chapter 1 .. bracelet ?

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Start with mercury pov

12:46 pm

I was sleeping peacefully when someone banging on my door. I already know who is it. It's was Venus , of course he wanted to mess with me everytime when sun wasn't around. To bad that sun when out with mars. He really doesn't know when to stop isn't he? I really want Venus to stop banging on my door in the middle of the night , but let's just say that I was really lazy..I mean.. really REALLY lazy..! When suddenly the banging stop. And I heard earth voice outside he was talking to Venus. I guess earth scold him! Thanks God that earth room is next to my room! He was such a hero to me! Not really tho..when the banging stop I just continue sleeping and snoring.


My clock were ringing and I wake up from it. I was so tired to wake up. I just wanted to sleep , I just sit on my bed and just grab my phone from it charger. When I open my phone there was million of messages from the inner planet group. When I look at it..Venus and earth were fighting again , typical them I guess.. they are the troublemaker inside this mansion lol , the last time they fought they broke Saturn favorite tv , Saturn was crying and Jupiter scold them...I was just thinking about how toxic they relationship was. I mean..I also have a trouble relationship with Venus also..I was scrolling through the message when suddenly someone knock on my's was one of the maid! She brought me a pasta! Yummy! I just take it from her and said thank you! I put the food on my study desk I cleaned last night. I started eating's was..I cannot even tell how it tastes! It's delicious! It's has the taste of sweet and salty..! I love the tomato one tho! The tomato sauce is my favourite! After I eats it I grab the plate and goes downstairs and goes to the kitchen to put my plate in the dishwasher as sun say we doesn't have to rely everything on our maid. After I put the plate inside the dishwasher I go toward the living room. I found someone bracelet? It's look like it was one of earth bracelet..his fans give it to him , I hope I can be as popular as he is. I grab the bracelet and go toward earth room.

Earth pov

I was playing on my phone when suddenly someone knock on my's as mercury? I open the door and mercury hand to me was one of my bracelet?! Did he Steal it from me or what?! "Wait.. did you steal this from me? I'm telling Jupiter!" I told him that and mercury looked shocked when I told him that.."wait what? No I didn't! I found this inside the living room!" He was talking to me with a confused tone , I stayed silent as I give him a death stare I grab the bracelet on his hand and I scanned it if it was broken or what..if it was...I swear I'm gonna tell sun or Jupiter about this.. thanks God that it's was not broken or anything.."alright..but I'm not gonna trust y-" mercury intrupped me "let's check the camera if you really believe I stole it from you then. I know you gonna tell Jupiter no matter what." Mercury sighs before talking to me. He was speaking with a annoyed tone. I just shrug and just nods..I really want to tell Jupiter about this..I just hope that it was not my fault or anything..! When me and mercury arrived at the cctv room we get in and we look toward the camera..when we playback's was me..? "Ha! There! It's was you! You were eating when suddenly you dropped yours bracelet!" Mercury looked at me with a smile on his face.."oh..I must be clumsy then..sorry merc!" I was still did I dropped it..? But still..the cctv has reveal the Cause. I just can agree with it..mercury just looked at me with a smile as I apologize to him , he just laugh it off and just nods, he walk away from me and I just stayed there in silent..after mercury got out of the camera room I got out after him, I was still holding the bracelet in my hand..I got out on the camera room and I headed toward the garden to calm myself...I guess I was that clumsy..I headed toward the garden when suddenly I bumped into's was Uranus?

Uranus pov

I was chatting with saturn for hours on a bench , then I wanted to go to my room when suddenly I bumped into earth on my way..well thank God that I was taller than him so it's didn't give me any pain. I looked toward to the small earth holding his head. Inner planet is such a cutie not gonna lie , no wonder why we have to protect them , I looked toward the earth when I pat earth look at me with a bracelet on his hand? Guess earth was focusing on the bracelet looked worried as he apologize to me quickly I just pat him as a sign that it was alright.then I just go toward my room.leaving earth behind looking at me with a worries face..

Earth pov again

Uranus pat my head as a sign of that it was was making me feel better but the feeling of what happened with me and mercury is still making me worried. I just go toward one of the bench and just sit on one of the bench..I started at the bracelet I was holding..It was not from my was actually from my sister...theia..I loved her so much I remember all the fun thing with her. I just wish that he has a great time with the other planet up there..I sobs quietly as I remember all that time


when suddenly I feel someone pat my head..? It's was Jupiter? Jupiter looked worried..he just wiped my tear with tissue..and he ask me.."what wrong my earth..? You could tell me anything.." he ask me with a worried tone..I just started crying and hugs him.."shh...shh..I'm here.." Jupiter pats my head again..after a few minutes of crying on Jupiter chest I just stopped a I was just only sobbing..with a tears running toward my cheek.i told Jupiter everthing and his just smiled at me.."it all in the past earth..yours theia must be really worried about you if you keep crying..let head Inside should we? I'm gonna make yours favorite dishes..buttermilk pancake! Yours favorite." Jupiter speak it with a smile on his making me calm..I just nods as Jupiter hold my hand gently and headed toward the kitchen..I just sit at one of the seat on the kitchen table and Jupiter making my favorite dishes while I was just watching him doing it...the smell was so good..~


I heard someone sit next to me..its was mars! How did he sit next to me out of no where..I was confused! How did he get here? I didn't even hear some footstep! I wanted to ask him something when suddenly mars looked toward Jupiter and asked him "What are you making Jupiter?? Wait..that smell..isn't that buttermilk pancake..! I want one pls!" Mars said that out of no where.. Jupiter just laughed and nods..mars was smiling and he looked toward me..we chat for a while and after that Jupiter hand us the pancake..I got a buttermilk pancake with a milk hot cocoa marshmallows? While mars just get a pancake with a milk. Mars looked at Jupiter with a confused face.."wait..why does earth get a hot cocoa drink while I didn't get any??".. Jupiter just laugh "well earth has a very bad time today so I brought a hot cocoa drink for him.right earth?" Jupiter smile at me I just nods and mars raise one of his eyebrows and just drink his milk.. Jupiter just laugh it off and just headed toward the living room , he wanted to watch some tv and if I need to vent to someone he is always free for me. I just watch as Jupiter headed toward the living room..and now it was me and mars.."earth..pss! Can I try yours drink??? Please! Just please!" Mars whisper to me after Jupiter aren't here anymore.." were lucky that I'm in a good mood." I handed him my drink as he drink it..he only drink a little so it's fine. After a few hours on the kitchen the drink as the food is all eaten. We put it on the dishwasher and mars was heading toward his room before he run away..he said "goodbye!! Paparoger!" Then he just wiped. I just waved before he run away to go inside his room..I go toward the living room to headed toward my room I found Jupiter was lying on the couch sleeping. Guess he was really tired from babysit his moon and making me and mars some drink and food..

it was almost night time , I go toward my room and when I got inside I just go inside my bathroom , I absolutely love warm shower..and I put some pajamas before heading toward bed.i was still thinking about theia..but I just ignore that feeling..theia must be very happy with the other up in heaven then...

"What a chaos today.."

I slowly close my eyes and go to sleep.

1671 words
I hope you guys enjoyed chapter one
.I don't really know how to do some story (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)I just hope that you guys enjoyed this lol !! If you don't understand just let out a message on the part that you doesn't understand! I will try my best to make you understand!! ⊂⁠(⁠'⁠・⁠◡⁠・⁠⊂⁠ ⁠)⁠∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°


Chapter 2 is out!

Also follow my insta!!
Cause I'm gonna post spoiler on there

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