gas giant introduction <333

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Jupiter desc

Jupiter is the largest planet of the solar system and also the most powerful one. He is also somekind of a gentleman! He has over 95 moons I think? He is the smartest in the solar system! Such a gentleman right? But he also had made something in the past. Something absolutely's just like someone nightmare..

Jupiter height: 195 cm

Fav moon: he doesn't have favorite ! (Ganymede is his fav moon.)

Fav planet: he love every planet equally! (It's actually Saturn.)

Who does he love the most: he love everyone equally! (He play favorite)

Gender: male

Pronouns: he/him

Bonus: when he was a kid he told Saturn that he gonna marry him. (Lovely dovey gosh :CC)

Age: 31

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Saturn desc

Saturn have the most beautiful ring in the solar system! Do you know that Saturn is also the most sensitive and the most kindest ? He and Jupiter is such a married couple! (They doesn't want to admit it. Cause they have crush on other as well.) Saturn is also some kind of Example ! He is the example of the model planet!

Saturn height: 186 cm

Fav moon: titan. ( He really love titan lol)

Fav planet: he doesn't have one! ( Jupiter.)

Who does he love the most? : he actually love everyone equally! (Realest)

Gender: male

Pronouns: he/him

Bonus: he kissed Jupiter on the lips when they were a kindergarten student/schoolers?


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Uranus DESC !!

Uranus is the second farthest planet from the sun! The last one is actually Neptune! He is also the cousin of Neptune! But he doesn't think that..he is also have the surface of ice! (I think) He is the third largest planet! The second one is actually Saturn!

Uranus height: 184 cm

Fav moon: Titania ( cause titania is the largest moon of Uranus!)

Fav planet! : probably Neptune.

Who does he love the most? He love everyone equally even thought they make fun of his name.

Gender: male

Pronouns: he/him

Bonus: he eat his moon once and he spit it out. ( He did it when he was a kid :O)

Age: 28

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Neptune desc

Neptune is last planet from the sun! He is also the smallest planet of the ice giant and the giant! Do you know that Uranus and Neptune rains diamonds? Its can pay all the debt of the word has! Neptune is also the dumbest ! He sees Uranus as his cousin! He love Uranus!!!!!

Neptune height: 178 cm

fav moon: he doesn't play favorite.

Fav planet: Uranus !!!

Who does his love the most? His moon and his other planet friend! (Guillermo is also count in it)


Pronouns: he/him

Bonus: he ate an aestroid once and he give did it Infront of his moon. ( The moon were terrified of him now! )

Age: 26

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465 words
I really hope that you guys understand the introduction of the gas giant! Tomorrow or today I'm gonna post the face of the main character! (Planets? & Sun)
Probably Wednesday I'm gonna post the story! I hope Soo!
I will also modify the introduction of the inner planet! I'm gonna post everyday I hope Soo!

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