chapter 3 helping hw ? /confession

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Venus pov

As mars was hugging earth he was grinning at Venus. Venus looked annoyed 'bout mars behavior.mars then let's go of earth Body , mars smiled at earth tenderly , earth give an awkward smile and a little pinkish on his cheek at mars , mars just grin and wink at venus. Venus was jealous that earth smiled back at mars and a little bit pinkish appear on earth cheek..was he blushing? Venus thought on his mind.

Mars then says whisper something to earth's ear. I couldn't hear it but I could hear a little bit. It's like mars was saying " earth " What the f*ck was mars even saying to Earth. Then suddenly mars saw me sneaking out to hear his and earth conversation. If they really wanted to talk by ear's by ear's they should go to a room or smth. Mars wink at me again and I just hated it when he does that. Earth looked at me and looked at mars back again and Shake his head. It's look like earth was denying mars wishes. Mars looked at earth with a sorrowed smile. Mars then just look at me back again and rolls his eyes. He began to step into the elevator and goes to his room , now I guess it just me and him..I wanted to confess to him. I actually have a unstable feeling about him but..I feel like I have a crush on him even though I feel like he a burden to everyone. I start speaking first. Earth looked at me confusingly with a warm smile at his face. I just sigh and continued the thing I wanted to say.

"Hey earth..since no one here..I wanted to say that..I l-" I was About to confess my feeling but then suddenly..mercury butted in. Ugh? Srsly? Why does pipsqueak has to be here. I thought he was supposed to be at school. Mercury butted in and earth was jumped by Mercury suddenly showed his face. TF did you even get here? Did you use the stairs or what. Mercury look at me and look at earth.

"Earth!!!! Can you help me? I have about math homework about some algebra or smth" mercury asked Earth. Earth looked at mercury first then look at me back again while answering mercury "hm..I'm gonna drink some water first then I'm gonna help you alright ?" Earth look back at mercury with a tender smile on his face. I look at mercury with a furious looked , mercury backed down when I give him that look since Mercury was scared of me ofcourse. Earth looked at me since he noticed the look on my face he put his hand to my shoulder and just go to the kitchen to grab some water. Mercury followed earth quickly since he didn't wanted to get beaten up by me. Earth drink warm water since he didn't wanted to kill his earthlings on his surface. Mercury is still looking at me while I was giving him death stare.

earth put his cup on the sink and washes it because if he leave if there the jovian planets will be mad that if somebody didn't wash they're dishes or smth. Earth looked at mercury after he had washes his cup. Earth gently hold mercury hand and mercury quickly look at earth.. earth give a sign to mercury that it was the time for to show earth about his homework. Mercury nodded and go to the lift with earth following him. Now its was just only me. I go to the kitchen and drink the water. I washes the cup after I drink it and since kitchen is next to the living room I guess why shouldn't I watch some tv? I go toward the living room and sit on one of the couch and open the tv there was alot of shows to watch but I just like wacthing movie. I open Netflix and watch a kinda of a famous movie. Which is the name  " stranger things " since alot of people talked about the actress inside the movie ALOT (just imagine that it was 2022 , I dont have any movie that I should promote lol)

Mercury pov

Earth was helping me with my homework since I didn't understand it very well..I was supposed to be calling Jupiter instead but.. Jupiter was comforting Saturn cause Saturn was crying about Jupiter giving him the most "lovely" necklace ever. Why doesn't Saturn and Jupiter gets married already ? They looked like they are some old couple. I was zoning out when suddenly earth was putting his palm on my shoulder guess he noticed me that I was not focusing.

"Are you even focusing , mercury?" Earth asked me with a teasing smile on his face , "o-oh! Yeah I did! Sorry about that. Oh and also about the bracelet! Did you lie to Jupiter that I was stealing yours bracelet?" I asked since I wanted to get out of the topic about me zoning out. Earth look kinda uncomfortable about my question but he answers it "oh..well I didn't. But heh. Are you scared that if I told Jupiter yours phone will get taken away? And you will be grounded eh?" Earth was forrowed in the beginning but now he was teasingly smiling at me , I just giggles and told him " well a little annoyed IF I'm getting grounded. But you would be a scaredy cat if someone take your phone away not like me. I be pretty chill if someone took my phone but not stealing though." I said with a jokingly tone , earth look at me and raise a eyebrows "hm the last thing that I see after Jupiter grounded you a month ago you were crying to get yours phone back? Welp that was pretty "chill" to you huh? " Earth claimed. I was shocked how did he know that because at that time he was shopping with somebody else. " did you know that? You weren't hone at that time. I mean that happen in the morning and I also got my phone back after I begged Jupiter. Also aren't you were shopping with yours friend until the middle of the night and got drunk?" I asked with a teasing tone like he did. Earth grin at me "at least I get some new thing and I get some new hot girl around me not like you. You cannot even pull someone girl in yours school lmao" earth answered. I just rolled my eyes and earth just chuckles and he keep explaining to  me about algebra and about math that is my level , I understand everything when it comes from earth mouth. But if my math teacher explained it..gosh it will take 1 month to understand it by wacthing YouTube and making thinking about it all over again. Earth is not dumb not smart either. I don't know about him but his lecture is very good. But I don't understand why doesn't he wanted to be a math teacher? I asked him and he just answer "math teacher? Pftt! That's for only lame people , mercury..~ hah!" Earth chuckles and answered my question I just looked at him and he ask if I don't understand anything beside the algebra. Then the lecture keep continuing even thought It was school holiday I still have to study and keep on with the math teacher google meeting about hw and all that..gosh I hate high school. I just wish I could be a cat just eat and meow meow..!

1275 words
Sorry if this was short and late (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
I was busy today !

Chapter 4 is out!

Also follow my insta!!
Cause I'm gonna post spoiler on there

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