i scream and she slaps me in the face. "don't tell me what i can and can't do. i saw his brother slide his jacket on you and now you're wearing his jersey? you're a fucking slut" she pushes me against the sink.

"i don't even know who you are" i say as i feel a tear fall down my face. "Aww look she is crying Hannah" Hannah

they guys mentioned her when Xavier asked me to go to his game. "Your fucking ugly" she laughs and throws me to the ground, making the stuff in my purse also fall out.

Boba and my pacifier slide out and i feel my heart drop. "Oh, you have to be kidding me" her friend walks over and picks up Boba. "How old are you? and you're caring around a stuffed Bear" they start laughing. "Wait Emily" Hannah picks up the clear box with my pacifier in it.

they burst out laughing as i scramble to get up. i go to grab Boba from her but she takes it back and sticks her arm in the air. "Does the baby want her bear?" they tease. "Just give it back!" she is much taller than me, making this difficult. "Wait till Xavier finds out" i notice she is wearing heals so i kick the side of her heels making her fall down and drop Boba.

i quickly grab her and stuff her in my purse. "Luna are you okay in there?" i hear Xavier. i get caught off guard and the other girl, Emily, takes Boba back from me and starts walking towards a stall. "No!"  i scream and she drops Boba in the toilet. 

she goes to flush it but i push past her and grab the bear out of the bowl. the door opens slightly. "Luna is everything okay? i will come in if i have to" i feel more tears fall down my face as Boba is now covered in dirty water and Hannah is still holding my pacifier. Hannah gives me a look. "I'm okay!" i go to grab the box from her but she throws it to Emily.

"You sound like you're crying Hun" my heart clenches as they start playing monkey in the middle with my pacifier. "I'm fine, i promise" i try to jump up and catch it but i miss and it falls onto the floor.

"im coming in Luna" the door slowly opens, and Hannah grabs it and smirks. i go to run to her and grab it but i fail as i turn around and Xavier is standing there. 



long chapteeeer

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