broken mirror

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ONE THING BRADLEY pierce was not was subtle

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ONE THING BRADLEY pierce was not was subtle. another was kind. and vivian deeply wished he was either of those things at the moment.

"you know, i was kinda surprised when vivian said she was going to a chiefs game with you," brad said with a passive-aggressive laugh, leaning over the seat to talk to spencer. "just, y'know, as her boyfriend, i didn't expect some guy from work to ask my girlfriend out. good thing she thought to get me a ticket."

you demanded a ticket, vivian wanted to say. but she didn't. she kept her mouth shut.

spencer laughed nervously, his eyes flickering around as if he didn't know where to look. "um, i wasn't aware that she had a boyfriend at the time. and i only had two tickets. sorry, i guess?" he couldn't help but let a little attitude slip out at the end.

vivian flinched as brad turned his wrath on her. he put on a very realistic hurt expression, placing a hand over his heart. "you didn't tell your work buddy here about me? i'm real hurt, viv."

vivian finally hissed, "you said we were on a break. and he's not a 'work buddy.' this is spencer. you know this is spencer. you've seen pictures of him!"

brad scowled. "don't fuckin' talk back to me, okay? i'm the one that pays the apartment bill, aren't i? so, i wouldn't be getting smart unless you want to spend the next month of bianca's couch. hell, maybe spencer will let you live with him. you'd like that probably."

vivian shrank back in her seat, glaring at him. "do you have to be such a dick all the time? i haven't seen you in forever and you're being such an ass."

"i'm not being a dick!" brad snapped and then he rolled his eyes. "jesus christ― whatever." vivian shot spencer a pitying look. spencer looked like he wanted to melt into the ground and hide.

unfortunately, brad decided to turn his anger back on spencer right at that moment. "why'd you even invite her to this game? you don't have any friends to go with?" he grinned wickedly, his teeth glinting like a wolf. "i bet you were hoping she'd repay you. maybe a blowjob or something, huh? you look like a virgin."

vivian gasped, her eyes widening. "what the hell?! that is so rude! that's so uncalled for, brad!" spencer was a virgin, he'd revealed to her while drunk once (he'd never even kissed a girl), but that wasn't even relevant.

brad scoffed. "i'm not exactly wrong, am i? look at him!"

vivian glanced at him, shrugging slightly. "i think he looks fine." he most certainly did not. he looked like he was on the verge of either crying or throwing himself off the bleachers.

brad scowled, a cruel gleam in his eyes. "he looks like he hasn't slept in years. look at his hair!"

"god, do you have to be such a fucking asshole?" vivian yelled, ignoring the stares from people around them.

ODE TO VIVIAN ― spencer reidWhere stories live. Discover now