Chapter 1: The Date

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There's a time in one's life where they wish the ground would swallow them whole. For some, it's having broccoli stuck in your teeth, for another it's the hangover walk of shame to get some medicine. However, for Autumn, it was the moment her date reached up and snapped his fingers at the waitress like she was a common dog.

If there was any moment the world could swallow her up, it would be now. "Excuse me," He snapped his fingers again. "Waitress." With each snap, Autumn sunk lower into her seat. She lifted her menu up as heads glanced toward them. Please don't judge me. I'm not with this guy.

When the waitress finally came over, he flashed Autumn a flirtatious smile. "I think me and my lovely date are ready to order now." With a smile more like a grimace, she gave the waitress her deepest apologetic stare.

Why did I agree to this date again? Oh right, mom. She fought a sigh. Her mother was the queen of overbearing, obsessing mothers. And at a staggering twenty nine year old, her mother was ticking down the time till Autumn's biological clock ran out.

At a staggering five foot eleven, this hunk of meat with a sharp chin and gray eyes would give her mother the grandkids she wanted. Who even needs love when you can just marry for the genes.

"What can I get you two?"

"I'll have the 14 oz ribeye, medium rare, with a side of potatoes. I want a nice cabernet to go with the meal as well." He folded the menu. "Get everything right and a big tip will be in your future." At his wink, Autumn grimaced.

And this date just got worse.

"I'll have the pasta carbonara with a Pinor Noir please." And please don't spit in our food. As the waiter took their menus back, her date spoke up again.

"I see you love red wines." He leaned forward. "I do like a good white wine every now and again, but there's something about the reds that make them more flavorful and sharp." His eyes looked her over. "Like you."

Autumn blinked. What is that...even supposed to mean? Fighting the frown, she dabbed at her face with a napkin. "Well, thank you for that compliment." She flashed him a smile. "I do try my best."

"And I admire that about you." He smiled. "I admire a woman that'll look her best no matter what."

"Really? No matter what?"

"No matter what." He chuckled. "It's her job to keep her husband interested right." And this just got even worse.

"Well you know not all bodies are created equal."

"No, but there is exercise and salads. I mean," he chuckled. "Is it really that hard?"

Feeling a spark of annoyance, Autumn leaned into the table. Alright then. "Well what about my pasta? Should I have gone for the salad then?"

"I mean, I don't usually tell someone what to eat. I just would prefer if my dates stayed away from the carbs since it goes to the more...unsightly places."

And I'm done.

"Here is your wine." The waitress returned with two bottles. "Your dinner will be out shortly. If you need anything else please let me know." Now was the time to escape.

"Actually," Autumn spoke up. "Can you point me in the direction of the bathroom?"

"Oh, it's right down that hallway." Following the waitress' finger, Autumn slipped into the bathroom. Pulling out her purse, she quickly found her get away ticket. Thank goodness for cash. With a quick glance toward her table, she slipped after their waitress.

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