Chapter Fifteen

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A/n: I did told you guys that there will be more appearances of Loser Head Assassin and Vex! However, and this is a big one, this marks the introduction of Orion's Older Brother, we don't know much about him other than what I presented, so here he is. The next chapter will be a few months after this chapter takes place, and this is where Bulma is pregnant already with Bulla. I am currently working on it. Currently Bulma is one month pregnant with Bulla already and hasn'[ told everyone yet. Also the mention of "More Full-Blooded Saiyans" is a plot point to the villian I talked about previously, that Arugulot works under, it's hard to say whose the leader of this rebel without actually spoiling it, but it's not Frieza so don't worry. As usual, the next chapter will probably be out in less than a day like usual. You're probably wondering how I can crank out chapters, well I am just writing things down as fast as I can do. But yeah, next chapter is smut. Also since I ran out of space for the Q&A I am going to make more answers.

1) Will Android 16 join the TOP?
1a) Yes, he will. He will be replacing Frieza, although Frieza will be revived during the big battle with the new Saiyan's.

2) Will Android 16 be hesitant to leave Orion's side during her pregnancy when he has duties to attend to for the TOP like Vegeta?
2a) Yes, 17 will voice his annoyance to Goku if he presses 16. Unlike Chi-Chi whose irate at Whis, Orion will actually allow him to go much to the worry of 16.

3) What impact will Android 16 and Orion's child have on the story as a whole?
3a) Well, he will be babysitted by Whis in the same vein as Beerus with Bulla. But the difference is that Whis will treat the baby as his grandchild.

4) Has Whis Adopted Orion?
4a) He will during the after wedding ceremony during the send offs to Android 16 and Orion's honeymoon.

5) Will we get to see more of Orion's family?
5a) If/When Orion dies, she'll get to see her family. However they will be talked about exclusively in flashbacks or by Arugulot and Orion in passing.

6) What is Android 16 and Orion's Offsprings named?
6a) It's a secret.

The day of the wedding was here, Orion was nerve wracked as she was fidgeting while Bulma was doing her hair. "Kami. Orion you're so fidgety!" Bulma scolds.

"Can you blame her? This is her special day!" Chi-Chi scolds Bulma who scoffs. The door was being knocked on. 18 answered it. It was Loser Head Assassin.

"Hey who are you?! You can't just barge in here!" Bulma yelled.

"Don't worry, this is Head Assassin. My boss from my time away." Orion rose to her feet.

"My, my, you look stunning on your special day." Head Assassin took Orion's hand and kissed it.

"Thanks. What brings you here before my wedding?" Orion asked.

"Well I wanted to bring you your wedding gift early and be in attendance." Head Assassin said.

"Ooh! You didn't have to get me a gift..." Orion said.

"Are you sure about that? Come in!" Head Assassin calls. Orion was curious and in came Vex. She nearly dropped the mirror she was holding and ran up to Vex hugging him.

"Vex is that really you?!" Orion asked.

"Yes. It's me." He laughs.

"Was he just revived?" Orion asked.

"Not exactly. I went to Dende for help. And we spent a while finding the dragon balls and wishing him back! Just in time for your wedding too!" Head Assassin said.

"I'll be sure to thank Dende after the wedding." Orion said.

Whis poked his head in. "Are you ready to start the ceremony? Korta, 16 is out there already." Whis said.

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