chapter 2 ( jealousy & necklace? )

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Warning some:

Mars x earth x Venus
Jupiter x Saturn
(I'm a multishipper lol)
Sorry (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠;⁠)

Jupiter pov

I wake up around 4:55 am or something.i looked around and find myself on a couch inside the living room.i guess I was so tired and accidentally fall asleep when wacthing the tv shows to relax myself
I sit on the couch and looked around if somebody is also awake.i go upstairs at level 1..still no one was awake since it's was only the ice giant level , Uranus is always a chill guy and etc he is also gets make fun of his name so he doesn't always wanna go out of his room , then I go back inside the elevator to go to my bedroom.

..level 4

As I arrived at my bedroom level. My bedroom and Saturn's Is the last level inside the building we live in.( They live inside a mansion :P ) I got inside my bedroom and sit on my chair Infront of my working desk.since Saturn wake up around 8:00 am I should just read my favorite book until he wakes up. Usually When Saturn wake up he always go Infront of my bedroom and knock on the door since he wanted to spent the time with me and cuddle. I love it when he hugs me and doesn't wanna let go. I remember the thing we used to promise , we promised eachother that when we are older we are going to marry eachother..but we were just kid back then.

I used to have feeling for Saturn when we were a child..but now..I don't really know but it making me laughed when I remember the thing in the childhood that we used to make and I just chuckles with remembering all that After remembered all that memories I remember that I actually wanted to give Saturn Something that is very important to me.i love with all my was actually a necklace with our picture in it.i still remember where I put it , I put it inside my drawer. I just go toward my drawer and grab it. I also remember that earth was crying while holding a bracelet yesterday..I guess that bracelet is as important as Saturn is to me..I guess.

6:00 am

I was reading a book when suddenly someone knock on my door..I open it slowly and find Saturn outside.."oh? Saturn? Guess today you wake up early huh?" I asked and Saturn just smiled at me "yes. Yes I did! I guess I got lucky and wake up early! I never wake up during before 7:00 usually!" Saturn reply to me. He looked so cute when he was smiling. I cannot help myself but mumble " you were always lucky are the prettiest boy I ever seen." I didn't know that I mumble that loud until saturn heard it.."really..?? You really think that..? J-jupiter..! You are making me cry..!" Saturn started sobbing. I know how sensitive he is. And he just hugs me afterwards.

Saturn pov

I hugged jupiter as he told me making my heart melt.i always had love him.but I don't know if he ever love me back- I was thinking about all that when hugging Jupiter with tears falling down my cheek. I only stopped hugging him when he persuaded me. I just love hearing his lovely word. When suddenly he grab something and gave it to me..he hold my hand gently and gently reveal what it is.its was a necklace..?


He look at me and I give a sign of a yes. He slowly and gently put it around my neck..I cannot tell him how much I love him.he is...-he is so kind to me...before I knew it I broke down with tears in my eyes..why does Jupiter has to be so kind? I hug him again. He just chuckles and hugs me back while patting my back.

6:29 am
(It still the time that Saturn was crying)

Venus pov

I wake up from the sound of was from level 4 , it sounded like Saturn was crying..

"did he has a break up with Jupiter or something?" I thought to myself.its was literally 6 am he is creeping me out with his dumby waterfall tears.i really wanted to scold him but he was at level 4 probably with Jupiter or someone else but I'm to lazy to use the stairs , I guess I just use the lift then.

I got up from my bed and get out of my bedroom and headed toward the lift while I was Rubbing my eyes when suddenly I bumped into someone..?

"Uh? Venus? You already up? I guess you also wake up from the sound of crying isn't it?" It was earth? I blushed slightly with his messy hair. I don't even know why I was even blushing at him. I actually has a crush on him when we were probably 15 but now we are 18/19 years old. I don't think I have that feeling anymore.

"Oh..yes i did." I reply earth while putting my hand behind my smiled at me softly , I can help but blush a little.

"I wanted to go downstairs to get some drink.i guess you got out from yours room to scold Saturn eh? Guess we have different direction." Earth speak once again.i really wanted to scold Saturn but I'm just gonna let's it past me.i really wanted to follow earth so we could be closer than ever. Maybe I could become his close bestfriend? No one knows.

"Oh...well actually I don't really wanted to scold Saturn , I actually wanted to get some drink downstairs but I was to lazy to use the stairs so I wanted to use the lift." I lied to earth. Earth looked at me confusingly and looked at the lift and press the button before getting in it.

"Huh what a coincidence huh? You usually get mad at people and doesnt wanna let it go. Guess you changed a little ek?" Earth asked. He chuckles a little and I just looked at him and grin.

"I guess..since I have a handsome face why shouldn't I be nice for once?" I speak with a joking tone. Earth smiles and giggles.

"Hah! Ofcourse Venus..of course. You are named after the gods of beauty and love. Ofcourse you are handsome ;) " earth said it with a wink on his face. I just blush and chuckles even though I don't like being called by the name of god of beauty I just liked it when it comes from earth mouth.

No one pov

And after chatting they finally reached the lowest level. They got out and headed toward the kitchen.they found mars there? Mars sees Venus and earth walking toward the kitchen and he immediately grin at Venus and run toward earth..mars hugs earth and kisses his cheek alot. Venus sees it and become jealous. Mars know that Venus liked earth so he wanted to get earth away from he can earth be his only...

1206 words
I don't know lol \⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠/
I think next chapter is gonna be smut and gonna be focusing toward Venus & mars love toward earth (probably but I'm joking 'Bout the smut) (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

Chapter 3 out!

Also follow my insta!!
Cause I'm gonna post spoiler on there

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