hearts awakened

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In the heart of the house where Yeosang and Chaehwa resided together, there existed a concealed chamber housing an ancient and ornate hourglass, a relic of unparalleled significance.

The hourglass, with its intricate design and mesmerizing glow, held within it the key to an indisputable trance, its purpose and power shrouded in mystery.

In a mesmerizing display, the entire hourglass levitated gracefully, defying the laws of gravity as it hung suspended in mid-air, its delicate form bathed in the celestial light that danced around it.

The sand inside the relic is not to measure time, but it is the vessel of forgotten memories, each grain carrying a remembrance left behind.

Chaehwa managed to get her hands on the hourglass through daring means. However, in the pursuit of its secrets, she had overlooked one crucial thing.

Is to keep a keen eye when the Prince is under the same roof as the relic.

For Seonghwa is of the highest martial stage, the force of energy in his hands can easily destroy the trance they have placed in the lock of the room. And now, as the unexpected occurred, she found herself facing the dire outcomes of the oversight.

A consequence, oh so drastic.

"Your Highness!"

Chaehwa's panicked exclaim turned faint in his ears as he struggled to focus, the ache in his head intensifying. Memories of a face he could barely recognize flashed through his mind, a woman with distinct brown hair— The same figure who clouded his being til this very day.

A pang clenched his heart once again.

"Are you alright? Is your head in pain?" Chaehwa's panicked voice rang as she rushed to the floor with him, her tender voice, a futile attempt to shake him out of his stupor.

Seonghwa breathed heavily as he couldn't get a hold of himself, barely able to utter a word as sweat trickled into his temples. His hand reached out to grasp the latter's arm, seeking support as unexplained visions continued to flood his mind.

"Tell me . . . Did you remember anything?" Chaehwa added as she surveyed the Prince intently. Her voice was almost hesitant and above a whisper, yet he heard it very well.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the pain dwindled, leaving Seonghwa looking up at the midnight-haired with eyes full of emotions.

Confusion, dread, unexplained longing. All reflected back to her.

"What... what just happened?" He managed to croak out, voice hoarse from the turmoil.

As if on cue, Yeosang barged into the room, his sudden entrance causing Seonghwa and Chaehwa to avert their eyes towards him. The shadow guard's baffled gaze darted back and forth between the hourglass and his wife, then to the Prince.

And when his eyes met the eyes of his wife, those green irises that were petrified from fear— he knew that something had gone wrong.

The drastic drop in temperature clung harshly to the atmosphere, and then Seonghwa's words cut through the both of them next.

"Tell me this instant," Seonghwa demanded, his eyes trailing upon the both of them. "There's something... In that hourglass that the both of you are hiding, isn't it?"

Chaehwa's voice shook as soon as she registered his words. "Your Highness, please understand that we did not mean to place sorcery upon you or anybody. We simply followed-"

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