Chapter 11

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"How's my honey-dew doing?" My mother asks as she walks into the library.

"Momma!" I yell as I run over to her, giving her a big hug. "Momma! Violet's dadda was telling us about the-the Venin. They sound so scary. You won't let them steal me away, right?"

Her eyes loose a bit of their sparkle but she gives me a big hug. "Don't worry my little honey-dew, I'll protect you."

"Wake up!" An all to familiar voice shouts somewhere in the distance.

"Violet's dadda said nothing would hurt her so long as he lived. Why can't he me my dadda too?"

"Akira! You shoulddn't say things like that. You know how hard your father works to keep all of Navarre safe. And you have me. I'll be here for you forever."

"Pinky promise?" I ask, extending my pinky finger.

She smiles as she locks mine with hers. "Pinky promise, honey-dew."

"Wake up before you die, Bright One! Now!"

My eyes fly open as I gasp, sitting up and coming face to face with a dagger.

"Shit! She's awake!" One yells as I disarm the one holding the dagger.

I gasp when I see who the third is that leaves my room.

"Not now, Bright One! Move!" Ant demands.

I fly out of my bed, with hardly any clothes on as the male cadet gets distracted by just that. I gag as his eyes roam over my naked legs and up to where a large shirt falls down just below my ass, concealing anything that my underwear isn't covering which isn't much. Don't ask, I don't know why I wear a thong to sleep.

The guy quickly recovers and swings a heavy looking sword at me as I duck under the blade, landing a kick to his stomach. I rise with satisfaction on my face before I'm put into a chokehold by the fuck female I forgot about.

I grab at her arm, trying to get free as the male stands to his feet, anger gleaming in his eyes.

"Akira!" Ant bellows, one of the few times he's called me by my name. "Fight them off, I'm not there yet!"

The male cadet grabs a dagger laying on the floor with a malicious spark in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Ant, Astra. I failed you. Please, fight for life without me."

"Akira!" The female holds my arms as the male pulls the long blade through my neck. I hate how aware I am of the feeling of it snapping tendons and slicing through veins. I feel the blood invading my trachea and esophagus as he cuts through it.

Everything fades as I watch the scene from the side, my actual body crumpling to the ground. The man and woman cheer as they celebrate over my dead body.

A ear splitting roar breaks their moment as I'm sure Ant mourns my death. His wails of pain and sorrow break my heart as I hear his cries.

"NO! My little hatchling! Bright One! You can't die!" His grief hits me hard as I search my mind for that connection to him only to find none.

Well, almost none. A golden connection burns in my mind as I faintly hear Astra's words. "Hello? I'm gonna try to help. Just hold on, please. And be ready to fight when you wake up."

I'm so confused until I feel something grab my ankles. Hands. Black and blue and purple hands grab me, trying to pull me through the floor. I scream as I fight against their hold. I pull, forcing my muscles to keep me standing up straight, refusing to let them drag me down.

A golden light drifts under the door before it slides under, enveloping me. The hands let go as I'm in cased in the warm light. It creates a bubble around me and I watch through it as everything pauses before reversing. I watch as my body gets back up and my head weaves itself back onto my body. My body runs backwards and eventually falls back into my bed. The other cadet, Rider, is back. The cadets and rider walk backwards and out the door before the rider locks my door.

Then, I gasp as I shoot up in my bed. I quickly grab my two of my dragon scale daggers from my dresser. I wait behind the door as they hesitantly open my door and sneak into my room, confused to find an empty bed. I use their distraction to quickly slit their throats as their bodies fall to the floor, bleeding out.

I hear the rider gasp before they take off down the hall. I don't even try to go after them, knowing that if I was attacked, Violet was too.

I see Xaden running down the hall and over to me right as I break down Violet's door. Right as she...teleports?

I'm so sorry for the LONG wait you guys! I had issues with the story and it was deleated and I lost the chapter I had done. I hope to write this weekend and I'm sorry about leaving you guys hanging like that. Please, feel free to leave comments as they make my day. I hope this little chapter satisfies everyone until I can get back into the story. Because of the break, I might need to read through the story again so please be patient with me! I hope to update this again tomorrow, well today I guess it is now. Anyways!

Drink lots of water and stay healthy everyone! 

The Lost Child ~ [Xaden Riorson]Where stories live. Discover now