plain sight

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(please note, in this fic, the nickname 'bi' is pronounced 'bee')

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(please note, in this fic, the nickname 'bi' is pronounced 'bee')

ONE OF THE PERKS of having a puppy that seemed to love everybody was that it was a wonderful excuse to get together with your workmates and not talk about dead people for once. because, let's face it, talking about murders constantly got old eventually.

"she's so cute!" penelope practically yelled, cradling maple in her arms and looking at her adoringly. 

maple was unusually small for a golden retriever, vivian had noticed, and she'd gone to a vet about it, but apparently, maple was just a small dog. that thrilled penelope, because it meant that maple's paws never needed to touch the ground. 

vivian had brought maple into the office, just for a little bit, and hotch had taken one look at the puppy and had just sighed. vivian had been quick to reassure that bianca was there to take maple home as soon as something came up, and hotch begrudgingly let maple stay (much to penelope's delight). besides, it was spencer's birthday! it was a special occasion. a tiny dog wouldn't hurt anyone.

bianca, however, seemed more interested in making spencer and vivian feel as awkward as possible. she'd had a damn smirk on her face since the moment she spotted him at his desk. vivian had attempted to keep her away, to no avail, and bianca seemed about ready to strike.

"so," bianca said slowly, grinning wickedly. "you're spencer, huh? i've heard a lot about you."

"bi," vivian warned, glaring at her. "don't you dare."

spencer's lips twitched with what vivian assumed was him trying to hold back a smile. "you've heard about me?"

bianca nodded eagerly, ignoring vivian's deathstare. "oh, absolutely! vivian talks about you all the ti―"

"hey, bi, have you met elle? let's go meet elle," vivian said quickly, grabbing her wrist and dragging her away, ignoring bianca's protests. "pen, i'm trusting you with maple, don't lose her!" vivian called over her shoulder.

"i will guard her with my life!" penelope called out, sounding incredibly serious.

"i'm going to kill you someday, you know that?" vivian mumbled to bianca, bumping their shoulders together. "you're a menace."

bianca shot her a cheeky grin. "you love me." her voice turned teasing. "and you love spencerrrrr."

vivian's face flushed a bright red, making her appear almost like a tomato (or a strawberry). "i― i have brad, remember?" she mumbled

bianca raised an eyebrow. "do you really have brad though? you haven't seen him in, like, two months."

vivian gave her a suspicious look. "what are you getting at?"

bianca giggled, lowering her voice. "are you getting any? because, y'know, i always volunteer, and i'm sure spencer would, too―"


ODE TO VIVIAN ― spencer reidWhere stories live. Discover now