extreme aggressor

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TWO YOUNG WOMEN sat on a couch in quantico, virginia. they both had dark hair, contrasting to the golden fur of the puppy sitting between them. they were best friends/platonic soulmates/whatever you wanted to call it. whatever your preferred term, they were bound together. their lives were irrevocably interlinked, an invisible string binding them to each other.  

"is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen in your entire life?" bianca catton asked, holding the maple's face up to eye level with her as the puppy's tail wagged frantically. 

vivian abernathy let out a groan, leaning against the couch and rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. "she wasn't so cute last night at three am when she decided it was playtime." she let out a low laugh. "god, i thought brad was going to kill her. or me."

bianca couldn't help how her face scrunched up at brad's name. "ugh. i'm sorry, but i hate that man with my everything in me. he's so fucking annoying. he acts like he's allergic to fun or something. thank god he's off traveling again."

vivian rolled her eyes, gently taking maple from bianca's arms and holding the wriggling golden retriever to her chest. "he's not allergic to fun. he just might have an aversion to fun at three in the morning."

bianca grinned, shrugging. "what's his excuse the rest of the day? i think you should leave him for me. i could treat you better than he ever could. i'll, like, paint you! and give you really good head. you know you want it," she joked, batting her eyes dramatically.

vivian sighed dramatically. "we've talked about this. i can't dump brad for you, honey. that's just not how it works."

it was bianca's turn to roll her eyes. "then you need to find yourself a new man. maybe a guy who's not a complete dickwad for once. you need yourself a good old-fashioned nice guy." she added under her breath, "if that even exists."

right as vivian opened her mouth to reply, her phone began ringing. her heart sank. she knew exactly what that meant. "hello?" she answered reluctantly.

"vivian," came the sound of hotch's voice through the phone. "there's been another murder. can you come into the office?"

vivian knew better than to think that was an actual question. that meant, 'you will be coming into the office.'

she sighed, glancing at bianca. "yeah, i'll be there. give me twenty minutes." vivian hung up and gave bianca a guilty look. "i got to go to work. we got a new case." vivian's expression morphed into a small wicked grin. "you said you love maple, right?"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

vivian was there at the airstrip when the big black cars pulled up. she was shivering, she'd forgotten a coat, and was holding her go-bag. bianca had gotten roped into keeping maple until vivian got back, so she hadn't even needed to take maple to the pet-sitter. she was actually early to the airstrip for once, a small miracle. on the drive to the airport, she'd learned that apparently an unsub had abducted some woman named heather. they suspected the unsub had already killed four other women. unfortunately, one of the tamer cases she'd dealt with.

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