Dear my lord God Allah Jehovah Yahwey El'Shadei Adonie The holy Father and Dearest God's Holy Son my Lord, King, Massiah, Savior and God, To You both my loves, my darlings, my dears, my beautifuls, my Gods of Glory, majesty, the Almighty and The Eternal Life, My All in All my most beloved GOD In The Highest and Jesus Christ my loved one, my best friend and my soulmate,
i worship you! I honour you! I love you! i will glorify you in my work! This is the Will and sweetest, most loving, kindest commandment of GOD that I speak my prayer here to you all - for this has long been misunderstood and misinterprited by the earth since the beginning of time... It is time to make this clear: remember Always that GOD IS. GOD IS GOOD. GOD IS PURE UNCONDITIONAL ETERNAL UNCOMPREHENDABLE LOVE. GOD IS PERFECT, and that GOD LOVES and CARES about all of us - we are His children.
This is the explaination of the Holy bible verses: HEBREWS 12:4-14.
my Greatest prayer to glorify you both with, my lords God and Jesus, is that the world understands this meaning from the begiining: "God Disciplines His Children."
In your struggle against sin, you have lost your lives and lost who you are and what your purpose for God and jesus is in this life... in the temptation for Satan it has killed you because you were focusing on what was not Of GOD and instead only focus on the GOOD and GOD IS - Completely ignore the beasts from now on. Only ever mutter a number in deep Prayer to GOD, Praying with Jesus, or the letter "x" and Let GOD Command IT, because it can only be destroyed by GOD.
Only ever focus on the positive, the light, the Holy, the Faithful, and on God and Jesus and God's servants who are chosen by GOD especially for you (us all) - His holy Angels - from now on.
No longer turn to thoughts of sin or fall into temptation or lust by considering or thinking about it. rely on GOD and jesus alone. Obey God every commandment and do gods will at all times and let GOD fill you with love, blessings, happiness, joy and safety. never again waste the time of day on the "xxx" - Become Of God and you are a holy Angel and GOD Will fill you with the ultimate eternal and unconditional love. GOD is purity, and you are innocent and blameless in the sight of The Lord. This is a commandment from God and this leads you down the straight and narror path to enter The Kingdom of heaven of GOD.
GOD IS encouraging you to be the perfect creation of His child that The father loves. HE loves you all and cares about you all and God speaks to all of us, his people and his children just as lovingly and gently and kindly as he does His own SON jesus Christ because God so loved his son, and God so loves all of his children....He speaks to us all just the same because God is perfect and God is our father, and HE speaks to us exactly the same was in every single word HE says... with the most love, the most kindness, the most caring of ways, the sweetest, the most gentle, with the most compassion and empathy, understanding and patience, support and encouragement. GOD IS Guiding you alone, caring for you, looking after you, helping you and teaching you your way to FIND, SEE, KNOW, SEEK OUR FATHER God All in All - There is no such thing as evil in God - God did NOT create it and so we do not aknowledge it again, not as even existing - this leads us to then be entirely of GOD and Jesus and to love each other as GOD has commanded. - This is when The Holy Spirit enters you and you become within the Truths of GOD. This is the grace of GOD. When GOD and Jesus have blessed you abundantly and fully, truly and greatly - when only LOVE IS... I say this to you as a command for this is the discipline of GOD: To learn and know that GOD IS only LOVE, ONLY GOOD, ONLY HOLY, ONLY LIGHT, there is No harshness or judgement or evilness or maliciousness, spite, jealousness or negativity in GOD and don ever think of them again.... God does not keep a record of wrongs and GOD only saves our lives and protects us... We find our strength in God. We find our Faith. We find our Trust and we find our Hope. We find we have no need to worry of fear, because it is another command to h be fearless in the presence of the Lord... our suffering, too, then shall come to pass.. suffering is not of GOD nor is caused by GOD: GOD does not punnish nor condemn. GOD loves us and cares about us. GOD UNDERSTANDS us and wants us all to be in heaven - God Kingdom - Paradise!! And in the end, this is exactly what His plan for perfection IS for all of us HE has ever created... as soon as jesus returns.
The following verses must be gramatically corrected to understand this perfectly:
"My son (my child) to jesus Chriist and alll of Gods children.... Do not. Don do it. But instead MAKE LIGHT of this teaching from GOD... Do not lose. (FInstead, HAVE HEART when (666) rebukes you.. because the lord has taught you jesus and to tell of his children a new commandment and the Truth is that GOD IS LOVE... it is the evil one who is the one to blame and fear, and this is what God commands of us, and for us to know... Out of Gods love for us HE has spoken to our hearts which he formed and created... and he "chastens" makes this promise to everyone - That he accepts us into the Kingdom of God with open arms.
Endure in constant and continuous hardships that come to you (and know that GOD is not the cause or the blame!) WORSHIP God and jesus and turn to them - Pray, pray, Pray and Trust in GOD and this is Gods teaching - his discipline is only to obey his commands that are there to save lives and stop you from being hurt or coming to any harm or suffering or troubles, stress, tears, this makes God cray.... they are there to ensure our safty and world peace, love and happiness of all the world, to live in harmony with each other. God teaches us right from wrong and God's first command is to PLEASE, PLEASE, LOVE my I am your FATHER - do not turn to false idols... they are causing you harm and suffering and pain.. i do not want you to hurt or cry... Worship ME, and i will light your path and Guide your way to eternal life, and those who succeed at this will be rewarded as becoming God Holy Angels. God second command is to love one another.... please just.. care.. please just.. be kind, be gentle, try to understand and love, do not fight or become angry or bitter... God commands one shall not murder - why would anybody do such a terrible thing? Tis is something many of us cannot understand, but GODs commands are all there to help us to be loved and happy and safe ONLY and ABOVE ALL, do not commit adultery because GOD knows that heartbreak can kill a person in love, and then God takes thier lives too so that they can be in heaven by each others side all the time. Do you understand?
There is no fear in God, not even death, why, God never created death - this word di not even used to exist. God is LIFE! God and jesus speak then about parents: That thier discipline they think is best, as do manmade human laws, but this is difficult for us and troublesome... turn to GOD as our father and it is all so EASY, SIMPLE, and life is GOOD, we are blessed... this is why mans laws need to GODs will, because it is causing injustice and hurt and relationships to break up and loss of trust.... God simply wants you to Pray, say help or say God and he will answer your prayers. It Satan who is not legitimate. The devils decipline is that of Hell... God has never sent anyone there. It is our own choice.
Then listen those who have ears to hear... Gods command is to share gods holiness, Rightchousness - God has trained you to know this Truth.... and HE has made you strong and built your faith. Do you now realise that with Prayer gods power, and might jesus will heal you, take all suffering away, destroy the numbers, save you from murder even, so walk and see God and enter the kingdom of God simply because you remeber... GOD IS GOOD.
You will no longer be disabled or in chains but set free.
God's Little Angel.
EspiritualA book of prayers written by God Allah The Almighty, Jesus Christ through Archangel Michael and A Servant and Angel of GOD: Angel Mary Clement with special thanks to Archangels - All - Lucifer, Gabriel, raffael, Elija, Jermeiel, Jimizen, MICHAEL, Sa...