Chapter 4

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Madison's P.O.V

After laying here for what feels like hours, I hope that its time to get up, I'm far too excited to sleep because today is the day that I get to see my favourite football team play in person. I eventually decide that it is definitely time to get up when my new alarm clock that is sat by the side of my bed reads 04:30. I quietly leave my room and walk towards Leah and Alessia's room where there aren't any lights on so I'm assuming that they are both still asleep. I stand outside their room unsure of weather to go in and wake them up or to go back to bed and wait for them to come and wake me up like they did yesterday.

Leah's P.O.V
I'm suddenly awoken by someone shaking my arm. As I open my eyes I see an excited looking Madison staring at me with the biggest grin on her face. 'What's the time?' I ask 'Ummm... I'm not too sure' Madison replies. I roll over to look at my phone to see hat the time is and it reads 04:45 'its so early, how come your awake?' I ask her 'I'm far too excited to sleep' she says 'when are we leaving?' she asks the excitement becoming more evident in her voice. 'we don't need to leave for over an hour yet Madison, come on lets go back to sleep I try to convince her.' 'but I'm to excited to sleep' she replies. 'you have two choices then, you can either lay here with Alessia and me or you can go and sit in your room and read a book' I tell her. She chooses to lay in bed with me and Alessia. Within 5 minute of her lying here between us she is asleep again thank goodness, it would have been a long day had she not.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I must have fallen asleep again (not that it was a bad thing) because the next thing I know my alarm is going off and it's time to get up so we can leave to get to Manchester. I turn the alarm off and roll over so that I can wake up Madison and Alessia. I slowly move my hand up and down Madison's arm in attempt to wake her up whilst whispering ' Time to get up now Madison we need to leave in 45 minutes' she rolls over and says ' I can't wait to see Kyra and Beth, I'm going to go and get dressed' she jumps up out of the bed and runs into her room to get changed. Next up Alessia, waking her up is always a task, she doesn't like being woken up. I slowly move my hand up and down Alessia's arm in attempt to wake her up. After a few minutes she breathes in deeply and on the exhale says 'good morning Le' 'good morning my love' I reply placing a soft kiss on the top of her head.

Madison's P.O.V

I went back into my room to try and decide what to wear to the game today, I wanted something comfortable as we were going to be sat on the bus for ages but I also wanted to wear something nice. I decided to wear a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt and a green hoodie. I then decide that it is probably a good idea to put few things in my backpack to help keep myself entertained on the bus, I pack the first Harry Potter book that Leah has let me borrow as well as the new colouring book and coloured pencils that Leah and Alessia bought me yesterday.

Once I had put them in my bag I go downstairs to find Leah making some toast for the three of us to eat for breakfast before we leave. 'Hey Madi, do you want a banana and some Nutella on your toast?' Leah asks me. 'Please' I reply. Leah hands me the plate and a banana and tells me to go and sit and eat my breakfast as we need to leave in 20 minutes. When I have finished my breakfast I put the banana skin in the bin and my plate in the dishwasher before heading upstairs to brush my teeth. On my way back downstairs I make sure that my bedroom light is turned off and open the blind. When I get back downstairs I put on my trainers and the go into the kitchen to grab a few snacks and a bottle of water to put in my bag for the bus.

'Ready to go Leah?' Alessia asked looking at her watch, 'I'm ready to go Alessia' I say. 'I know you are kiddo, you've been stood here for the last 10 minutes' she says with a chuckle. 'come on Le, if we don't leave within the next two minutes we're going to be late' she shouts. Less than a minute later Leah was stood at the door looking very flustered. 'Ok I'm ready to go' she says slightly out of breath. 'Come on, let's go' I beg, not being able to contain my excitement any longer. 'Come on then' Alessia says picking up the car keys. Once we get in the car Leah turned on the radio and connected her phone to the Bluetooth and started playing some weird country music.

20 minutes later we arrived at the training centre, 'finally' I thought to myself. I looked out the window and saw Kyra getting out of her car and I started waving and she waved back waiting by the side of her car as Leah parked in the spot beside her. All three of us got out of the car and Alessia opened the boot so that they could both grab their kit bags and could grab my back pack full of things to try and keep me occupied during the trip. 'morning Madi' Kyra said from behind us 'hey Kyra, I can't wait for todays match, I'm so excited.' I say whilst jumping up and down, not able to stand still from the excitement running though my body. Leah locked the car and put the keys I her bag making a mental note to herself to remember where she had put them. The four of us walked over to the team bus together, the older three putting their bags in the bag storage under the bus.

'who should we sit with Madi' Kyra asked. 'umm... what about Beth, Steph and Viv?' I ask. Kyra gives me a nod and we climb aboard the bus to go and find the others. we make it to he back of the bus where we find all three of them as well as Jen Beatie, we settle in our seats me sat in between Kyra as promised and Beth. 'How long is the drive? ' I asked the group 'about 3 and a half hours' Steph replied. 'ok' I responded grateful for the answer. As the bus left the training centre I opened my bag and grabbed the Harry Potter book deciding that this as probably the best thing to do to pass the time. I read the first five chapters of the book sat in absolute awe, it was amazing, I had never enjoyed a book as much I was enjoying Harry Potter. I poked Kyra's arm needing to ask her a question but she had her headphones in. 'What's up kiddo?' she asked taking one of her headphones out to show that she was listening to I was about to ask. 'What's the time?' I question, 'its 8:30 kiddo we've got about 2 hours left of the drive' 'ok thanks Kyra' I reply. I put the book back in my bag and decide to go sit and look out the window hoping it will pass some time. 'Well that's useless' I think to myself becoming more and more bored as each minute passes 'I'm so bored' I say starting to become restless from being sat down for such an extended period of time. Jen looks up from her phone and pulls out a deck of UNO cards from her bag. 'Anyone fancy a game?' she asks the group. They all snap their heads up and reply 'Yes' in unison.

After many games of UNO Leah walked towards us all and said 'were going to be there within the next 5 minutes you should probably start getting ready to get off and head into the stadium' After helping Jen tidy the cards away I grabbed my bag and walked over to where Leah and Alessia were sat just a few rows in front of where I have been sat for the best part of 3 hours. 'you ok kiddo?' Alessia asked 'I guess so, just starting to get bit nervous, there's going to be so many people there, its going to be loud and busy' I explain to them both. 'its going to be ok kiddo' Alessia said. Leah then said 'during the game Jonas has said that you can sit on the bench with Kyra, she wont leave your side the whole time, at half time your going to come back into the changing room with Alessia and I whilst Kyra warms up for the second half of the game and then we will figure out who you will sit with during the second half once we know who's going to be on the pitch.' I took a deep breath after listening to what Leah has said, it helps calm my nerves. I give them both a hug and say thank you for helping me feel less nervous about what would be happening throughout the day. A few moments later we pull up outside the Etihad stadium ready to face Manchester City. Leah and Alessia decided that it would be best for me to walk in slightly head of them to avoid any rumours and avoid too much attention and media on me.

A/N: once again thank you for all the support. Its a long one tonight hence the later upload. with the next chapter being the game it wont be up tomorrow as I want to make it the best it can be and make sure I put in all the details I can. Sorry for the late upload and hope you enjoyed it.

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