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i get dressed for the game. i decide to be more basic, wearing a black crop top and red sweatpants with black, white, and red Nike's, trying to match the team colors. i wear a cute necklace with a black bear with red eyes charm. i place a regular black ring on my finger and spray my favorite perfume on.

i grab my purse and place my wallet, phone, headphones, Chapstick, back up mascara, a pacifier, and my favorite stuffy. look, the last two items are ever if i have a mental breakdown in public.

i walk out of my room and see all the guys look at me. Xavier's mouth gaps a little, Alex eyes me up and down, and Zach clears his throat. "Are we ready to go?" i nod my head yes. "Alright then, let's go."

i follow the men outside and into the elevator. I'm the last one to walk in but i feel intimidated. the three guys are definitely above 6 feet, and they are all standing around me. "i like that you dressed up in my team's colors, it means a lot as they never did it before" Xavier says as he presses the button for the ground floor. "Well i thought it would be weird to not, and i didn't want to dress up as the other team's colors on accident" he nods but has a big smile on his face. 

 "But your welcome" i smile back in return. "i might have to stay afterwards if they want us to do signatures to, so it will be okay to leave without me, i can get a ride back" i feel myself get sad. he expects us to leave. "i can stay, i don't want you to be alone" i say. "Really?" i nod. "Okay!" 

the door opens and we all walk out. i follow the guys to their car and Alex opens the front door for me. i giggle a bit and sit in the front passenger seat with Zach next to me. "I'm guessing it's a home game" Xavier nods. 

i bounce my leg, feeling nervous. i grab my phone out of my purse and text Adeline about where im going. we have life 360 with each other and i just want to let her know where i am going. 

and you didn't give me an outfit check?

she reply's back. i smile and text her a quick sorry and that i will show her after the game. she reply's back with a eye rolling emoji. i place my phone back and i glance out at the window, seeing Zach turn onto the highway. "Your outfit is super cute" Zach says. "Aww thank you" i say back and feel myself calm down a bit. 

"of course," i crack my knuckles and put some Chapstick on. i see as the sun is starting to go down which is starting to make the sky turn into a bit of an orange. We stay on the highway for another 30 minutes till we jump off and arrive at a huge stadium. "Were here" we all get out of the car and Xavier walks next to me with his bag full of equipment. 

"Are you excited" i ask him. "Yes, i am, i feel very confident today" i smile at him. we continue making small talk as we walk up to the stadium from the back doors, which were for the players. "Alright, i have to go now" he frowns as i see Alex roll his eyes. "Alrighty, good luck" a person opens the door for him as we walk to the front of the stadium. 

"You, okay?" i ask Zach because he seems really tense. "Yeah, just a bit nervous for Xavier, that's all" i hum but see his hands clench into fists.

Zach POV

i feel a feeling of jealousy flash through me as they say goodbye to each other. i roll my neck as we head to the front of the stadium. "You, okay?" Luna asks me. "Yeah, just a bit Nervous for Xavier, that's all" i force a smile. she hums and follows Alex to the front, skipping the line. 

i see her get a bit confused but she doesn't say anything. "Because Xavier is our brother, we get VIP seats and stuff" i explain to her. "Ooh okay" she smiles. i can't help but stare at her for a few seconds longer until we make it inside. 

"Wait, does the game not actually start at 5?" i shake my head. "We have to get here an hour earlier because of traffic and Xavier needs to get ready and practice" she nods. Alex leads us to a special entrance, and we walk in, seeing the guy already knows of us and nods but stops Luna. 

"She is with us" Alex says and pulls her closer to us. "Xavier get a girlfriend?" i take a deep breath. "no" he laughs and waves his hand. "Messing with you guys, but you do get a very pretty lady with you guys" he winks at her making her blush.

"Aww thank you" she smiles and bites her lip a bit. "Come on, let's go" Alex says, breaking the moment between the two earning a frown from the guard. i hear Alex huff as we get a sit right Infront of the glass. "Oh my god it is a lot colder than i expected" Luna says and wraps herself with her arms. "i didn't think about how we would be in a Hockey rink" she laughs to herself.

"Here" i say quickly and put my jacket over her shoulders. "Oh, thank you" she slides her arms in the sleeves. i laugh a bit, seeing that it is way too big for her. Alex doesn't look our way but just clenches his jaw.

Alex POV

i wish i beat him to saying that. her brown doe eyes take in the rink as people start crowding in. "have you ever seen a hockey game?" i ask. "Mmm no but my dad used to be into it so i used to watch the games on tv with him but i never really payed attention" she explains. "What about basketball?" i throw a grin at her. 

"Basketball is cool. i mean so is hockey, i think hockey is pretty cool to. Basketball and Hockey are pretty easy sports to understand" Zach glares at me. "Well, what isn't a sport that is easy to understand" she thinks for a bit. "Football (American) To many rules and the games last like hours" i nod. Zach scoffs. "Football isn't that hard to understand" he looks down at her. "Yes, it is! they grab the ball for like 3 seconds and the whistle blows. i only like football for the halftime show during the Superbowl, oh and the commercials" Zach hums as the stadium is completely filled up now. "Why do you ask?" he shrugs his shoulders. "i used to play football" she nods.

I sit in a weird silence until the players come out.


Hey guyssss

sorry for no upload recently. i got a case of the sniffles and i think i slept on my arm weird so it was really sore all yesterday. feeling better today though! i hope you all are enjoying:)

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