02 -Brushy Mountain Penitentiary Part 2

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^^^^^^ A little inspo for Savannah^^^^^^


"TURN THIS THING AROUND!" Chelsea exclaimed her eyes wide and Savannah sat next to her mouth wide open and her stomach in her ass.

"You better be fucking joking," Savannah exclaimed as she found her voice.

Dakota just chuckled nervously, feeling a little afraid as his best female friend was glaring daggers at him as he revealed the fact of their location. Savannah felt as if her stomach dropped into her ass and she was feeling completely unnerved. The closer and closer they got to the location the more Savannah wanted to jump out of the RV windows and run for the fricking hills.

"Why in the hell did I agree to this," Savannah muttered dropping her face into her hands and squeezing her temples.

"You know I have no clue why you agreed," Dakota answered which only resulted in Savannah shooting her head up to glare at him which only caused him to chuckle nervously as he avoided eye contact.

Savannah fell backward on the bed. Chelsea patted her shoulder reassuringly but she was just as scared as Savannah was. Savannah peeked one eye open to find Tanner already staring at her. There was a worry line in between his eyebrows and Savannah's heart sunk even more. The last thing she needed to do was worry Tanner even more. This road trip was already gonna be tough enough and he didn't need anything else on his plate. So she forced a hopefully reassuring smile onto her face and Tanner slowly matched it.

Savannah felt her hands tremble as she squeezed into the booth beside Tanner as they prepared for the packet read. Chelsea wasn't in a much better stage but she hid it a little better than the brunette across from her. Dakota sat on the bench across from them and Alex filmed. Savannah chewed on her thumbnail nervously. She was a mess of nerves and her friends noticed. Dakota was hoping she would gain more confidence as they went on but for now, Savannah was dreading what came. She was also trying hard not to be a baby about it or let it outwardly show because she didn't want her friends to worry about who they were. She was a big girl she kept reminding herself and she should not be making her friends worry so much. So she squared her shoulder clutched her hands tightly in her lap and put on what was hopefully a confident look on her face.

"Okay. Who wants to open the packet?"

"Me. I want to do it." Chelsea piped up before anyone else not that Savannah was rushing to offer it up. Yes, she was curious but she didn't know if she could sound as confident as she was trying to portray. As a hand wrapped just above her knee and began to rub soft circles in comfort Savannah hoped a blush wouldn't appear as she knew Alex's camera was watching the whole thing.

"Chelsea? " Dakota asked in shock but when his sister nodded he handed it over. "Here we go, Chelsea."

"Alright." A high wheeze left her lips as she ripped open the packet. "Location number one. Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary... Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary is known as the Alcatraz of the South, and it has a tortured and horrifying history during its 113 years in operation. It housed the worst offenders
imaginable -- Those imprisoned for murder and the most horrific of violent crimes."

"There are so many people who can testify for just how brutal and scary this place is." Dakota cut in.

"An impenetrable fortress, the prison is nearly encircled by rugged, wooded mountains. The only prison in the US with only three walls, the fourth being a massive cliff. There is only one road in and out."

Tanner whipped his head to Dakota's shock masking his features about the odd architecture and Savannah sent Chelsea a reassuring smile as she glanced up at her. Or at least she hoped it was reassuring. It could have looked more like a grimace with how Savannah was feeling. Tanner's hand kept firm on her knee and Savnnah was grateful for the warmth and comfort it brought her.

"The grounds were a death trap, and some say those lost souls have never left... You can read the next part." Chelsea said after a moment shoving the packet towards Tanner. His hand left Savannah as he reached for the packet and a nervous chuckle left his lips.

Tanner read a comment about the auditorium from one of the workers and Savannah felt her heart pick up tenfold at the mention of the creeper.

"The auditorium is something else. It's evil. We have to go in it."

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