erm idfk

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so like.. how do you start these things.. these chapters will indeed contain alex g lyrics, one of the songs i will include is defo nintendo 64 and prolly the same and some more!

mk pov!

life is not good. my dad is an alcoholic who never works and my brother works at minimum wage for an ice cream shop down the road. as the "responsible" 15 year old girl i am, i have to get a fucking job! ive been looking for a little while but all i can find is artsy stuff and shit. i am not an artist in any way, shape or form, i mean, apart from my amazinggg stickmen drawing skills, not to brag or anything!. the only other job i can find is just next to the shop my brother connor works at. i reallllly dont want to be selling flowers but its all i can find so.. hello "blainleys bouquets"! i dont think blainley actually exists. im about to leave for the job until.. "CONNOR! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CHARGER." i scream. my dad shouts but i just burst into connors room and shout again, because i know damn well that 5% wont last me my full shift. "GIVE ME BACK MY CHARGER!" he takes his headphones off and acts like he didnt hear me. "what was that mary?" he says fluttering his eyes and doing that little innocent face he does everytime i shout at him. no, hes not my younger brother. hes 19. "DONT FUCKING CALL ME THAT AND GIVE ME MY CHARGER!" i scream. a few seconds later, the door knocks. "mary get the door!" my dad plainly shouts. i scoff and snatch my charger from connors plug before stomping down the stairs, putting my charger on the tiny kitchen table and storming out of the front door. i slam it behind me and lean on the wall outside. i put my hands on my hips and say "who are you and what do you want." but it sounded more like "whoareyouandwhatdoyouwant!" because i said it so fast. "im julia, my parents are pestering me to give you a noise complaint." she says with her hands behind her back, she slightly sways back and fourth with her foot.  who does this bitch think she is. my hair is now in a bun, which i quickly put up while she was talking. "ITS NOT YOUR FUCKING JOB TO TELL ME HOW LOUD I CAN BE, IS IT JULIA!?" i shout, before stamping away and going to work. on the way, i meet some very nice old men! they all say such lovely things to me! "YOU FUCKING FAGGOT! GO MAKE OUT WITH YOUR SLUTTY GIRLFRIEND!" and shit like that. once i get there, im just sat there on my phone, since theres no customers whatsoever. i have my brother come in and he buys a bunch of roses, and thats all of the sales i made today, he also brought me some vanilla ice cream with vanilla sprinkles and vanilla drizzle and a stick of fudge. sounds so extravagant, right!

sorry its so short, i have no ideas for this early in the story! im probably gonna do julias pov one part, mks the other. and also if theres any random names just play along with it becuz idk many good total drama characters for this fic.

the flower shop (mkulia)Where stories live. Discover now