Chapter 6

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Alessia's P.O.V

As the half time whistle blew to say we were relieved was an understatement. The whole team practically ran into the changing rooms followed by the substitutes. Once we were in the changing rooms I saw Leah sat in her cubby looking sad, I immediately walked over to her and engulfed her in a hug and told her "its not your fault that either of those goals happened, don't blame yourself for something that we can't change" knowing what she was thinking. "Thank you" she whispered into my ear whilst placing a gentle kiss onto my cheek. Jonas then walked into the changing rooms and told us that even though the first half didn't go our way we could bring it back in the second half. it was going to be tough but we were all up for the challenge. Jonas then told us the subs that were going to come on at half time and throughout the second half. Jonas sent Lia, Beth, Kyra, Laura and Viv to warm up before the end of half time. As Kyra left the changing rooms to go and warm up I saw Madison stood there unsure of what to do or where to go so I waved her over towards where Leah and I were sat, she came and sat beside us and she cuddled into the side of me clearly tired from waking up so early this morning.

After around 5 minutes of the three of us sat there cuddled up together Madison looked up to us both and nervously asked "who am I going to sit with when Kyra goes on to play?" Leah and I both looked at one another and then Caitlin piped up and said "you can sit with me if you want to Kiddo, I'm coming off for Beth to go on so you can sit with both me and Kyra until she goes on?" Madison nodded her head eagerly excited to next next to the Aussie as both Leah and I both gave Caitlin an appreciative smile to say thank you. Madison then cuddled back into the side of me and didn't move again until Kyra came back into the room followed by all the others who had come to take their warm up kit off so they could be ready to go when when Jonas wanted them to.

Madison's P.O.V

After a tough first half Kyra and I as well as everyone else off of the subs bench followed the team into the changing rooms to listen to what Jonas had to say. I stood there not really listening to what was being said until I heard him say "Kyra you will go on around the 65th minute." I then felt the nerves that I had earlier on creeping back in. As Kyra, Beth, Viv, Lia and Laura went out onto the pitch to warm up for the second half I stood there not really knowing what to do with myself and then I saw Alessia wave me over towards her and Leah. I sat down beside them and cuddled into the side of Alessia hoping it would help relieve some of the nerves that were going through my body. It didn't help.

After a few moments I moved slightly so that I could look at Leah and Alessia and asked "who am I going to sit with when Kyra goes on to play?" Leah and Alessia both looked at one another as if to say 'we didn't think this far in advance'. Caitlin then said "you can sit with me if you want kiddo, I'm coming off at halftime for Beth to go on, so you can sit with both me and Kyra until she goes on?" I nodded my head happily, excited to get to sit next to Caitlin. I snuggled back into the side of Alessia and didn't move again until Kyra and the others came back in. Once everyone was completely ready and half time was over Jonas announced that Lotte would be coming off at half time for Lia Wälti as well as Caitlin coming off so Beth could go on. Everyone walked out of the changing rooms back towards the pitch where I once had again went and sat on the subs bench with Kyra and this time Caitlin as well. The whole team stepped onto the pitch more determined to win this game than they were on the way here.

No ones P.O.V

Here we are for the second half of this tense game the score is currently Manchester City 2- Arsenal 0. Is there any way Arsenal can bring their selves back into this game and go home with a win?

Arsenal have made 2 changes at half time taking Lotte Wubben-Moy and Caitlin Foord off for Lia Wälti and Beth Mead. Manchester city have stuck with the same 11 as they had for the first half.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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